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      MetaphysicsTruthTheories Of TruthChristian Apologetics
Essay discussing the Knowledge Question of: How important are the opinions of experts in the search of knowledge?
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      International BaccalaureateTheory of KnowledgeExpertsGeneral knowledge questions
Como se sabe, a partir del surgimiento de la corriente pragmatista -a raíz de la formulación por parte de Charles S. Peirce de la máxima pragmática- la noción de “verdad” ha ocupado un lugar central en su modo peculiar de pensar. Tal es... more
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Inleiding DAVDP 2014
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      Ancient HistoryGeologyMedieval HistoryScience Education
John Henry Newman, who was a significant figure of life in the nineteenth England, and which by many reaserchers is called on of the "most important theological thinkers of modern times" perfeclty fits into a wide panorama of the... more
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      TruthJohn Henry NewmanSearcher of the TruthPrawda
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      Islamic StudiesDoctrine of GodIslam and ChristianitySearcher of the Truth
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    • Searcher of the Truth
it sustains that  regulation of civil procedure in commom law is more apt to search truth thain in continental law
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    • Searcher of the Truth
We know that we are, but what and why we are, that we do not know. What is the true nature of the Self? The term Self-Realization indicates the awareness of our true nature. This paper shows the direct way to Self-Realization. It also... more
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What does it mean to care about the truth? And why does it matter whether you DO care? Haack's answer is more relevant than ever in our era of "post-truth."
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      PhilosophyInquiry Based LearningPeirceTruth
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    • Searcher of the Truth
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      ChristianityBibleJesus ChristDivinity
Maimonides' Guide raises more questions than answers in the quest for the ultimate truth of all existence. His religion does not offer the comfort many people of faith seek in their traditions. It entails a perpetual struggle for meaning... more
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      Biblical TheologyJudaismRabbinic JudaismMaimonides' Guide of Perplexed
Truth From Within revolves around the progressive metal band named Tool and how it contains so much more meaning than just ‘some cool music to listen to’. Music has the power to influence people through the overall sound, the lyrics, and... more
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      BuddhismMusicPhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
Buku ini sederhana. Mudah dicerna. Suatu kisah perjalanan dan kisah penemuan. Tetapi bukan penemuan teknologi atau biologi. Penemuan dalam bidang agama dan mazhab falsafah kehidupan. Karena penemuan ini berdasarkan pada pikiran yang sehat... more
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      TruthTheories Of TruthSyiahSearcher of the Truth
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      AristotleResearch MethodologyTruthAristotle's Commentators
I show how Karl Popper reconciled scepticism with epistemology and how he retrogressed when he identified truth as our epistemic aim. I criticise David Miller's defence of Popper's error and I consider and rebut objections, derived from... more
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      EpistemologyScepticismPhilosophical ScepticismTruth
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsCalculusPhilosophyMetaphysics
This paper presents detailed methods for constructing a flexible philosophical–analytical model through which to apply the analytic principles of CDA for the interpretation of metaphors across policy texts. Drawing on a theoretical... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Adventists see themselves as heirs of the Protestant Reformation. What does it mean to walk in the footsteps of the Reformers? Will the spiritual and doctrinal renewal of the church ever be completed? What implications does the ecclesia... more
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The main points of this full length outline on truth : 1. The meaning of truth, to include “what truth is not.” 2. The importance of truth. 3. Sayings about truth. 4. Scriptures that relate to truth. 5. Scriptures that reveal truth’s... more
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      TruthTheories of truth (Philosophy)Searcher of the TruthPost-Truth
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    • Searcher of the Truth
This paper examines the way the metaphor of diversity provides a moral basis for inequality in Singapore’s meritocratic education system. Based upon a collection of policy texts from 2002 to 2012, our analysis illustrates that the... more
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      Business EthicsDiscourse AnalysisEconomic HistoryPolitical Sociology
This essay was published in Quaker Religious Thought #112 (2009): 18-36. Following in the tradition of Cardinal Newman's The Idea of a University and Elton Trueblood's The Idea of a College, this essay develops an understanding of the... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityPhilosophy
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceIndian PhilosophyResearch Methods and Methodology
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      Spirituality & PsychologyConspiracyTruth Vs PoliticsSearcher of the Truth
You're searching for the truth. What sources of information should you use and trust ? Brian Martin recommends reflecting on a topic that you know a lot about and taking note of which information sources were useful or misleading. To... more
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      HIV and AIDSInformation SourcesTacticsWriting to Learn
One of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is that Jesus had died and allowed for the shedding of his blood for the sake of granting forgiveness to people. In other words Jesus had died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins. Let us... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionIslamic StudiesJesus Christ
'Thomas in context' is my latest series, that I have started after finishing my interactive translation, which revealed so many details that have been thoroughly neglected by all previous translations. Basically I will be republishing a... more
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      Translation StudiesLiterary CriticismSpiritualityEnlightenment
What's the definition, or possible definition consistent with Holy Scripture?
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      ReligionChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionSpirituality
Our work is an attempt to elucidate the role of truth and how it is considered in the foundations of nonviolence expressed by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy and Mohandas K. Gandhi. Once the difference between relative truth and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTruthRussian PhilosophyPeace & Conflict Studies
Thank you for the feedback. I hope you read it in full. My research scope was Christianity bound. Christianity serves as a perfect example of the intended purpose. The publication focuses on the criticism of idolatry within Christendom,... more
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      African StudiesPhilosophyHumanitiesTheology
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    • Searcher of the Truth
The Philebus describes the “good” that enables human eudaimonia as a “mixture” in which cognitive states have to be combined with certain types of pleasure. This essay investigates how the various senses of falsehood that Plato... more
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      PleasureTheory of the good life (Philosophy)UncertaintyFalsehood
I wrote a book called Youth, the Search for Meaning, and Religion. The book deals with the preventive and healing effects of religion on the search for meaning in youth. Young people, parents and educators can read the book.
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      ReligionYouth StudiesYouthMan's Search for Meaning
(in italiano e in inglese) La verità è la prima condizione necessaria della definizione minimale di conoscenza. Il nostro discorso parte dalla conoscenza per comprendere meglio le principali e più tradizionali teorie della verità. Truth... more
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      EpistemologyTruthTheories Of TruthTheories of truth (Philosophy)
The main points: The meaning of truth, to include “what truth is not.” The importance of truth. Sayings about truth. Scriptures that relate to truth. Scriptures that reveal truth’s attributes. “Buy the truth and sell it not”. Truth may... more
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      TruthTheories of truth (Philosophy)Searcher of the Truth
Nineteen Prescott Fire Department, Granite Mountain Hot Shot (GMHS) wildland firefighters (WF) perished in Arizona in June 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire, an inexplicable wildland fire disaster. In complex wildland fires, sudden, dynamic changes... more
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      Human FactorsLessons LearnedSearcher of the TruthGroupthink Theory
This paper is published as part of a trilogy: logion 63, 64 and 65: The Parable of the Rich Man in Context: don't mistake means for goals. The Parable of the Dinner in Context: friends have become strangers. The Parable of the Vineyard... more
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      History of ReligionCoptic StudiesSpirituality & MysticismFatigue
The story of my personal search for meaning and for God.
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      ChristianityContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityMeaning of Life
A Christocentric double search involves both our search for truth and being sought by truth. Seeing Christ as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), all truth is liberating (John 8:32), and the Spirit of Truth guides believers into... more
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      ReligionChristianityEpistemologyPhilosophy Of Religion
الواقعية هي معرفة الحقيقة، أي إدراك الأمور المختلفة دون أحكام مسبقة أو إسقاطات ذاتية أو جمعية، وهذا ما يحصل بالإشتراك بين العقل والمرجعية السماوية. يحتاج الإنسان إلى إدراك واضح وبسيط وكلي للعالم لكي يتمكن من التعامل بشكل عقلاني ومتناغم مع... more
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      Critical RealismIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Realism (Philosophy)
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    • Searcher of the Truth
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionPhilosophy Of Religion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hut ab, Herr Aigner, vor Ihrem Mut! Es braucht mehr Wissenschaftler Ihres Formates, dann bricht das Kartenhaus der Lügen um diese 'Pandemie' zusammen! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und... more
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      Neo-FascismFraud Detection And PreventionPolitical CorruptionScientific Realism
Realm of Beauty and Truth is my latest collection of poems that can be enjoyed travelling through the world of beauty, truth, love, spirituality, patriotism, peace and universal brotherhood, and sometimes halting for having some glimpses... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsAestheticsEnglish Literature
A presentation concerning the search for truth in philosophy
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      PhilosophyTruthSearcher of the Truth
Como se sabe, a partir del surgimiento de la corriente pragmatista -a raíz de la formulación por parte de Charles S. Peirce de la máxima pragmática- la noción de “verdad” ha ocupado un lugar central en su modo peculiar de pensar. Tal es... more
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Haack answers a wide range of questions about her work--and even makes a modest foray into recent Turkish history and law.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceHumor (Psychology)
1. «Gli uomini sono un vero mistero per i loro simili»
2. Un’equazione impossibile
3. Possibilità infinita, caos
4. Bugie!
5. Verità
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      Literature and cinemaTruthCinemaTruthmaking