Recent papers in Science
Further important sources of the empiricism of the Scientific Revolution were to be found in the magical tradition, and these influences can be seen at work in a number of areas. They deserve separate consideration here, however, because... more
10. DC cultures were generated as described (5, 22). Immature I-A kϩ DCs grown from C3H/HeN, C3H/HeJ, and CBA/J (Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, ME) marrow suspensions were pulsed with HEL (1 to 3 mg/ml) with or without LPS (1 to 10 ng/ml, E.... more
Knowledge is material and angular. Nonhuman animals often shape their material round. Perhaps: The hexagon of bees is between round (Das Runde) and angular (Das Eckige) . Dancing knowledge. Water is round. The knowledge of the octopus:... more
ANCELIN Justine | DCB21 | Mémoire d'étude | Janvier 2013
One of the most influential alchemical authors of the early modern period was Michael Sendivogius whose early life is shrouded in mystery. He may be labelled the most famous Polish scientific writer between Copernicus and Marie... more
It is a precious knowledge of ancient india. this script was originally composed by mahrshi BHARADWAJA, the great indian sage around 5000 BC ,it content english transtation of some of its sanskrit stotras and shlokas.before wright... more
The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial... more
feldspar group under high simultaneous pressures of water and carbon dioxide a t elevated temperatures, is described extensively under consideration of the latest developments in this field. A detailed analysis of the silicate hydrates of... more
Consistency in conservation Marine protected areas (MPAs) are now well established globally as tools for conservation, for enhancing marine biodiversity, and for promoting sustainable fisheries. That said, which regions are labeled as... more
Opioids target the μ-opioid receptor (MOR) to produce unrivaled pain management but their addictive properties can lead to severe abuse. We developed a whole animal behavioral platform for unbiased discovery of genes influencing opioid... more
The main objective of this research is theoretical and experimental investigation of the surfaces modification of SU8, PDMS, SiO2 and Si by RF plasma treatment. Physical-chemical reactions at room temperature can be used for the... more
clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose... more
Sažetak: Altiserov neosporni doprinos istoriji marksizma je u tome što je pokazao da apstraktan filozofski diksurs o čoveku, njegovom otuđenju i razotuđenju (oslobođenju), koji je dominirao i dotadašnjom marksističkom filozofijom,... more
The present study examined the role of attributions to discrimination and competence in predicting depression among a sample of 93 Latino/a adults. The major findings showed that attributions to discrimination were related to decreases in... more
Lignin is a major component of plant secondary cell walls. Here we describe caffeoyl shikimate esterase (CSE) as an enzyme central to the lignin biosynthetic pathway. Arabidopsis thaliana cse mutants deposit less lignin than do wild-type... more
The allohexaploid bread wheat genome consists of three closely related subgenomes (A, B, and D), but a clear understanding of their phylogenetic history has been lacking. We used genome assemblies of bread wheat and five diploid relatives... more
The suspension-feeding metazoan subkingdom Lophophorata exhibits characteristics of both deuterostomes and protostomes. Because the morphology and embryology of lophophorates are phylogenetically ambiguous, their origin is a major... more
Neuronal growth cones navigate over long distances along specific pathways to find their correct targets. The mechanisms and molecules that direct this pathfinding are the topics of this review. Growth cones appear to be guided by at... more
We examined possible explanations for the underrepresentation of women among university faculty, in two different national contexts. In the Netherlands, a sample of doctoral students (N = 132) revealed no gender differences in work... more
Going to Mars The Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft containing the Curiosity rover, was launched from Earth in November 2011 and arrived at Gale crater on Mars in August 2012. Zeitlin et al. (p. 1080 ) report measurements of the... more
The importance of comets for the origin of life on Earth has been advocated for many decades. Amino acids are key ingredients in chemistry, leading to life as we know it. Many primitive meteorites contain amino acids, and it is generally... more
At the core of the "proton radius puzzle" is a four-standard deviation discrepancy between the proton root-mean-square charge radii () determined from the regular hydrogen (H) and the muonic hydrogen (µp) atoms. Using a... more
Resistance to insecticides and herbicides has cost billions of U.S. dollars in the agricultural sector and could result in millions of lives lost to insect-vectored diseases. We mostly continue to use pesticides as if resistance is a... more
This paper introduces historical aspects of the concepts correspondence and coherence with emphasis on the nineteenth century when key aspects of modern science were emerging. It is not intended to be a definitive history of the concepts... more
31. We thank the officers and crew of the R/V Knorr for their outstanding support during the transatlantic VPR sampling. B. Walden provided facilities support for use of the VPR. F. Thwaites, A. Girard, and M. Alberico assisted in system... more
The superior capability of cognitive experts largely depends on quick automatic processes. To reveal their neural bases, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activity of professional and amateur players in a board... more
Over the past 5 years, parts of Oklahoma have experienced marked increases in the number of small- to moderate-sized earthquakes. In three study areas that encompass the vast majority of the recent seismicity, we show that the increases... more