Scientific Integrity
Recent papers in Scientific Integrity
Susan Haack, “The Integrity of Science: What It Means, Why It Matters.” Abstract: The many meanings of “integrity” are distinguished. This paper focuses specifically on how the concept of integrity in the sense of “firm adherence to... more
This is the penultimate typescript of Chapter 2 _of Scientific Communication: Practices, Theories, and Pedagogies_, edited by Han Yu and Kathy Northcut. The chapter attempts to contribute to our understanding of scientific communication... more
Abstract: At present, the education processes in the Higher Education Institutions (IES), discover as the main source of information the internet and the databases, giving access to thousands of documents, of very varied quality. Thus,... more
The right to freely conduct science is expressly protected by international human rights law (Art. 15, para 3, ICESCR). As the object of this right is ‘science’, activities conducted by scientists are protected by this right insofar as... more
Historical research has shown that, at its inception, research ethics was conceived as distinct from existing discourses of professional ethics. Subsequently, this distinction has been maintained and, as a result, the discourse of... more
Resumo: No presente texto, procuramos refletir sobre as más condutas nas atividades de pesquisa científica e argumentar em favor de uma cultura de ética e de integridade do pesquisador em formação inicial. Apontamos que o enfrentamento... more
This paper focuses on the infamous case of Hwang Woo Suk, the South-Korean national hero and once celebrated pioneer of stem cell research. After briefly discussing the evolution of his publication and research scandal in Science, I will... more
The goal of this paper is to discuss scientific integrity, consumerism, conflicts of interest, and transparency within the context of forensic science. Forensic scientists play crucial roles within the legal system and are constantly... more
Աշխատանքը և գիտական բարեխղճությունը, ստեղ ծագործ մտքի հետ զուգորդվելով, կարող են արդյունավետ արգասիքի հիմք դառնալ: Դրան հա կառակ`գրագողությունը (բանագողությունը) հանգեցնում է ստեղծարար մտքի «չորացման» և «անպտղության»: Հոդվածում... more
On September 17, 2002, millions around the globe gathered round their TV sets in anticipation of the TV Program “Pyramids Live: Secret Chambers Revealed”, a mission of National Geographic. Something went wrong that necessitates this... more
Sosa's "virtue epistemology," Haack notes, is a form of reliabilism. Zagzebski's is more focused on epistemic virtues, though misguided in hoping to explain epistemic justification in terms of the exercise of such virtues. But epistemic... more
As researchers, we are often required to disclose any conflicts of interest we might have, for instance, when submitting a paper to a journal, or when acting as reviewers of a research project at the request of a funding agency. Over the... more
A digital signature is a method that serves to improve the integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation, and confidentiality of digital data in transmission. This paper discusses digital signature and encryption functions for data... more
In the past two decades, individual explanations of scientific misconduct ('bad apples') have increasingly given way to systemic explanations ('bad systems'). Where did this interest in systemic factors (publication pressure, competition... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
There are two fundamental bases for the moral responsibilities of scientists: role responsibilities and general responsibilities. Scientists have role responsibilities that come with being a scientist; these include the burdens of... more
The paper shows how error statistical theory can be deployed to grasp the deeper epistemic logic of the peer-review process. The intent is to provide the readers with a novel lens through which to make sense of the practices of academic... more
Honesty in scientific publication is critical for scientific advancement, but dishonesty is commonly and increasingly observed in the forms of misconduct and other questionable practices. Focusing on dishonest conformity in peer review,... more
author tries to convey that the practice and listening of music has many psychosomatic, therapeutic and sociocultural benefits
This deliverable DIII.1.2 is part of work package 3 in which indicators are gathered on the extent of misconduct and how institutions respond to breaches of scientific integrity. As a part of the empirical phase in PRINTEGER it... more
How can the history of research ethics be expanded beyond the standard narrative of codification – a story that does not reach back beyond World War II – without becoming so broad as to lose all distinctiveness? This article proposes a... more
An interplay of lacking methodological and research integrity, joined by inadequate research training and Management skills might be at the heart of disappointing research achieve-ments in The Netherlands. Against the backdrop of this... more
A recent Experimental & Molecular Medicine article contained an internally inaccurate title: “Gender-inde- pendent efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell therapy in sex hormone-deficient bone loss via immunosuppression and resident stem cell... more
Clinical research has at least three problematic features: it tends to be redundant, secretive, and isolated. Research with these features not only wastes resources and causes harm, it also fails to meet a basic ethical requirement of... more
PowerPoints for the paper of the same title.
Despite the prevailing norm that expert reasoning should be as free from ethical and social influences as possible, it is argued that this norm is an undesirable norm for experts and needs to be replaced. Because of the importance of... more
Abstract (D): Neuere Beispiele zeigen, wie Rechtswissenschaftler – und nicht nur Naturwissenschaftler, wie z.B. in jüngster Zeit Epidemiologen und Virologen – aufgrund ihrer Expertise Einfluss auf die Politik nehmen können oder dies... more
Cet article a pour objectif de définir une méthodologie pluridisciplinaire à appliquer lors d'enquête ethnologique de terrain afin de combler d'éventuelles lacunes dans la collecte de données, notamment orales et de s'assurer de la bonne... more
Haack begins by asking what could be meant by speaking of the integrity of science; continues by explaining why the core values of science, intellectual honesty and evidence-sharing, are important; and concludes, after a detailed study... more
Este trabalho pretende analisar a temática da autoria e coautoria de artigos científicos, especialmente em relação ao campo do Direito. Basicamente, almeja-se responder: quando um pesquisador pode, legitimamente, ser indicado como coautor... more
This journal recently drew attention to an extensive body of highly questionable research published by Hans J. Eysenck in collaboration with Ronald Grossarth-Maticek. The subsequent enquiry by King's College London concluded that 26... more
Naturalistic philosophers rely on literature search and review in a number of ways and for different purposes. Yet this article shows how processes of literature search and review are likely to be affected by widespread and systematic... more
Part 2 of Chapter 5 in my Truth and Liberation Book