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The current article is practice-oriented and is intended for shipowners and sea carriers as well as for practitioners and students who wish to revise or expand their knowledge on this specific area of the carriage of goods by sea. The... more
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      Maritime LawShipping/ Transport LogisticsShippingCarriage of Goods by Sea
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMaritime History
In our days the demand for sea transport is in great importance. The commodities that are transported have many differences on the type and on the groups that they divided into. Below there will be a presentation of the demand in our... more
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      LogisticsShipping/ Transport LogisticsTransportationDemand Analysis
[ Hiểu và sử dụng tiếng anh tốt luôn là lợi thế cho bất kỳ ai, đặc biệt là các bạn sinh viên học chuyên ngành Thương mại quốc tế. Để giúp các bạn có thêm nhiều kiến thức bổ ích, tôi đã thu thập 30 thuật ngữ thường dùng trong chuyên ngành... more
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Nel corso degli ultimi decenni il processo di globalizzazione dell’economia mondiale ha portato ad una crescita del commercio internazionale. Le ragioni di questo sviluppo sono molteplici: il decentramento delle attività produttive, le... more
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanSeafarersPort cities
Here are the some basic procedure in preparing documentation of import and export in shipping.
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      Shipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping ManagementShippingShipping Economics
Selain mempunyai hak yang banyak, Nakhoda / The Master juga seorang manusia biasa yang bisa tersangkut oleh Perbuatan Melawan Hukum. Bagaimanakah pertanggung jawabannya?
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      International LawSea Transportation
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      Portugal (History)Religious StudiesThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersHospitaller Order of St John
1.1. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah suatu keadaan dimana terjadi kenaikan pendapatan nasional (Produk Domestik Bruto atau Produk Nasional Bruto) tanpa memandang kenaikan pendapatan tersebut melebihi pertumbuhan penduduk.... more
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      EconomicsFisheriesSea TransportationNaval Architecture and Marine Engineering
2012 yılından bu yana tarafımızca sürdürülen Kekova Adası Arkeolojik Yüzey/Sualtı Araştırmaları 2015 yılında Kekova Adası batı bölümünde yer alan ve günümüzde Tersane Koyu olarak anılan doğal koy ve bu koyun güneyindeki kentsel yerleşim... more
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      Coastal and Island ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyPorts and HarboursSettlement archaeology
Öz Osmanlı Devleti'nde deniz yoluyla yapılan nakliye, belli bir ücret karşılığında ge-miler vasıtasıyla sağlanırdı. Navl, navl-ı sefîne/sefâîn veyahut navlun olarak anılan bu ücretler, taşınan malın cinsine ve nakliye yapılacak mesafeye... more
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      Ottoman HistorySea TransportationOsmanlı TarihiKaradeniz
PT XYZ adalah perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dengan bidang usaha transportasi laut untuk angkutan penumpang dan barang antar pulau. Wilayah Indonesia yang terdiri dari 17.503 pulau, sangat membutuhkan sarana transportasi laut... more
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    • Sea Transportation
Криминалната хроника от българската акватория на Черно море през пролетта на 2019 г. напомни за неочакваните аспекти в използването на морския транспорт от сектори на икономиката, определяни с термини като „сенчести“ и „скрити“.... more
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      CriminologySea TransportationSmuggling
In historical development, boundary is critical matter due to related to living space. The aspect of space also concentrates to economical resources that become the mainstream for soiety as well as national life. Indonesia has a very long... more
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      Economic GrowthMaritimeSea Transportation
In discussion of exchange in Bronze Age Europe, travel is little discussed. In this paper we discuss how in the Netherlands at the Rhine-Meuse basin two large interaction networks meet. Interestingly several aspects of these traditions do... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Sea Transportation
The technical features of travel by water, on sea and up rivers, are not registered as strongly as it should be in studies of the Shakespearean period. In his great edition of The Spanish Tragedy Philip Edwards mocked the author’s... more
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      ShakespeareEarly English DramaThomas KydSea Transportation
The authors use a social network analysis to map the changing patterns of obsidian supply among the Maya during the period of Classic to Postclassic transition. The quantity of obsidian received from different sources was calculated for... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomic SociologySocial Change
This chapter is drawn from research done for a book on the history of food and globalization from the standpoint of the Caribbean/Latin American country of Belize. The book’s main subject is the continuing entanglement of local food and... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationInternational TradeColonialism
Transporting lambs directly from weaning to slaughter is a common practice in Chile. A long journey that includes road transport and sea-ferry crossing, lasting 48 h in total, has driven attention lately due to possible negative effects... more
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      Animal WelfareAnimal ProductionCortisolSheep
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      Ship DesignMaritime SafetySea TransportationLaw of the Sea/Maritime Law
This article examines the transportation of Greek emigrants to Australia during the first post-WWII decades, c. 1945–77. It considers the relative politics, the business of transportation, the lived experiences of the emigrants and the... more
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      Transport HistoryMaritime HistoryImmigration StudiesModern Greek History
The current article is practice-oriented and is intended for shipowners and sea carriers as well as for practitioners and students who wish to revise or expand their knowledge on this specific area of the carriage of goods by sea. The... more
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      EngineeringLawMaritime LawShipping/ Transport Logistics
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    • Sea Transportation
Based on ancient sources, the study tries to show that during ancient times the Caspian Sea had been used for navigation and transport of goods as part of the Eurasian commercial exchange. Numerous reports of ancient authors such as... more
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      AntiquityCaucasian StudiesSouth CaucasusSea Transportation
The methods for the scientific assessment of the welfare of animals during transport are now well-established and precise, at least for the main farm species. Factors affecting welfare include: knowledge and attitudes of staff involved,... more
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      Road TransportAnimal WelfareFarm Animal WelfareSea Transportation
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      Marine BiologyCoastal ManagementCoastal EngineeringInternational Law
Llegados al siglo XV empezó una carrera de exploraciones europeas destinadas a completar los vacíos de los mapas occidentales, con abundantes promociones desde las coronas por intereses políticos. Pero muchas veces olvidamos que antes de... more
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      HistoryRoman HistorySpanish HistoryHistory Portuguese and Spanish
Ñòàòüÿ ïîñâÿùåíà ïåðñïåêòèâàì ðàçâèòèÿ Ñåâåðíîãî ìîðñêîãî ïóòè è Ñåâåðî-Çàïàäíîãî ïðîõîäà â êà÷åñòâå íîâûõ ìîðñêèõ ïóòåé. Àíàëèçèðóåòñÿ íåäàâíåå êàíàäñêîå è ðîññèéñêîå çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî â îòíîøåíèè èõ àðêòè÷åñêèõ âîä è øàíñû íà... more
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      ArcticArctic GovernanceSea TransportationNorthwest Passage
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      Cruise TourismSea TransportationDerecho del transportePassenger transport
Crew scheduling problems have been widely studied in various transportation sectors, such as airlines, railways, and urban buses. However, to date, it appears that application of these problems in sea transport has been very limited. In... more
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      Mathematical SciencesSea TransportationCrew Scheduling
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      Cruise TourismSea TransportationTransportesDerecho del transporte
Transporting lambs directly from weaning to slaughter is a common practice in Chile. A long journey that includes road transport and sea-ferry crossing, lasting 48 h in total, has driven attention lately due to possible negative effects... more
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      Animal WelfareAnimal ProductionCortisolSheep
Transporting lambs directly from weaning to slaughter is a common practice in Chile. A long journey that includes road transport and sea-ferry crossing, lasting 48 h in total, has driven attention lately due to possible negative effects... more
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      Animal WelfareAnimal ProductionCortisolSheep