Science and Technology Policy and Management

1,287 papers
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Science and Technology Policy and Management is the interdisciplinary field that examines the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies governing scientific research and technological innovation. It focuses on the interactions between science, technology, and society, addressing issues such as funding, regulation, and the societal impacts of technological advancements.
This Work Project, written in the form of a Direct Research, is to develop a Balanced Scorecard (BSC), specifically designed for the Milan Transfer Agent (TA) Team of BNP Paribas Securities Services (BP2S), located in Warsaw. The goal is... more
This study aims to analyze the productivity and income of farmers on the pattern row planting legowo and tiles as well as formulate alternative strategies that are appropriate for the development of paddy rice rain-fed in an effort to... more
This study aims to explain the effect of green marketing on buying interest and purchasing decisions on personal and home care products commonly used in daily activities of people in Indonesia. This type of research is explanatory... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Earning Per Share (EPS), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) dan Return On Equity (ROE) terhadap harga saham baik secara simultan maupun parsial, serta mengetahui dan menganalisis... more
Makanan siap saji termasuk pangan jajanan anak sekolah (PJAS ) menjadi salah satu sumber pemenuhan asupan gizi bagi anak sekolah. Berbagai jenis PJAS, sebagain besar menggunakan plastik sebagai pembungkusnya. Salah satu dampak negatif... more
_______________________________________________________________________ Rawa pening potensial terpapar cemaran mikroplastik, dimana ada 9 sungai yang berkontribusi mengirimkan polutannya. Cemaran mikroplastik juga akan mengancam biota air... more
Rawa pening potensial terpapar cemaran mikroplastik, dimana ada 9 sungai yang berkontribusi mengirimkan polutannya. Cemaran mikroplastik juga akan mengancam biota air tawar di Rawa Pening. Permasalahan muncul ketika biota air tawar... more
Makanan siap saji termasuk pangan jajanan anak sekolah (PJAS ) menjadi salah satu sumber pemenuhan asupan gizi bagi anak sekolah. Berbagai jenis PJAS, sebagain besar menggunakan plastik sebagai pembungkusnya. Salah satu dampak negatif... more
Improving the management of coastal areas and small islands needs to have the support of the State of Indonesia as the world's maritime axis area because it has abundant fisheries and marine wealth. The study was conducted in Muna... more
The Academic Management System of Higher Education is a component of the Institutional Management System of Higher Education, which is concerned with the overall management tools that have been designed and compiled in a systematic and... more
There are still a lot of environmentally friendly waste that has not been used. Like palm oil fronds that rot because they are not used. This is due to the lack of knowledge about the benefits of oil palm frond waste. The purpose of this... more
Amid the economic turmoil triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the integrity of financial reporting has become pivotal, posing significant challenges for accounting conservatism. This study aims to explore the impact of tax planning,... more
A demand for chicken-meat is growing enormously which requires intensification in the production, so it iscrucial to improve the chicken health condition.The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Brevibacillus laterosporus... more
In this study, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods with case study research on the object of research using observation, interviews, and documentation methods, data analysis techniques using SWOT analysis... more
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka Certified Internship Program in Strengthening 21st Century Skills is a way to strengthen skills in using media information as well as career and life skills. The aim of this research is... more
PurposeThis paper aims to examine how the dynamic interplay of governance mechanisms of the university-firm R&D alliance reduces obstacles and enables the successful commercialization of research collaboration... more
This study investigates the impact of variations in the BI rate, inflation rate, and the USD/IDR (US Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah) exchange rate on the IDX Composite Index (IHSG). The Composite Stock Price Index  is one of the resources... more
Pendulum terbalik adalah bandul (pendulum) yang salah satu ujungnya dilekatkan pada sebuah pengangkut (cart) sebagai titik poros bandul dan bandul tersebut juga memiliki pusat massa (center of mass). Pada penelitian ini yang akan menjadi... more
  The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of youth in Bah Butong Village,Sidamanik Subdistrict, Simalungun Regency in the Improvement of The Program of Business Entities Owned by Bah Butong Village, Sidamanik Subdistrict,... more
Various factors, including leadership style, decision making, communication, and team building, influence the success of MSME entrepreneurial businesses. This quantitative study aimed to assess the influence of these factors on the... more
One way to reduce community dependency is to establish economic institutions such as Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes. BUMDes aims to be a forum for empowerment and management of resources both inside and outside the Village through... more
Plasma is one of the four fundamentals states of matter other than solid, liquid and gas. In terms of temperature, plasma can be classified into Hot Plasma occurs in thermal equilibrium, Thermal Plasma occurs in non-thermal equilibrium,... more
This study aims to determine the impact of religion and banking products on the financing decisions of small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Malang Branch. A sample of this survey is an MSME lending... more
Purpose To better understand continuities and changes in consumer behaviour, it is also important to examine the original antecedents of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2). Studying Generation Y is crucial for... more
Maternal mortality is a global public health challenge. Maternal and child health is one of the problems that requires attention in Indonesia. This is because the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high and has not yet reached... more
Pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical services are held by pharmacists who are responsible for patients. Pharmaceutical services in pharmacies are related to drugs with the aim of achieving definite results to improve the quality of... more
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about whether or not there is a relationship between sales promotion costs and sales volume and how much influence the promotion costs have on sales volume at the company. In this... more
One of the problems with families of children with cerebral palsy is that they still need a lot of information systematically and scientifically through counseling to build the psychological function of the families of children with... more
Cloud-based services are service system mechanisms used by companies or organizations in conducting computerized and integrated transactions in a computer network. A service system must of course be balanced with a level of security. This... more
Traditional medicine refers to herbal products, herbal materials, processed herbal products, and finished herbal products that contain parts of plants, other plant materials, or their combinations as active ingredients. Herbal refers to... more
Traditional medicine refers to herbal products, herbal materials, processed herbal products, and finished herbal products that contain parts of plants, other plant materials, or their combinations as active ingredients. Herbal refers to... more
Traditional medicine refers to herbal products, herbal materials, processed herbal products, and finished herbal products that contain parts of plants, other plant materials, or their combinations as active ingredients. Herbal refers to... more
The incidence of stunting is one of the sustainable development goals target. To achieve it, an intervention that is right and significant and in accordance with the priority of stunting risk factors. The priority of risk factors is... more
The main objectives of this research are to study the factors that influence Electronic Word-Of-Mouth (E-Wom) and consumer decisions and to formulate the Electronic Wordof-Mouth (E-Wom) model and consumer decisions to travel on the beach.... more
The main objectives of this research are to study the factors that influence Electronic Word-Of-Mouth (E-Wom) and consumer decisions and to formulate the Electronic Word-of-Mouth (E-Wom) model and consumer decisions to travel on the... more
In this era of globalization and technology, there is a demand for changes in all areas of business in the world today. One of them is in the field of marketing. The development of the information technology system which is growing... more
This research aims to findout the influence of transformational leadership and motivation to excel on teacher teaching performance at Dirgantara Senior High School Center. The population in the study was teachers at SMA Dirgantara Center... more
Background: Considering the fact that institutional owners directly and through monitoring can affect the financial performance of companies, this issue raises the question whether institutional ownership can have impact on the firm... more
Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. Major Indian families benefit because of this industry, and thanks to technology today, major startups are engaged in this industry, which it believes to be "sustainable." Agriculture, 70... more
The objectives in this study are to determine the benefits of arabica coffee farming in Jampit Village, Ijen District and to analyze the feasibility of arabica coffee farming in Jampit Village, Ijen District, Bondowoso Regency. The... more
Farmers' household income is an indicator of the level of prosperity by looking at the amount of expenses and family expenses. Mango production, which has increased every year, needs to be assessed according to the level of household... more
The cosmetics industry in Indonesia has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by high competition, rapid consumer trend shifts, and the need for constant product innovation. This study aims to analyze the effects of capital... more
The formation of an information society is the driving factor behind the overall growth of countries. This study is an attempt to draw a comparison between the progress of Iran and Turkey in building an information society based on the... more
The food and beverage industry (Food & Beverages Sector) is part of a rapidly growing manufacturing company in Indonesia. If measured by the number of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from time to time, it is increasing.... more
Java. The data source of this research uses primary data sources by using questionnaires. Respondents in this study were Lurik weaving SMEs, totaling 57 SMEs. The sampling technique uses a purposive technique with a convenience approach.... more
This research aims to analyze the impact of electronic service quality which consists of efficiency, fulfillment, reliability, privacy, responsiveness, contact, and compensation towards the customer satisfaction on the user of internet... more
The food processing industry, whether related to livestock, agriculture, or fishery products, often requires thickening additives to improve product quality. Salak trees are found around the Southern Tapanuli area of North Sumatra,... more
The enhancement of local resources through agrotourism presents significant opportunities for economic growth, social benefits, and environmental sustainability in rural communities. This study explores strategic approachesto community... more
In this paper, drawing upon previous contributions to neo-Schumpeterian economics and institutional thinking, we argue that coevolution in economic systems operates when considering several evolving populations of agents within a... more
Promotional opportunities offered by companies to employees will create a desire for employees to motivate themselves. This study aims to determine the effect of job promotion on employee performance at PT. Beiersdorf Indonesia by using a... more