School Climate
Recent papers in School Climate
School climate plays a vital role in a teacher’s job performance, satisfaction, and school effectiveness. There were abundant studies on school climate and effectiveness and its relationship with teachers’ job performance and job... more
Sustainable leadership practices ensure that the mission and vision of a school continue despite changes and challenges. Such a practice can build the capacity of the organization based on the environment, especially in shaping a better... more
Background and Purpose: Academic Engagement can be influenced by a number of factors, including the basic psychological needs and school cultural needs of the school. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of... more
Artikel resensi buku yang berjudul “STOP Perundungan/Bullying Yuk!” merupakan buku yang diterbitkan oleh Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi sebagai bentuk upaya menangani permasalahan bullying khususnya di lingkungan... more
A growing concern exists among educators regarding the prevalence and impact of bullying behavior in the public schools. This behavior has serious repercussions for school climate and school safety in general. In addition, strong... more
ליועצת תפקיד חשוב בקידום רווחת התלמידים ובקידום בית הספר. עם זה, בישראל אומנם משרד החינוך ממליץ על העסקת יועצות בחינוך היסודי, אך אינו מחייב את העסקתן. מתוך כך ביקשנו לבחון עמדות מנהלים ומנהלות בחינוך היסודי, כלפי תרומת התחום. התמקדנו... more
- by amit rottman
La educación en nuestro tiempos, exige una mayor calidad en nuestros educandos, y la U A.N.L no esta ajena a estos requerimientos, por tal motivo y en los inicios del tercer mileno, es importante implementar programas de calidad educativa... more
MedULA, Revista de Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Los Andes. Vol. 11 Nº 1-4. 2002. (2005). Mérida. Venezuela. ... Medicina. Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. (Mimeografiado). ... PERCEPCIÓN DE LOS DOCENTES SOBRE EL... more
In this chapter, the authors introduce and identify current issues, controversies and problems that influence school safety and counselor preparedness. A brief overview of school violence in America, counselors\u27 training to deal with... more
Dengan permasalahan Penelitian besar pengaruh Kepemimpinan yang tercerminkan dalam dimensi Pemotivasian, Pengembangan, Afiliasi, dan Partisipatif. Pengaruh Kompetensi Kepala Sekolah dalam dimensi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi... more
BACKGROUND: School climate has been linked with improved academic achievement and reduced discipline problems, and thus is often a target of school improvement initiatives. However, few studies have examined the extent to which student... more
The results indicated that primary school educators in the southern Cape perceived their relations with their principals as closed, while educator-educator relations were perceived as more open. An engaged school climate was taken as the... more
Jo he vist a Venècia un senador enamorat que va fer que la cara de la seva dona la pintessin els millors pintors del seu temps, perquè perdurés per sempre el record de la seva bellesa. Va fer venir al seu palau el diví Ticià, l'ardent... more
Este informe presenta el resultado de un estudio de la organización económica de los servicios de educación en Venezuela, en el marco de un estudio comparativo que comprende estudios de propósito similar en varios países de América Latina.
Introduction: This research aims to determine the humour behaviours of school administrators according to teacher perception and to reveal the relationship between humour behaviours and school climate. Methods: The research was carried... more
This study sought to examine the direct and indirect associations between school size and parents' perceptions of the invitations for involvement provided by their children's school in a school system that has actively attempted to reduce... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the views of parents and teachers on school principal’s role in shaping a school climate that favors parental involvement. The research is based on the theory of bio-ecological systems. Data was... more
The impact of school environment on academic performance has become more important over recent years. However, there are no specific studies of the impact of school environment variables on the performance of secondary school students in... more
Este capítulo surge de una investigación coordinada por el Cuerpo Académico Educación y Equidad (UV-CA-513), cuyo objetivo es proponer acciones a la comunidad estudiantil para fomentar una cultura para la paz desde la convivencia escolar... more
Etude co-financée par le Centre Hubertine Auclert Recherche conduite en 2015-2016 en Île-de-France 12 établissements scolaires : 8 collèges, 4 lycées Classes: 5 ème à 2 nd Questionnaires de climat scolaire et victimation = 1130 élèves... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya hubungan antara empati dengan perilaku prososial pada bystander untuk menolong korban bullying. Perilaku prososial yang dimaksudkan adalah untuk menguntungkan orang lain dengan... more
Di Indonesia banyak kejadian yang menunjukkan bahwa dunia pendidikan Indonesia telah terjadi tindakan bullying terhadap siswanya. Salah satu faktor yang dapat membantu mengurangi fenomena bullying adalah kelekatan antara ibu dan anak.... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between school organizational climate and teacher's commitment. This study focused on four dimensions of school organizational climate which are institutional vulnerability,... more
This paper reviews the results of two decades of research on moral approval of aggressive acts conducted in several countries with different religious and cultural backgrounds. A nationally-adapted version of the Lagerspetz and Westman... more
This study aims to examine the relationship between gender, grade level, classroom emotional climate and school burnout levels of secondary school students. Using a correlational research design, data were collected by random sampling... more
The current study was aimed to investigate the relationship between principals’ human skills and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers with mediating role of school climate. A sample of 271 Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) was... more
Educators are increasingly aware that the efficacy of social and emotional learning (SEL) is dependent on implementation factors, not just program content. These include the philosophy underpinning an intervention, the beliefs as well as... more
The objectives of this study are (1) Contribution of certification to teacher work motivation, (2) Contribution of the school climate to teacher work motivation, (3) Contribution of certification allowances and school climate together to... more
The study titled "Factors Associated with the Declining Participation of UCCP Members in the Christian Education Programs of the Cotabato Annual Conference" identifies key reasons for the waning involvement in these programs, emphasizing... more
An urban middle school-university mediation program that emphasizes mentoring of middle school peer mediators by university students is described. Student social-cognitive dispositions, perceptions of school climate, conflict strategy... more
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to report on an examination of the perceptions of two principals and two lead teachers regarding their own leadership styles, including how they define and perform their roles as... more
The objectives of this study are (1) Contribution of certification to teacher work motivation, (2) Contribution of the school climate to teacher work motivation, (3) Contribution of certification allowances and school climate together to... more
Little is known about the association between school climate and adolescent relationship abuse (ARA). We used 2011-2012 data from surveys of California public school students (in the United States of America) who were in a dating... more
The IEA's Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011 provided evidence which showed differences in the reading achievement of students who spoke the language of assessment at home and those who did not for many... more
This study mainly aims to test the participant roles approach on Turkish sample suggesting that bullying is a group process. In this regard, students’ ways of involving in bullying and the extent to which children are aware of their... more
Cette étude examine la contribution des buts poursuivis en éducation physique sur la pratique d'activités physiques de loisirs (PAP) d'élèves du secondaire (N = 277) en fonction du type de classe (ordinaire ou spécialisée). Les analyses... more
This study examines the contribution of the goals pursued in physical education to the practice of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) among high school students (N = 277) according to class type (regular or special education). Path... more
The inclusion of climate change education in the educational system has been suggested at conferences and meetings of global leaders. Most nations worldwide are attempting to include climate change education in their curricula. However,... more
My husband, my sweetheart For replacing my role as a mother for much of the time v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of this thesis is a great accomplishment in my life and, as with all things great, it is something that is not completed... more
Relación de los centros educativos de secundaria con su entorno en Chile………………….…………..... 3.1.Introducción 3.2. El sistema de educación secundaria y sus vestigios de vinculación 3.3. Estrategias de vinculación entre los centros educativos... more
This study investigated the mediator role of collaborative climate in the relationship between shared instructional leadership and perceived school effectiveness based on teachers' perceptions adopting a structural equation model. The... more
La literatura como recurso pedagógico no solo aporta estética, sino que también amplía el proceso formativo de los estudiantes. La poesía, como uno de ellos, da a conocer la verdad rompiendo el ciclo de la manipulación, la opresión, la... more
The aim of the research was to construct, validate and verify the ecological validity of the new measurement instrument, i.e., the Croatian School Climate Questionnaire – Teachers Version (HUŠK-N), which measures the general factor of the... more
C ilj ovog istraživanja jest empirijska analiza i procjena interkulturalnih predispozicija učenika srednjih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom. Kao nezavisne varijable uzeti su selekcionirani... more
School climate reform, an evidence-based strategy, supports K-12 students, school personnel, parents/guardians and community members learning and working together to promote pro-social education. Done well, these efforts will result in... more