Sea Level Change and related impacts
Recent papers in Sea Level Change and related impacts
Publication is required by Alaska Statute 41, "to determine the potential of Alaskan land for production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources; the location and supplies of groundwater and construction materials; the... more
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
The draft paper as at 24th April which is updated from the draft made for the oral presentation session (5th April 2017 does not contain any references and text errors needed corrections). The paper is still being worked on with more... more
Bangladesh, one of the most disaster-prone country in south Asian region experiences tropical cyclones, storm surges, coastal erosions and floods almost every year. Very recently, tropical cyclone ‚Roanu' has caused extreme devastation... more
Recently NATURE published a discussion on construction of sills in attempt to prevent or slow melting glaciers that are discharging ice into the ice fjords. Several further papers promptly followed publication of this essentially... more
New elements concerning human impacts on the Vendee coast at the end of the Mesolithic period. A pollen analysis undertaken on coastal mud flats (Biltard beach, Bretignolles-sur-Mer, Vendee. western France) has revealed elements... more
People have been at war with climate forever. Imagining the Ideal Climate . “Paradox of Second Best”: Global warming has no second best option. Is “climate proofing” a country’s impossible dream? a PowerPoint Presentation in the... more
SUNTO (Abstract) La tutela del patrimonio ambientale, del paesaggio e il riconoscimento del valore del capitale naturale sono compiti e temi a cui richiamano sia l'Europa che le Nazioni Unite, dove in Italia ricoprono un'importanza... more
This article presents a review of the data collected from the palynological analysis of six sites situated on the southern edge of the Armorican Massif (coastal Vendée, Western France). A multi and interdisciplinary approach, involving... more
M. 2008: Foraminifer communities and environmental change in marginal marine sequences (Pliocene, Tuscany, Italy). Lethaia , Vol. 41, Fossil abundance data on foraminifer communities were collected in marginal marine sediments of the... more
Recent discoveries from Pakefield and Happisburgh (Britain) have provided clear evidence for an unexpectedly early hominin occupation of north-west Europe. The sites, found in the deposits of interglacial rivers and estuaries on the... more
Hemipelagic rhythmites of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and two-dimensional numerical modelling of coexisting hemipelagic and siliciclastic depositional systems reveal important details on hemipelagic sequence stratigraphy. Lowstand... more
My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in... more
Tuckerton Peninsula forms a large expanse (~2,000 ha) of highly inundated Spartina salt marsh in the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (JCNERR). Tuckerton Peninsula is highly suceptible to sea-level rise and other... more
Almost every year, Bangladesh experiences disasters such as tropical cyclones, storm surges, coastal erosion or floods. Tropical cyclones originate from the North Indian Ocean and often cause devastating flood inundations in Bangladesh.... more
Geomorphological and biological archives of relative sea-level change in the western North Atlantic-Caribbean region following the Last Glacial Maximum have traditionally supported the hypothesis of a punctuated rise towards the present... more
"The late-Holocene stratigraphy of Marseilles harbour is presented together with archaeological evidence and radiocarbon data. An anthropogenic oyster midden, dated between c. 4260 and 3400 14C yr BP is followed by a period of siltation... more
In the ancient harbor of Marseilles, marine fauna ®xed upon archaeological structures as well as bio-sedimentary units document a 1.5 m steady rise in relative sea level during the past 5000 years, followed by a near stable level at... more
Field study of bioeroded littoral notches in several regions of the world was used to test the various values of bioerosion rates proposed in the literature. Data obtained, which are somewhat lower than values currently indicated, were... more
During the past few years, relative sea-level research in Italy has seen the rapid development of local studies using archaeological indicators. The publication "Sea level changes since the Middle Ages along the coast of the Adriatic Sea:... more
1] To the simplest approximation, Earth's continental crust is a floating aggregate on the planet's surface that is first attracted to subduction zones and, upon arrival, thickened by mountain building (then producing some extension).... more
la fermeture définitive du couloir d'entrée de la grotte Cosquer par la montée du niveau de la mer a eu lieu aux environs de
7 000 ans avant J.-C.
7 000 ans avant J.-C.
Sri Lanka is an island country located in South East Asia with about 1650 kilometers of coastal line. Sea level rise is an important issue to investigate as the seas level change could adversely affect the livelihood of the coastal... more
Seen from the air, the five streets that make up Oakwood Beach, New York look out of place —they are nothing more than a few spindly fingers of soil surrounded by flat estuarine wetlands. Three miles inland is Todt Hill, which, at 410... more
The last deglaciation is characterized by a rapid sea-level rise and coeval abrupt environmental changes. The Barbados coral reef record suggests that this period has been punctuated by two brief intervals of accelerated melting... more
In the following entries, Conrad Scott (University of Alberta) shares syllabi and assignments from as well as reflections on three courses: "Narrative Temporalities," "Speculative Indigenous Fiction," and "Humanity and Nature."
Sri Lanka is an island country located in South East Asia with about 1650 kilometers of coastal line. Sea level rise is an important issue to investigate as the seas level change could adversely affect the livelihood of the coastal... more
Coastal archaeological resources around the world often coincide with dense contemporary human populations and a rapidly changing physical environment. Projected sea level rise and urban expansion during the 21st century threaten to... more
ABSTRACT Supported by the U.S. National Park Service's Historic Preservation Fund program, the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission administered surveys of coastal archaeological sites damaged by 2012's... more
The Somerset Levels are valleys infilled with thick sequences of Quaternary sediments. The Holocene sequence is referred to as the Somerset Levels Formation and may be subdivided into lower, middle and upper units, defined by their... more
Stefano Dominici received his Master's degree from the University of Florence with a thesis on Pliocene shells collected not far from strata in Tuscany visited by Leonardo da Vinci and Niels Steno-the parallel ending here. He received a... more
Abstract The importance of Pozzuoli's archaeological ruins in linking sea-level change and Earth deformation with volcanic activity has been recognized since the nineteenth century. The... more