Recent papers in Scribes
Comments (1) Although squeezed and slightly damaged, the numeral is likely 10. (2) For qīptum written logographically šu-la₂ see the remarks in Stol 1998: 884. (11) The only significant variant between both manuscripts is in the last... more
An invited talk for the Chicago chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt
In Communal Creativity in the Making of the ‘Beowulf’ Manuscript, Simon Thomson analyses details of scribal activity to tell a story about the project that preserved Beowulf as one of a collective, if error-strewn, endeavour and arguing... more
This thesis contests the reified status of ‘scribe’ and its Egyptological construction as social category, and returns to the ancient Egyptian writing practices attested in the archaeological record. It aims to deconstruct the ‘scribe’... more
This study explores the personal copyist statement in the tablet colophons, the scribes who appear in them and the tablets’ findspots in order to demonstrate the relationships between text, scribe and the scholarly work environment of... more
In Scribal Habits in Sixth-Century Greek Purple Codices, Elijah Hixson assesses the extent to which unique readings reveal the tendencies of the scribes who produced three luxury manuscripts of Matthew’s Gospel. The manuscripts, Codex... more
Le métier de scribe paraît naturellement lié à l'Égypte. On peut même avoir l'impression, à travers la littérature tant profane que funéraire, que la vie d'un individu n'était qu'une longue reddition de comptes, réglée par un ballet de... more
This work encompasses research in the field of Hebrew palaeography, and notably to the typology of Ashkenazi scripts. It includes a comparative analysis of the script used in medieval and post-medieval Torah scrolls, showing that certain... more
This paper discusses the lexemes belonging to the semantic field of writing and writing equipment in Archaic and Classical Greek, and it makes use of epigraphic evidence to interpret literary passages where scribal practices are referred... more
[Book Review] Tracking the Master Scribe: Revision through Introduction in Biblical and Mesopotamian Literature Written by Sara J. Milstein
This is a double research paper: (1) Tipology and evolution of the musical forms across the three 13th-century notated MSS. of the Cantigas de Santa Maria: the first systematic revision of the subject since Anglés (1958) [a few mistakes... more
Email for full. Ancient scribes writing Biblical Hebrew could mark a Goal argument (the place to which one is moving) with the directive he suffix, with a directional preposition, or as an accusative of destination. Previous studies... more
________________________________________ Códice de Santiago Tlacotepec (Municipio de Toluca, Estado de México) Ruiz Medrano, Ethelia / Xavier Noguez En este ensayo se presenta el contexto histórico y un estudio iconográfico de dos... more
This doctoral research thesis focuses on the archaeology of ancient Egyptian communication technologies, exploring the definitions and the material culture of ancient Egyptian writing practice. In contrast with older approaches that... more
Im Matthäusevangelium wurden Schriftgelehrte und Pharisäer stereotypiert, gerade um sich von ihnen abzusetzen. Die Schriftgelehrten standen stereotypisch für das Wort, die Pharisäer stereotypisch für die Tat, während Matthäus und die... more
The biblical book of Jeremiah was frequently expanded and revised through duplication by anonymous scribes in ancient Judea. Who were these scribes? What gave them the authority to revise divinatory texts like Jeremiah? And when creating... more
The scribes were specialist that worked to the temple or palace and were indispensable to the administration, but also write and copied the texts that related the actions of govern and were presented to the gods. Scribes that caressed of... more
Ancient Assyrian scribes planned to praise their king’s great achievement by inflating numbers. But the scribes never invented whole new numbers for their purpose but slightly modified original numbers by adding an inconspicuous sign,... more
Extract on Sofrut/Scribal Arts (Marc Michaels/Mordechai Pinchas) from THE WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CALLIGRAPHY, Calderhead and Cohen, Sterling, New York, 2011 pp. 98-99
This study employs a conjunctive, interdisciplinary approach to contemporary iconographic, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence to shed light on the role of religious specialists and religious practice in Maya society of the Classic... more
This study explores scribal practices related to the writing, erasure, and correction of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) in medieval Hebrew Bible manuscripts (codices and Torah scrolls). Theoretical statements in halakhic literature are... more
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
Extract from The Torah in the Wardrobe ISBN: 978-1-988947-00-6 Marc Michaels © 2017 (Paperback and PDF) Written in 1790, the Alexander Torah has been passed down from generation to generation. Escaping the flames of Kristalnacht, this... more
By showing that the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales was inspired by Harry Bailey's 1381 poll-tax records for Southwark, this article offers a new interpretive context for Chaucer's best-known work. During the second half of the... more
ISBN: 978-0-9880539-0-8 Marc Michaels © 2013 (Paperback and PDF) There isn’t a scroll read on Chanukah but perhaps there should be? Sofer STa”M Marc Michaels has gathered over twenty handwritten and printed manuscripts from the 13th... more
Domböcker är de viktigaste sammanhängande källorna till Finlands historia under 1600-talet. De belyser på ett mångsidigt sätt livet och människorna på det lokala planet men också i ett riksperspektiv. Domböckerna har ett stort... more
Spell 103, "Being beside Hathor," one of the shortest in the Book of the Dead, is not well studied; scholars differ in their translations. My paper addresses this interpretative issue, with special attention to its Theban... more
This is my Master Thesis - unedited after handed into University of Copenhagen, Denmark. My Master Thesis covers the splendid burial 7 found in Structure B1 at Cahal Pech, Belize uncovered in 2011. Between 2011 and 2014 several other... more
The Book of Revelation has been something of an outlier within parts of the Christian tradition, as evidenced, among other things, by its peculiar canon-ical reception. As regards the earliest period of transmission, however, the Greek... more
Argues that Kuntillet ʿAjrud was primarily a military fortress on the trade route from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The inscriptions on two pithoi provide a variety of elementary and practical scribal exercises of soldier-scribes.... more
A comprehensive review of the most significant developments in the study of the reconstruction of the Greek text of Revelation and its textual history from the Textus Receptus of the 16h century to the Text und Textwert project of the... more
This paper looks at a Persian-language documentary form called the mahzar-nama that was widely used in India between the 17 th and 19 th centuries to narrate, represent and record antecedents, entitlements and injuries, with a view to... more
The collection of writings known today as the New Testament has been preserved in more witnesses than any other text in antiquity. Such a multitude of witnesses has also yielded greater textual plurality, constituted by the ubiquitous... more
If solving a riddle involves returning the obscured referent to a state of clarity, then what are we to do when we encounter in the margin of Aldhelm of Malmesbury’s Aenigma 100 a scribe’s solution that looks like this: ut hkskdkxt? Such... more
Orthographic variation within the manuscripts of the Greek NT is seldom a cause célèbre beyond the ranks of diehard textual critics. Even among these most will concede that orthographic irregularities amount to little more than evidence... more
Pp. xvii + 327. Hardcover, $99.00. Compiled in honor of Carroll Duane Osburn, Transmission and Reception offers a series scintillating essays from a variety of interrelated fields. Contributors examine the NT canon, text-critical theory,... more