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On September 29, 1846, James Challis, as he had done many times in the previous two months, went to use the Northumberland Telescope at the Cambridge University Observatory to scan the skies in pursuit of a new planet. On that night,... more
Alien infertility has also featured in all of the popular SF television series, particularly in Star Trek, and the next section will be devoted to alien infertility in the Star Trek universe. In an interesting twist on the praying-mantis... more
is best known for his science fiction, but his contribution to science goes much further: many of his ideas still shape crucial new space technologies. On the eve of his 90th birthday, Andrew Robinson looks at the life of this... more
This article discusses the story collection The Martian Chronicles by American author Ray Bradbury and analyzes the literary genres that are combined in it: science fiction, utopia and chronic. It will demonstrate how the text weaves from... more
A number of low-budget science fiction (SF) films were made in Bombay in the 1960s that have entirely been glossed over in scholarly accounts of Indian film history, genre studies, or global accounts of non-western SF cinema. Symptomatic... more
La máquina está en movimiento. Reseña de Recalibrando los La máquina está en movimiento. Reseña de Recalibrando los circuitos de la máquina: ciencia ficción e imaginarios circuitos de la máquina: ciencia ficción e imaginarios tecnológicos... more
This article explores the evolution of the nuclear energy debate and its associated controversies in the Portuguese parliament. The analysis focuses on the dictatorial regime of the New State (from the beginning of the nuclear program in... more
Coordinating distributed software development projects becomes more difficult, as software becomes more complex, team sizes and organisational overheads increase, and software components are sourced from disparate places. We describe the... more
Fifty thousand years ago, humans demonstrated their urge to explore by leaving Africa and radiating out across the planet. About fifty years ago, they mastered the technology to leave the planet for the first time. Now, we are poised to... more
Cossos bíonics i protesis: les primeres pròtesis és va crear entre els anys 950-710 aC i eren utilitzades pels egipcis. Des de llavors el nombre de dispositius ha anat augmentant tant que en l'actualitat s'estan començant a emprar... more
This article discusses the story collection The Martian Chronicles by American author Ray Bradbury and analyzes the literary genres that are combined in it: science fiction, utopia and chronic. It will demonstrate how the text weaves from... more
The idea of other worlds and realities beyond what we can see in the sky has always stimulated the public imagination. In this way, space has had an important place in popular culture since early times, before the beginning of the space... more
La idea de homenajear a Mary Shelley y su pulsión creativa apunta precisamente a mostrar el lado productivo y feminista del monstruo en las letras contemporáneas. La transgresión de Shelley ha sido definitoria en la sensibilidad y mirada... more
This article discusses Antonio Margheriti’s films, scrutinizing how they represent science, scientists, and technology. Such motifs are not limited to his sci-fi films. Although Margheriti mostly created low-budget or derivative films,... more
O ne aspect of the development of the philosophy of film in recent years has been the proliferation of philosophical interpretations of films. This growth can be measured in a variety of ways. Here, let me just call attention to a number... more
Estamos ante al primer estudio realizado hasta la fecha en el que se aborda con voluntad panorámica la historia de la ciencia ficción latinoamericana del ámbito hispánico, desde sus orígenes en el siglo XIX hasta la modernidad (mediados... more
The first Polish translation of one of the best-known articles on the poetics of science fiction, considered nowadays a must-read reference in the field. In this classical piece, Darko Suvin famously argues in favour of introducing the... more
For decades, social scientists have explained the emergence of flying saucers in 1947 as a by-product of the cold war context. They claimed that people were influenced by cold war and "saw" Russian flying disks while the rest of the... more
The origins of science fiction are most often thought to trace to Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, a story born from a night of spooky tale-telling by the fireside that explores scientific, moral, and ethical questions that were of... more
Since the late 1940s, a tenacious disconnect between popular interest and professional disinterest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has typified the controversy surrounding the subject. Numerous high-profile scientists have seen the... more
Segunda edición (ampliada). Solo disponible en papel. Este libro responde a una pregunta que todo aficionado a la saga se ha hecho alguna vez: ¿Por qué nos gusta Star Wars? Muchas otras películas tienen sus héroes, sus princesas, sus... more
5 films from indigenous filmmakers that expand the genre of science fiction while engaging the nature of science. In today's politically polarized climate, climate change denial and other profit-driven positions have led to caricatured... more
Notes on a Science Fiction Film about Time and Aliens: Genetic Phenomenology, Metaphysical Time, and the Heterochronic Arrival, the film is about Time. And so, we can say it is about time we should be talking about the Philosophy of Time... more
This paper introduces the concept of online 'Innovations-Labs' (i-Labs) as location-independent collaborative ideation spaces. We highlight the challenges and opportunities that disruptive innovations present to companies and society, and... more
Despite the indifferent responses to the second and third instalments of 'The Matrix' series, the trilogy is nevertheless a valuable contribution to popular debate about the human implications of a rapidly emerging technoculture. In this... more
Le livre de Sylvie Bérard, auteure canadienne, reprend la question de la possibilité d’existence de l’art sous un pouvoir psychiatrique répressif en interrogeant l’identité de l’artiste devenu œuvre d’art incarné, dans une société divisée... more
continua a essere, a due anni dalla sua scomparsa, uno degli autori contemporanei più celebrati, uno scrittore di riferimento per un pubblico che vuole approfondire come la modernità abbia condizionato le psicogeografie dell'individuo.... more
This Science-Fiction Prototype ruminates on a post-singularity world, where transhumanism practices are in widespread use. In particular, the discussion focuses on a form of transhumanism that involves reengineering the brain, and... more
Se ha dicho que los textos de ciencia-ficción abarcan todas las posibles formas de lo Otro al proveerle una identidad que subraya la diferencia como punto de partida para el diálogo. La ciencia-ficción argentina es tanto una excepción... more
The focus of this paper is on the potential challenges and opportunities that might emerge as a result of the continuing development and proliferation of so-called 3D printing technology. In particular, it is interested in looking at how... more
This is part of the "Virtual Introduction to Science Fiction. Online Toolkit for Teaching SF", an international collaborative website aimed for teachers who want to prepare courses on SF. This lecture is an overview of Argentinean SF for... more
Se aborda en Crónicas Marcianas, diversas cuestiones clave para la teoría política actual, como son la violencia mental y las fantasías políticas; los encuentros coloniales; la resistencia y el papel de una memoria ligada a la narración y... more
Fifty-five years have passed since the remarkable UFO events of 1954. Hardly anyone is still alive who remembers from personal experience what transpired. At the time I was less than two years old and have no conscious memory of anything... more
Dollhouse, Labour and Uploading the Mind: The Transhumanist Production Process of Reality Television
In Joss Whedon’s science fiction television show Dollhouse, a secretive corporation running facilities known as Dollhouses across the world, hires out human beings (‘actives’) that have had their minds wiped and then been ‘imprinted’ with... more
Imagining Outer Space makes a captivating advance into the cultural history of outer space and extraterrestrial life in the European imagination. How was outer space conceived and communicated? What promises of interplanetary expansion... more