Science and Islam
Recent papers in Science and Islam
During the times of massive crises like the current coronavirus pandemic, individuals and communities consult their "moral systems" looking for support and coping mechanisms.
"Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Al-Tibb al-Nabawi)” was compiled by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah some 650 years ago. Darussalam has brought this marvelous script with English translation. It’s an ideal compilation for those... more
This discusses the influence of Islam on Science via examining the incentives to do science in the Qur'an and Hadith, inspiration from Ulama, atmosphere of knowledge, relationship between scientists and philosophers with Islam and views... more
Timbuktu’s intellectual heritage has attracted new-found interest after the preservation of the city’s manuscripts was declared as the first cultural project of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). The initiative created... more
دراسة نقدية في أشهر أمثلة الإعجاز العلمي وهي المعتمدة في المناهج الدراسية اليمنية، كما يناقش الكتاب أزمة العلم والدين في السياق الإسلامي التي أنتجت هذه الظاهرة. فالإعجاز العلمي يمثل أبرز تعبير عن الخلط بين الدين والعلم في ثقافتنا... more
This paper presents some preliminary findings of my research about the history of educational thought and practice within the Muslim Brotherhood. It discusses some aspects of Hasan al-Banna's Letter of Instructions, which is the... more
What is shab e meraj? Was this physical journey or spiritual journey? What did prophet see in meraj? How prophet would have travelled such a large distance in so much of short time?
The book,written in Urdu,is a collection of brief,crisp writings clarifying the significance of acquiring knowledge,understanding Natural Signs and the current educational scenario of Muslims.
Abu Raihan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Biru-ni (973 A.D.-1048 A.D.) is one of the greatest scientists of Islam who opened a new era of independent research and scientific discoveries , and at the end of the day he became one of greatest of all... more
Maurice Bucaille (1920-98) was a French physician whose fame relies primarily on his book La Bible, le Coran et la science, first published in 1976, which was translated into English two years later. It had a global impact on both Muslim... more
This book attempts to equip the reader with a holistic and accessible account of Islam and evolution. It guides the reader through the different variables that have played a part in the ongoing dialogue between Muslim creationists and... more
Two-volume Set Editor-in-chief: Ibrahim Kalin, Editorial board member: Salim Ayduz, and Caner Dagli Oxford Encyclopedias of Islamic Studies More than 250 A-Z entries, by more than 130 international scholars, make this the... more
AUTHOR: HILLEL OFEK An examination of the decline of scientific discovery and achievement in the Arab world compared to the history of scientific achievement in the Arab world / Islamic world during Islam's "golden age" from the 8th to... more
It was his energetic leadership, political insight that laid the solid foundation of Islamic Empire. Muslim conquests of Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran and Egypt during his caliphate displaced the two super powers of Byzantine and Persia.... more
When Abbasid Caliph al-Mansoor (754-775) the second ruler of Baghdad fell sick and his physician could not cure him, he sent for a Persian physician from the medical academy of Jundi Shapur, Iran. Thereafter the Caliph began to favor... more
We live in a modern world, where there appears to be many atheists and extremists in religion, as one wonders to what extent the Islamic and physical view agree regarding the creation and fate of our universe. I have chosen to tackle the... more
This is my most up-to-date presentation on Islam and evolution.
Peace has been a long cherished dream of humanity since times immemorial; but its relevance and scope in the modern world has increased manifolds. The term "peace" has innumerable connotations. The oldest understanding of peace is that... more
Islam and science is a relatively nascent field. With the steady rise of publications in the past three decades, a handful of thinkers have suggested various proposals on how to understand the relationship between the two domains, with... more
In 1997, the distinguished linguistics professor ʿAbd al-Ṣabūr Shāhīn of Cairo University published his re-reading of the Qur’anic story of creation, entitled Abī Ādam (‘My Father Adam’). Although the book was met with a storm of... more
Summary of my book with Routledge
You can see the video presentation here:
You can see the video presentation here:
Proceeding SEMINAR & BEDAH BUKU Islam dan Sains: Upaya Pengintegrasian Islam dan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Indonesia
Kegemilangan Sains dan Teknologi dalam Tamadun Islam: Mengambil Iktibar Pengalaman Kerajaan Abbasiyyah Roziah Sidik@ Mat Sidek, Farid Mat Zain, Izziah Suryani Arshad & Ezad Azraai Jamsari Abstrak Kertas kerja ini mengupas pengalaman... more
Scientific productivity has been in decline in the Muslim world since as early as the 15th century and is only now reviving. Many factors have been attributed to the rise and decline, falling under two broad categories: external and... more
This introduction provides an overview of the significance of the Symposium on Islam and evolution that results from a conference hosted by the Leiden University Shīʿī Studies Initiative (LUSSI) in July 2021. The objective of this... more
Shaykh Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī was an Egyptian exegete known for having produced a scientific interpretation of the Qurʾān. A pioneering scholar in terms of familiarising the people of his time with many previously neglected matters regarding... more
This is a clarification of David Solomon Jalajel's proposal on how he reconciles Islam and Evolution. I also retract my reading of Jalajel's proposal in my earlier work.
This piece responds to the article by Arif Rachmatullah, Soonhye Park, and Minsu Ha "Crossing borders between science and religion: Muslim Indonesian biology teachers' perceptions of teaching the theory of evolution," in which the authors... more
لماذا هُدم مرصد إسطنبول؟ لماذا بُني المرصد أصلاً؟ ما هي الضرورات العلمية وغير العلمية التي اقتضت بناؤه؟ هل بُني لأغراض تنجيمية كما هو شائع؟ وهل هُدم لأسباب تنجيمية كما هو شائع أيضاً؟ ماهي المصادر التاريخية المتوفرة عن المرصد، وماهي... more
A collection of studies on the sociology of Islam, Islam in the West, and the status of women and the status of rationality in Islamic societies.
Majid Daneshgar, The Book of Muḥammad b. Kathīr al-Farghānī: On the Motion of Celestial Bodies and General Aspects of Astrology (forthcoming, 2019). Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Kathīr al-Farghānī (800/805-870 AD; also known as... more
Evolutionary biology states that all biological life forms are connected through a bio-historical lineage. In direct contrast to the traditional Islamic view, this entails that humans, and all other species, in fact, were not directly or... more
This lecture will introduce the evolution debate within the context of Islam’s other foundational source, hadith. First, some theoretical parameters will be discussed including how science and religion interact and relate. Second, some... more
The Contemporary Islamic Studies programme at the Middle East Centre of St Antony’s College at the University of Oxford is hosting a two-day online conference on Islam, Secularism, and Atheism. There has been a steady number of... more
Of all scientific theories the theory of evolution arguably poses the greatest challenge to theistic religions because it threatens to undermine teleology and the central position of mankind in nature. Nevertheless, modernist thinkers... more
Darul-" Ulum Deoband had been established at a time when the Madrasahs for religious education had altogether become extinct in India and it appeared that the religious education will be overlapped and surpassed by the modern education.... more
The present essay focuses on the figure of Maurice Bucaille and on his contribution to the discourse on Islam and science. Its purpose is twofold. First of all, it aims to provide the reader with a concise map of the ideas of the French... more
""I identified a select number of Muslim authors notable for their recent publications and media interventions on Islam and science. After assimilating their works, I embarked on a series of travels to different countries in the Middle... more
Öz İslam bilim tarihiyle ilgili çalışmalarını temel İslam ilimlerinin ötesine taşıyan Fuat Sezgin; astronomi, coğrafya, meteoroloji, kimya, matematik, geometri, tıp, genetik, optik ve felsefe gibi alanlarda faaliyetler gerçekleştirmiştir.... more
The book analyses developments in Qur’anic exegesis and Islamic thought in the modern period, attempting to present the methodology of Said Nursi (d. 1960) and modernist exegesis. It focuses on Qur’an and exegesis, new kalām movement,... more