Science and Technology Policy and Management

1,287 papers
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Science and Technology Policy and Management is the interdisciplinary field that examines the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies governing scientific research and technological innovation. It focuses on the interactions between science, technology, and society, addressing issues such as funding, regulation, and the societal impacts of technological advancements.
Amidst rapid urban development, sustainable transportation solutions are required to meet the increasing demands for mobility whilst mitigating the potentially negative social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study analyses... more
The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more
Recently we have witnessed the worldwide adoption of many different types of innovative technologies, such as crowdsourcing, ridesharing, open and big data, aiming at delivering public services more efficiently and effectively. Among... more
What are the similarities and differences between crowdsourcing and sharing economy? What factors influence their use in developing countries? In light of recent developments in the use of IT-mediated technologies, such as crowdsourcing... more
What is the state of the research on crowdsourcing for policymaking? This article begins to answer this question by collecting, categorizing, and situating an extensive body of the extant research investigating policy crowdsourcing,... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Thailand once recognised as a high-performing Newly Industrialising Economy (NIE) is now in the middle-income trap. The country has been staying in the middle-income level for more than 15 years. One of major reasons is relatively low... more
This short essay presents the case for a renewed research agenda in STS focused on the political economy of technoscience. This research agenda is based on the claim that STS needs to take account of contemporary economic and financial... more
Algunos analistas de las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (PCTI) resaltaron la relevancia que tuvieron los organismos internacionales en la creación de instituciones e instrumentos en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Este... more
The trend to reduce carbon di oxide (CO 2) using sustainable energy sources is a common practice to mitigate the impacts of climate change worldwide. Among the sustainable energy options, solar power is said to be the most feasible one.... more
Purpose The development of information technology is highly influential to all sectors, including the financial industry. Various transformations are made in overcoming the dynamics of technological advancements, including the mapping of... more
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using survey methods conducted online. The sample collection method uses simple random... more
This article approaches the issue of the so-called North-South scientific cooperation to understand why European research consortia incorporate research groups from Latin America (LA). This boils down to three questions: (a) at the... more
The development of the Internet of Vehicle (IoV) is overgrowing toward driving comfort, safety, and efficiency. Autopilot or a car without a driver is one implementation of IoT. To run the full function of IoV, a reliable communication... more
Purpose -Grassroots innovations (GRIs) can contribute greatly to inclusive development and reach out populations and areas not reached by or ignored by the formal sector. The purpose of the paper is to study how China's science and... more
Предлагаемый статистический сборник продолжает серию публикаций, посвященных различным аспектам развития науки в Российской Федерации. Открывают сборник таблицы, в которых наряду с основными показателями науки и технологий представлены... more
Purpose The effects of the spread of COVID-19 across the world are devastating, both from a health and an economic perspective. However, we also see encouraging examples of collaborative and innovative initiatives, in society and in... more
This paper builds on previous research on the contemporary role of the university, which was based on the conceptual approach that the accumulation of knowledge is the fundamental driving force behind economic growth. We argue that the... more
Electronic Commerce has increased the global reach of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs); its acceptance as an IT infrastructure depends on the users' conscious assessment of the influencing constructs as depicted in Technology... more
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to student employees. The dimensions of religiosity is used as an independent variable in this study. This study expands the extant research by... more
The process of spraying varnish is an important part of this industry but it still uses minimal tools so that this process has several obstacles, namely wasted time, unreliable work positions, frequent defects, and disturbed other work... more
This research aims to determine the effect of environmental performance, corporate image, and corporate social performance on economic performance with moderated by green competitive advantage partially on manufacturing companies in... more
The development of environmentally friendly vehicles is currently a global trend among car manufacturers. This is in addition to being triggered by regulations from countries that have committed in the 2016 Paris agreement to reduce... more
In the Covid Pandemic 19, sharia cooperatives must be a solution for the welfare of their members and the UMKM that they support so that they can move up in class, but how if it is difficult to access, therefore sharia cooperatives must... more
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the emergences of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have changed the way human beings communicate and interact. In the past few years, this has become crucial in the... more
This research intends to determine the effect of job training and work motivation on performance at PT. Aksata Satya Pratama. To produce quality employees and good performance, companies need to pay attention to increasing knowledge by... more
This research aims to determine the influences of Return on Asset, Return on Equity, Net Profit Margin, Debt Equity Ratio and Current Ratio toward stock price. The population in this research are all manufacturing companies listed in... more
This paper builds on previous research on the contemporary role of the university, which was based on the conceptual approach that the accumulation of knowledge is the fundamental driving force behind economic growth. We argue that the... more
The initial prediction is that the condition of covid-19 pandemic will shake people's lives in all aspects, and this condition has a great potential for rising crime. With all of its character, it is very interesting to discuss how... more
Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human capital, social capital is an important factor for the sustainability of an organization. This case study aims to analyze the bonding social... more
Purpose The development of information technology is highly influential to all sectors, including the financial industry. Various transformations are made in overcoming the dynamics of technological advancements, including the mapping of... more
Work satisfaction and motivation have been believed to directly connect to employee performance. These two indicators are potential to either decrease or increase the level of performance, how many items an employee can meet in an... more
  Policy of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to grant special autonomy to the Provincial Government of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) through the concept of asymmetric decentralization accompanied by the issuance of a law on the... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variety and number of seeds on plant growth and yield in a sustainable agricultural cultivation system and to understand the interaction between variety and number of seeds on plant... more
The research aims to describe the household loss of food crops, farms, and plantations as well as the welfare of farmers' households in North Kolaka Regency in January-March 2021 referring to national indicators or provisions in the... more
The waters of sibolga is the waters are very widespread in , this area is densely populated, so there are many community activities that take place such as Transportation, Fisheries, Bathing, sand Mining and other.The purpose of this... more
One of the fastest growing sectors is wireless technology, which is evolving in all areas of mobile and wireless communications. Wireless technology has increased greatly in the last decade. 7.5 Generation (G) represents the history of... more
Research was performed to evaluate the effect of biopriming technique using indigenous rhizobacteria in improving local upland rice from Southeast Sulawesi. Randomized group design was applied in this research using factorial pattern... more
This research aims to determine the effect of environmental performance, corporate image, and corporate social performance on economic performance with moderated by green competitive advantage partially on manufacturing companies in... more
E-commerce as a medium for online transactions by business actors can increase the productivity of SMEs. This study aims to analyze the adoption of e-commerce in SMEs in Karawang Regency, Indonesia. The technology-organization-environment... more
One of the famous tourist attractions in Jember and became the icon of the agritourism village since 2009 in Jember Regency is Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa subdistrict, Jember regency. This case makes the background of the research... more
Canned foods and beverages constitute a major part of the global food supply. Consumers expect canned foods and beverages to maintain their flavour, texture and colour and be free of illness-causing pathogens. This is generally... more
This research examines how nonprofits use the internet to build public relations and increase charitable giving by analysing the content of the websites of various nonprofit organisations listed in the top 100 NPOs published by The... more
The objectives of this research was analyzed the effect of transactional leadership  on work stress , the effect of transactional leadership  on employee negative behavior, the effect transformational leadership on work stress, the effect... more
Drainage in peatland caused reducing water storage and subsidence. Groundwaterlevel fluctuations are a major role in the water balance that occurs in peatlands. Theresearch was conducted in a specific area of agricultural peatland. The... more
Purpose The purpose of this research work is to design and apply LabVIEW in the area of traffic maintenance and flow, by introducing improvements in the smart city. The objective is to introduce the automated human–machine interface (HMI)... more
Tofu is a typical Indonesian food. The tofu production process has its own impact on the environment because the rest of the production results in solid and liquid waste. If the processing or utilization of the waste products is not... more