This conceptual paper traces the origins and progress of Open Science and proposes its generative coupling to Open Innovation in the contemporary socio‐political context; where universities are re‐imaging their civic missions in the face... more
Paper: América Latina en la Bienal de Venecia: entre la deconstrucción de la topografía deI Giardini di Castello y la (re)construcción de historias eclipsadas
Post-industrial society is driving global environmental change, which is a challenge for all generations, current and future. The Anthropocene is the geological epoch in which humans dominate and it is rooted in the past, present, and... more
This thesis explores the profound influence of quantum physics on the realm of science fiction (sci-fi) cinema, analyzing how theoretical concepts such as quantum entanglement, superposition, and the multiverse theory have inspired and... more
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Post-industrial society is driving global environmental change, which is a challenge for all generations, current and future. The Anthropocene is the geological epoch in which humans dominate and it is rooted in the past, present, and... more
Problema ¿Cuáles son percepciones sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología de los ciudadanos cordobeses mayores de 15 años de distintos ámbitos?
The article’s topic reflects climate scientists’ presence and communication in the public sphere, while the main focus is on the two ways a society may respond to the climate scientists’ communicative efforts: by denying the scientific... more
The twentieth century brought us the bomb, and the nuclear threat will never leave us; the short-term threat from terrorism is high on the public and political agenda; inequalities in wealth and welfare get ever wider,' observes British... more
Previous sociological research on science and religion, and secularity and nonreligion, has highlighted a consistent connection between science and nonreligious identities. Yet, the dynamics of this association have not been explored in... more
The Bee and the Architect can be regarded as a manifesto and an important document of the Italian radical science movement of the 1970s and 1980s. First published in 1976, it was written by a group of physicists from the University of... more
1er Encuentro de Comisiones de Igualdad de Centros del CSIC, 10 de diciembre 2020.-- 14 pages, 4 annexes
mujeres científicas en la realidad social española actual, desvelando, además, las diferentes imágenes y representaciones sociales que las mujeres y los hombres tienen hacia este colectivo. Para ello, hemos realizado un estudio,... more
Is the notion of progress suitable to analyze such disparate endeavors as science, ethics, economics or society as a whole? If so, what conceptual assumptions does such a notion require? In a recent contribution, Philip Kitcher suggested... more
In welchem Verhältnis stehen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft – und in welchem Verhältnis sollten sie stehen? Trotz der überaus reichhaltigen Literatur zu diesem Thema existiert kein allgemein anerkanntes Modell des... more
Welche Rolle spielen Werturteile in wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis – und welche Implikationen ergeben sich hieraus für das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft? Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet diese Fragen aus... more
Pencatatan usahatani yang komprehensif, tidak hanya mencatat input-input yang digunakan dalam usahatani, tetapi juga penjadwalan aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam proses budidayanya. Pencatatan usahatani penting untuk dimiliki oleh petani... more
The paper presents the results of a research in trend analysis on thematic focus of Teaching in Cross-Cultural and Crossing Cultural Borders in Science Teaching. Six journals were searched, three of them Brazilian and three... more
Scientists are often wary of engaging in policy advocacy as they fear it may result in the perception of bias in their science or abuse of their position. Whilst advocacy need not always result in biased science or an abuse of position,... more
Este monográfico está dedicado al «Crucero transatlántico universitario de 1934», un ambicioso proyecto universitario de carácter educativo que había permanecido más de ocho décadas sin ser investigado ampliamente, y sobre el que conviene... more
tecnología (CPCT) y de los tres modelos básicos de comunicación surgidos a su amparo. Tres son los factores interdependientes que explican la emergencia de estos modelos: (1) cambios estructurales en la práctica científico-tecnológica y... more
tecnología (CPCT) y de los tres modelos básicos de comunicación surgidos a su amparo. Tres son los factores interdependientes que explican la emergencia de estos modelos: (1) cambios estructurales en la práctica científico-tecnológica y... more
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, persistent, chronic, easy to relapse. Schizophrenics at risk of becoming victims of pasung. Confinement is any form of limitation of movement of people with mental illness by families and/or... more
The Governor of Central Java Province initiated the Kartu Tani Program to realize the distribution, control, and supervision of subsidized fertilizers for farmers. However, there are still problems with implementing this program from the... more
SEW is an inherently emotional construct. However, the question of how emotions influence the importance that family firms place on SEW has been overlooked. Introducing insights from intergroup emotions and social identity theories, we... more
Background: Indonesia has the highest level of pasung for people with psychosis in the world. Nearly 60 thousand people with psychosis are illegally detained ('pasung') in family homes. Communities and families have a large role in... more
El presente es un avance de una investigacion mas amplia denominada Percepcion y Participacion Ciudadana para una Cultura Cientifica en el estado de Jalisco (Mexico),1 el proposito de este documento es compartir la experiencia de... more
Desde la gestacion de la LOGSE, la Educacion Ambiental se ha convertido en el genuino representante de las materias transversales a incorporar en el curriculum escolar. Sin embargo, la escuela no acaba de hacer suyas estas recomendaciones... more
Pencatatan usahatani yang komprehensif, tidak hanya mencatat input-input yang digunakan dalam usahatani, tetapi juga penjadwalan aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam proses budidayanya. Pencatatan usahatani penting untuk dimiliki oleh petani... more
Based on Rikesdas (2013), in South Sumatra there were 14.4 % people with mental disorder has been put on a restrainted at and In Ogan Ilir Regency found that 24 people that has been restrainted. This study aimed to find out family support... more
The high increase in energy use causes renewable energy solutions such as wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass and others. Biomass is one solution for Indonesia to obtain energy, because Indonesia has the potential for biomass, both... more
The Governor of Central Java Province initiated the Kartu Tani Program to realize the distribution, control, and supervision of subsidized fertilizers for farmers. However, there are still problems with implementing this program from the... more
Like any scientific discipline, the goal of archaeology is to produce knowledge based on data. So how can archaeology already benefit society? Aside from a specialized community publishing for itself, what are those benefits to society?... more
The increase of energy needs coupled with the decline in fossil fuel production, requires other sources of energy to meet those needs. One of the solution is using renewable energy.Bioethanol is one of the alternatives to the fossil... more
Previous sociological research on science and religion, and secularity and nonreligion, has highlighted a consistent connection between science and nonreligious identities. Yet, the dynamics of this association have not been explored in... more
Resumen El Cafe Cientifico constituye una alternativa de divulgacion social de la ciencia que se esta consolidando a escala mundial. Al ser una modalidad de divulgacion de la ciencia de reciente aparicion, constituye un genero discursivo... more
En Europa-también en particular en España-desciende el número de alumnos que inician cada año sus estudios universitarios en ramas científicas. Nuestro continente ha sido durante siglos el crisol de la ciencia; parece, sin embargo, que... more
Medios impresos y electrónicos Diarios de la capital con secciones o suplementos de ciencia y tecnología: 9. Diarios de los estados: 14. Publicaciones registradas en el índice CONACYT: 76. Canales de televisión con divulgación de ciencia... more
Sobre ciencia, Periodismo y nuevos sistemas divulgativos. El título avanza algo de los temas abordados: el indudable protagonismo de la ciencia en la sociedad contemporánea y los problemas derivados del intento de traducir el propio... more