Sea Voyage Narratives

15 papers
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Sea voyage narratives are literary and historical accounts that describe the experiences, challenges, and observations of individuals during maritime journeys. These narratives often explore themes of exploration, adventure, and the human relationship with the sea, serving as important documents for understanding cultural, social, and historical contexts of seafaring.
This paper comprehensively examines sea fiction as world literature from the theoretical perspectives of Franco Moretti and David Damrosch by exploring how it qualifies as world literature through the lens of their theories, highlighting... more
This article presents a micro-spatial study of the trajectories of two prison breakers in 18 th-century Denmark-Norway reconstructed from court documents and interrogations. Both men escaped multiple times from institutions known as... more
In 1683 the fragile Danish Atlantic was shaken by a mutiny orchestrated by a coalition of common sailors and convicts. On the way to St. Thomas in the Caribbean, they seized the ship, Havmanden, and killed their superiors. Among the dead... more
Jessica Güsken »Yes, Sir« Konformieren, Verschwinden und Erzählen in B. Travens Das Totenschiff »Das Totenschiff«, so hat es B. Traven 1926 den Lesern seines gleichnamigen Romans erklärt, »ist ein Schiff, das von Toten, von Gespenstern... more
В статье исследуется историографическая дискуссия, развернувшаяся уже в наше время вокруг плавания капитана Гоннвиля 1503–1505 гг. Со второй половины XIX в. отчёт об этом путешествии стал считаться первым документальным свидетельством... more
This book explores the concept of school belonging in adolescents from a socio-ecological perspective, acknowledging that young people are uniquely connected to a broad network of groups and systems within a school system. Using a... more
The sea voyage, especially through open-water, was considered one of the most dangerous modes of travel during the Middle Ages due to unpredictable forces of nature and the numerous marvels (MHG wunder) that could be expected. This... more
This book explores the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities as victims, offenders and staff within the criminal justice system. It draws on both emerging and existing LGBT research and campaigns to identify... more
A study of some of the medieval versions of the Jason and Medea legend that begins with a review of the classical sources, Dares and Benoit de Sainte-Maure, Guido delle Colonne (and other versions of Italian origin), Alfonso X and related... more
Two Spanish works bracket the early period of Spanish exploration, conquest, and settlement spanning about a hundred years. Columbus's Diario de abordo (1492) is a factual account of the first voyage to America, while Cervantes's Los... more
This article is an attempt to look at the practices and discourses of gendering the body within the site of a particular dance form—Mohiniyattam. Mohiniyattam is considered to be the classical dance form of women of Kerala. It is... more
The revival in contemporary fiction of the sea voyage of exploration as a subject must be seen in conjunction with postmodern attempts to overcome exhausted literary conventions. Voyages into time and space are functionalized for... more
Remmington provides a rich analysis of black South African journalist Solomon Plaatje’s under-studied sea narrative written en route to imperial London as part of the African National Congress’s 1914 deputation to protest against the... more
La Biblioteca Nacional de España cuenta con un ejemplar de la obra de Antonio Pigafetta titulada Il viaggio fatto da gli spagniuoli a torno a'l mondo, publicado en Venecia en 1536 por L. A. Giunta, referenciado como Edit 16, CNCE 73425 y... more