When it is costly for a store (i.e., clearinghouse) to mediate trade, a speculative demand for money may arise. Trading money to another agent for a good, rather than trading good for good through a store, allows the money holder to... more
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of... more
Most labor market search models focus on individuals, ignoring the fact that decisions are often made at the household level. We fill this gap by developing and estimating a household search model with on-the-job search and labor supply.... more
Labor markets become more efficient in theory if jobseekers direct their search. Using online job board data, we show that high-wage ads attract more applicants as in directed search models. Due to distinctive data features, we also... more
The paper studies a matching model with on-the-job search, transferable utility and heterogeneous agents. Matched agents can set the conditions under which a given match can be dissolved. It is shown that matched agents use sign-off fees... more
As recent world events show, criminal and terrorist access to nuclear materials is a growing national concern. The national laboratories are taking the lead in developing technologies to counter these potential threats to our national... more
Recently D.J. Snower and the author have idea is the use of sales levels as feedback in an considered several models whereby a monopo-optimal search for the "hidden" demand curve. 1isticJirm chooses a sequence of price and pro-This paper... more
To have confidence in the results of an archaeological survey, whether for heritage management or research objectives, we must have some assurance that the survey was carried out to a reasonably high standard. This paper discusses the use... more
Many goods are marketed after first stating a list price, with the expectation that the eventual sales price will differ. In this paper we first present a simple model of search behavior that includes the seller setting a list price.... more
Visual search in an unstructured search field is a fruitful research area for computational modeling. Search models that describe relationship between search time and probability of target detection have been used for prediction of human... more
This paper analyzes the conditional probability of leaving unemployment of French married individuals from 1991 to 2002. We find that the effect of spousal labor income on unemployment duration is asymmetric for men and women. In... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this N P-hard problem is a path on a graph that maximizes the... more
Every year there are numerous cases of individuals becoming lost in remote wilderness environments. Principles of search theory have become a foundation for developing more efficient and successful search and rescue methods. Measurements... more
This paper investigates the matching of seller and buyer firms in the market for technology licensing. By combining organizational learning theory with the industrial organization approach, we propose a matching model in which... more
We propose a new search-theoretic model of monetary exchange with indivisible assets, based on price posting instead of bargaining, and incorporating noisy search. This yields some familiar results, plus a lot more. The model admits... more
La trascendencia del dinero como institucion en la sociedad actual, hace indispensable contar con una teoria que permita tanto explicar rigurosamente las razones por las cuales el dinero fiable tiene un valor positivo en equilibrio, como... more
We demonstrate the existence of periodic nonstationary equilibria with self-generating cycles in a simple model of random search. Our results provide a theory of synchronized sales based on product market search by heterogeneous... more
In this study we introduce a new potential data source on migration intentions in the form of online job seekers actively searching for a job in a country other than their current location. We characterize job seeker interest across... more
Our paper analyzes and compares two attempts at integrating unemployment in macroeconomics. The first, due to Peter Diamond, consists in a search model exhibiting multiple equilibria and wherein cycles may be produced. The second is due... more
We develop a model of monetary exchange that avoids several common criticisms of the recent microfoundations literature. First, rather than random matching, we assume that buyers know the location of all sellers, and hence the process of... more
We develop a model of monetary exchange that avoids several common criticisms of the recent microfoundations literature. First, rather than random matching, we assume that buyers know the location of all sellers, and hence the process of... more
A search-theoretic model of the retail market for illegal drugs is developed. Trade occurs in bilateral, potentially long-lived matches between sellers and buyers. Buyers incur search costs when experimenting with a new seller. Moral... more
Nancy Cartwright views models as blueprints for nomological machines – machines that, if properly shielded, generate law-like behaviour or regularities. Marcel Boumans has argued that we can look for devices inside models, which enable us... more
views models as blueprints for nomological machines-machines which, if properly shielded, generate lawlike behaviour or regularities. Marcel Boumans has argued that we can look for devices inside models which enable us to measure aspects... more
We apply marital search theory to examine whether out-of-wedlock childbearing affects mate selection patterns among American women. Using 1980-1995 CPS data, we apply probit models with selection to account for potential selection bias... more
This paper uses search theory to examine the role that risk preference (RP) plays in farmland preservation. Assuming that the distribution of the offer price is fixed, the analysis indicates that risk-averse agents have lower reservation... more
We develop a model in which a single currency plays the role of medium of exchange in two countries, while their governments are free to determine their fiscal balance and the extent to which they need to extract seigniorage from the... more
This paper introduces an optimal algorithm for solving the discrete grid-based coverage path planning (CPP) problem. This problem consists in finding a path that covers a given region completely. First, we propose a CPP-solving baseline... more
The contributions by the 2010 Nobel Prize winners in Economics stand out in examinations of the role of frictions in different markets, in which heterogeneities and specificities make a search process necessary in order to find a... more
Many goods are marketed after first stating a list price, with the expectation that the eventual sales price will differ. In this paper we first present a simple model of search behavior that includes the seller setting a list price.... more
A wellestablished fact in monetary theory is that a key ingredient for the essentiality of money is its role as a form of memory. In this paper we study a notion of memory that includes information about an agent's past actions and... more
Labor markets become more efficient in theory if jobseekers direct their search. Using online job board data, we show that high-wage ads attract more applicants as in directed search models. Due to distinctive data features, we also... more
All too often, the hard work that members of the scholarly community do to support our profession goes unrecognized. For the seventh year, the Editorial Board of Operations Research has decided to reward outstanding service to the... more
Interorganizational relationships in networks that enable organizations to leverage resources and access expertise located beyond firm boundaries are increasingly important sources of competitive advantage. Information technologies such... more
Study of wilderness search and rescue (WiSAR) incidents suggests a dependency on demographics as well as physical geography in relation to decisions made before/after becoming lost and subsequent locations in which subjects are found.... more
Disability rolls have escalated in developed nations over the last 40 years. The UK stands out because the numbers on these benefits stopped rising when a welfare reform ("Jobcentre Plus") was introduced that integrated employment... more
Social scientists have long used 'chain' metaphors, yet their methodological justification remains somewhat hazy. This paper offers a rationale for using chains to measure changes in economic welfare in urban and regional contexts. In... more
This paper investigates the relationship between money growth, inflation, and productive activity in a general equilibrium model where search frictions motivate the transactions role of money. The use of a multiple matching technique,... more
It IS straightforward to allow for job loss, with probability say, 5, in a given period in ihis model. However, the inclusion of job loss in this fashion does not alter the basic results presented below (see Lynch (1983)). This model,... more
The aim of this paper is to elucidate Keynes's Marshallian lineage. I argue that the result of bringing out the Marshallian antecedents of the General Theory highlights Keynes's failure to achieve the theoretical project he was striving... more