The scientific community shows a great interest in the study of DNA damage induction, DNA damage repair and the biological effects on cells and cellular systems after exposure to ionizing radiation. Several in-silico methods have been... more
Good scientific practice requires good documentation and traceability of every research step in order to ensure reproducibility and repeatability of our research. However, with increasing data availability and ability to record big data,... more
Recognition of destination address is compulsory for automation of the postal system in India. Our observation found that such recognition becomes a very challenging task due to inter-mixing of three languages (Hindi, English and the... more
The MacQTEX quiz system uses JavaScript [1, 9] embedded within PDF format [4] documents to allow students to do multiple-choice style quizzes. The Internet may be used to supply the quiz document, and to record results. But even when not... more
The use of the Guided Writing Activity Strategy (SAMT) method in making a simple dialogue script can be applied by the teacher to optimize the ability of students. SAMT method makes the role of the teacher who so far has only been a giver... more
This essay re-examines several examples of non-performance based artworks from the perspective and history of performance art. For instance, the photomontages I produced as an undergrad art student were based on repeated acts of stealing... more
This essay re-examines several examples of non-performance based artworks from the perspective and history of performance art. For instance, the photomontages I produced as an undergrad art student were based on repeated acts of stealing... more
Handwritten signature datasets are really necessary for the purpose of developing and training automatic signature verification systems. It is desired that all samples in a signature dataset should exhibit both inter-personal and... more
A poetic performative script is offered in this piece to highlight through critical playful speech the metaphoric, archetypal, and narrative forms of habituation and scripting that lay powerfully in the shadows of intercultural... more
Molecular simulation is a scientific tool used in many fields including material science and biology. This requires constant development and enhancement of algorithms within molecular simulation software packages. Here, we present... more
The emergence of increasingly social and connected technologies is providing new opportunities for computer supported collaborative learning designs, (e.g., user-contributed content, tangible and embodied interactions, and augmented... more
Design and Implementation of Web Based Recruitment Portal for Nigeria Civil Service Commission Abuja
Web based recruitment portal is a web-based application that monitors the recruitment process of any organization online. It has the features that allow the user to apply for a job online. When application is sent through the web portal,... more
SugarCubes is a set of Java classes used to implement reactive, event based, concurrent systems. It is a low-level basis upon which more complex reactive formalisms can be implemented. SugarCubes introduces the notion of a global logical... more
The SugarCubes are a set of Java classes used to implement reactive, event based, parallel systems. The SugarCubes can be seen as a low-level basis upon which more complex reactive formalisms can be implemented. They also provide a... more
Before the advent of the colonialist in Nigeria, Arabic language was used as the official language of communication and of daily intercourse. Historical records also confirmed that for about three centuries between 17 th and 19 th... more
We examine the problem of "understanding robots" and design an F-2 emotional robot to "understand" speech and to support human-like behavior. The suggested system is an applied implementation of the theoretical concept of robotic... more
Two studies were conducted to examine the use of grounded embodied pedagogy, construction of Imaginary Worlds (Study 1), and context of instructional materials (Study 2) for developing learners' Computational Thinking (CT) Skills and... more
Applications for handwritten script digitization include automated form processing, archival preservation, document digitization, handwriting recognition software, and historical document research. The performance of the recognition... more
All humans are obliged to be educated. The objective of the subject of education is to improve the quality of oneself in order to become a complete person. In achieving that goal, education has tools to support its smooth running. One of... more
Genetic algorithms have become one of successful tools in design and topology optimization. The optimization module based on genetic algorithms was developed and employed in Abaqus/CAE by GUI and kernel scripting. The new module extends... more
Genetic algorithms have become one of successful tools in design and topology optimization. The optimization module based on genetic algorithms was developed and employed in Abaqus/CAE by GUI and kernel scripting. The new module extends... more
Archives are reviews that have been written, printed and in various forms made by groups/organizations, individuals and institutions or agencies within a company. The archive contains letters, deeds, scripts, books, charters and so on,... more
It seeks also to unveil the taboos in the discourses about memory, and the policies of reminding treated by the author in his cultural project. To scrutinize this issue, we adopted an approach of criticism of criticism based on three... more
war Real Time Strategy (wRTS) games a human player controls, in real time, an army consisting of a number of soldiers and her aim is to destroy the opponent's assets where the opponent is a virtual (i.e., non-human player controlled)... more
1.1 Justificación y alcance del trabajo Los últimos 10 años han sido un punto de inflexión para los modelos de lenguaje y las arquitecturas que los sustentan, lo que ha conllevado mejoras sustanciales en el procesamiento automático del... more
We argue that traditional sequencing technology developed in the field of intelligent tutoring systems could find an immediate place in large-scale Web-based education as a core technology for concept-based course maintenance. This paper... more
war Real Time Strategy (wRTS) games a human player controls, in real time, an army consisting of a number of soldiers and her aim is to destroy the opponent's assets where the opponent is a virtual (i.e., non-human player controlled)... more
Cloud computing has become the norm of today's heavily used computer science applications. Load balancing is the key to efficient cloud based deployment architectures. It is an essential component in the deployment architecture when it... more
The GCC free compiler is a very large software, compiling source in several languages for many targets on various systems. It can be extended by plugins, which may take advantage of its power to provide extra specific functionality... more
The paper describes three approaches that are used to teach the symbols of Indic scripts, such as Devanagari-shape similarity, productive symbols, and through an alphabetic system.
Although Indians represent a sizable market for computers and mobile phones, the technology for typing and displaying text in Indic scripts has lagged far behind the demand. The main hurdles have been (a) the nature of the Indic scripts... more
In this preliminary study, we reported only the data assessed through the following self-report measures: 1) the Youth Self Report 11/18 (YSR 11/18; Achenbach, 2001) to measure the self-referred rates of internalizing (cut-of M>29; F >... more
The provision of toxic content and misinformation is a frequent phenomenon in current social media with specific impact and risks for younger users. We report on efforts taken in the project Courage to mitigate and overcome these threats... more
Road accidents have increased rapidly in recent years for a variety of reasons. Analyzing and visualizing road accidents through heatmaps can help improve policies for their prevention by informing about areas with a high-risk of road... more
Baylor and Deslauriers' application of script theory to dreams is described. The theory views dreams in waking-life terms of having characters with knowledge, plans, goals, and reasons. Problems with the notion of imaginary characters... more
Writing is considered as an important but a difficult language skill for undergraduates. To develop writing skills, undergraduates need to be given the opportunity to interact with and help one another in the writing process. They also... more
Figure : Overview of the Wrapyfi framework. From top to bottom: 1) Data types are encoded or decoded depending on the transmission mode; 2) Encoded objects are prepared for transmission using the Request/Reply or Publish/Subscribe... more
In a companion paper, we showed that weak and strong notions of substitutes in economies with discrete goods have different implications for auction theory and equilibrium theory. In contrast, for the divisible goods case with concave... more
P r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e 3 2 n d I S C I E I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n S t o c h a s t i c S y s t e m s T h e o r y a n d I t s A p p l i c a t i o n s T o t t o r i . N o v . 1 -2 . 2 0 0 0 . T~e ~anN on S y s... more
Proteins are composed of amino acids and relative ordering of amino acids form various proteins. Proteins fold into 3D structures and their structures determine their functions. Organs are made of proteins and proteins orchestrate various... more
munger1~ is a new and enhanced version of a powerful Max/MSP real-time granular synthesis external found in the PeRColate library. Apart from added features and optimizations, including ability to generate theoretically unlimited number... more
In this paper, the traditional model of mentoring is briefly explained. A description of the current technique, which has developed from the traditional model, is then presented and a distinction made between mentoring and coaching,... more
In this paper, the traditional model of mentoring is briefly explained. A description of the current technique, which has developed from the traditional model, is then presented and a distinction made between mentoring and coaching,... more
Masses-interactions modeling, also called physics Newtonian networks modeling, was pioneered in the late 70's with the CORDIS-ANIMA formalism. It is a modular physics-based approach, used in sound design, musical instruments design and... more
Virtual reality (VR) has re-emerged as a low-cost, highly accessible consumer product, and training on simulators is rapidly becoming standard in many industrial sectors. However, the available systems are either focusing on gaming... more
Indonesia has entered the fourth industrial revolution with significant advances in computer technology and education systems. The National Education System has the objective to create superior human resources through the use of advanced... more
This paper introduces our neural machine translation systems’ participation in the WAT 2020 (team ID: goku20). We participated in the (i) Patent, (ii) Business Scene Dialogue (BSD) document-level translation, (iii) Mixed-domain tasks.... more