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Ich schwamm in ein Meer aus dem hallischen kleinen Gewässer ." Mit diesem Satz hat der fast 77-jährige Alexander Conze 1 in seiner Autobiographie von 1908 seinen Respekt vor der neuen Stelle als Universitätsprofessor in der Kaiserstadt... more
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      Scientific BiographyWissenschaftsgeschichte
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyEvolutionary BiologyGenetics
Es.: CALORI, Paolo CALORIA, Caio CALORI STREMITI, Giovanni Paolo. Dopo il neretto, la discriminante grafica è rappresentata dal maiuscoletto, indipendentemente da qualsiasi particella prepositiva che possa unire i due elementi. Si avrà la... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of PhysicsScientific BiographyHistory of Electricity
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      HistoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceHistoriography
Besides its historical intent, this work stems from my profound admiration for the cartographer as a human agent and from my innate interest in cartography and for every representation of the environment, filtered and enlivened by the... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryModern Italian HistoryHistory of Science
Emil du Bois-Reymond is the most important forgotten intellectual of the nineteenth century. In his own time (1818–1896) du Bois-Reymond grew famous in his native Germany and beyond for his groundbreaking research in neuroscience and his... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCognitive ScienceMetaphysics
Following discussions on scientific biography carried out over the past few decades, this book proposes a kaleidoscopic survey of the uses of biography as a tool to understand science and its context. It offers food for thought on the... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Science
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      HistoryEvolutionary BiologySocial SciencesMolecular Biology
A perception of “Christian bioethics” developed by the American philosopher Hugo Tristram Engelhardt in Russia requires a systematic interdisciplinary analysis. This is due to the realities of medical practice, as well as cultural and... more
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      BioethicsHistory of MedicineCulture WarsScientific Biography
Entry in The New Dictionary of Scientific Biography
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      History of EducationJean PiagetGenetic EpistemologyHistory Of Psychology
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      History of ScienceHistory of AnthropologyScientific BiographyPaolo Mantegazza
Probably no other psychologist has aroused such contrary reactions from the public and from the scientific community as Hans Eysenck. To the public, he was some kind of noble "IQ warrior" or that disgraceful "race and IQ guy." However,... more
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      History of PsychiatryHistory Of PsychologyScientific BiographyHistory of IQ, intelligence, IQ and ethnicity
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesAdult EducationTeacher Education
Marcin Kafar (Univeristy of Ł dź), Jacek Piekatski (UniversiĘ of ŁÓdź) Danuta Urbaniak-Zaj ąc (Univer sity oI Ł dŹ)
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceSociology of KnowledgeAnthropology of Knowledge
The article endeavours to contribute to a better understanding of the literary contexts of early biographies of scientists written during the Scientific Revolution. To what extent are these biographies influenced by stereotypes that are... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyRenaissance HistoryLiterature
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
The Handbook of the Historiography of Biology is intended to foster a conversation about the historiographic traditions that have informed the history of biology. Explicit historiographical reflections by leading scholars in the history... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPhilosophy of ScienceImmunology
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      Scientific BiographyHistory of pharmacyHistory of Pharmaceutical IndustrySocial History of Pharmacy
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyVictorian StudiesMuseum StudiesHistory of Science
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      PhysicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceRelativity
Danuta Urbaniak-Zając (UniversiĘ ot Ł6dż) Andrzej P. Wejland (UniversĘ of Ł6dź) {< The 'Biographical Perspectives' book series is a meeting place for representatives of the humanities and social sciences who situate their research... more
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      HumanitiesSociology of KnowledgeQualitative MethodsMeaning of Life
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      Gender StudiesBiographyScientific BiographyHistoriography of science
My goal in this text is to display multi-level relationships existing between the real world and the fictional world. The keystone of these considerations I made an idiom “true fabrication” that appears in the works of a Polish postwar... more
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      Non Fiction WritingAmerican LiteratureIntellectual HistoryAnthropology
Стаття у Великій Українській Енциклопедії
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      BiographyBiographical MethodsO Biographical And Case Studies In HistoryLiterary biography
Abstract: The suggestion that Darwin delayed publishing his species theory has long occupied a central part of his biographical storyline. The notion of a fretful delay reached a melodramatic apogee in Adrian Desmond and James Moore’s... more
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      History of ScienceBiographyDarwinismDarwin
Our article, written in the convention of a discussion, is the second part of the reflection inspired by Jerzy Kmita’s "Humanists’ Sorceries." In this part we talk about his program of humanities and ask what would have happened if we had... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Science
In 1869, the young Swiss biochemist Friedrich Miescher discovered the molecule we now refer to as DNA, developing techniques for its extraction. In this paper we explain why his name is all but forgotten, and his role in the history of... more
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      GeneticsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyMolecular Biology
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of PhysicsBiography
All science communication, even the most formal research paper, is ultimately communication about persons (at the very least, the projected persona of the writer). This paper draws insights from philosophy, sociology, and literary studies... more
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      EthicsScience CommunicationVirtue EthicsBiography
The article is devoted to history of the first attempt of acclimation of the muskrat at Demyanka and a role of prof. I.I. Barabash-Nikhiforov in that event.
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      History and Philosophy of BiologyAnimal EcologyScientific BiographyHistory of Siberia
In 1783, Captain Samuel Turner, surveyor Samuel Davis, and surgeon Robert Saunders journeyed from India on an embassy through Bhutan and into Tibet. Saunders, of the Bengal Medical Service, reported his medical observations in the... more
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      Medical HumanitiesScientific BiographyEthnobotany and medicinal herbs of HimalayaBhutanese Studies
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      Medical AnthropologyBacteriophagesScientific BiographyPhage Typing
In this volume, the wording ‘professional’ and ‘non-professional’ is central to our discussion of concepts, since these notions reflect well the weighty aspect of the tension appearing at the junction of the private sphere of our life and... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceHumanitiesSocial Research Methods and Methodology
Volume includes Brent Ranalli's conference paper, entitled "Science Communication as Communication About Persons," on pp. 245-264
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      EthicsScience CommunicationVirtue EthicsBiography
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts hatte die Erforschung von Stoffen wie Blut und Metallen Hochkonjunktur. Katrin Steffen zeichnet in einer Doppelbiographie, wie der Serologe Ludwik Hirszfeld (1884-1954) und der Metallurge Jan Czochralski... more
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      TransnationalismPolish HistoryHistory of ScienceEastern European history
The majority of analyses investigating the professionalisation of scientific domains tend to assume the linear and general features of this transformation. These studies focus on the shift from a non-professionalised state to a... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyProfessionalismHistory of Science
The article – focused on the exploration of the meanings of transgenerational scientific biographies – is a form of a dialogic conversation carried on by the two members of the society of Łódź pedagogues. He – emerged in the society as a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnographyInterdisciplinarityQualitative methodology
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceScience PolicyMolecular Biology
The mathematician, physicist and philosopher W. J. ’s Gravesande is particularly known for his adherence to ‘Newtonian philosophy’. Currently, it is widely held that ’s Gravesande got his main inspiration for his scholarly calling from... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of PhysicsScientific BiographyNewtonianism
Résumé: Au milieu des années 1920, la revue Nauka Polska (La Science Polonaise), éditée par l’Institut d’encouragement aux travaux scientifiques, a invité plusieurs chercheurs réputés à rédiger des essais autobiographiques dans le but de... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of AnthropologyBiographyScientific Biography
Este artigo buscar explorar as possibilidades de interlocução entre a biografia científica e a história transnacional para a história das ciências, tendo como estudo de caso a participação do físico russo-italiano Gleb Wataghin na... more
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      International RelationsHistory of ScienceHistory of PhysicsCultural Diplomacy
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      Jean PiagetScientific BiographyThéodore Flournoy
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      History of AnthropologyRhetoric of SciencePublic Understanding Of ScienceBiography
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      Scientific BiographyHistoire Des SciencesBiographiesHistory of Biological Sciences
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyScientific Biography
The world leader, the international leader, the mentor of mankind, the great sun-Fangruida (Kyle. Ross/Carl ) May 14, 2019 2019v.1.4 / 2021 v2.3 re-revised version 2021 modified version To the great sun Commemorate the 70th birthday of... more
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    • Scientific Biography
В статье дается характеристика предметов из фондов Саратовского областного музея краеведения, имеющих отношение к известному саратовскому историку А.А. Гераклитову (1867-1933). Рукописи, фотографии, книги и предметы быта предстают как... more
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      Local HistoryScientific BiographySource Studyкраеведение
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      History of ScienceScientific Biography
The contribution to Pietro Riccardi to the history of geodesy is here presented and stressed for the first time. A parallel life between Riccardi and Matteo Fiorini is also undertaken due to the similarity of experience which go far... more
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      GeodesyEpistemologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Cartography
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      Gender StudiesHistoriographyHistory of ScienceScientific Biography