School Climate
Recent papers in School Climate
Introduction As teacher educators, we are committed to the improvement of teacher practices and methods that increase student academic achievement. To this end we are constantly investigating and evaluating practices that get results,... more
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is defined as deliberate damage to a body tissue with no intention to die [1]. With prevalence levels ranging from 17 to 20% across different cultural contexts [2–4], NSSI has long become a major public... more
As teacher educators, we are committed to the improvement of teacher practices and methods that increase student academic achievement. To this end we are constantly investigating and evaluating practices that get results, often called "... more
W opracowaniu poddano refleksji znaczenie klimatu szkoły dla procesu nauczania i wychowania. Szczególnie skoncentrowano się na związku klimatu szkoły z zachowaniami agresywnymi wśród uczniów. Praktycznym efektem prowadzonych badań nad... more
It is critical to empower the family and student at a time when they may feel threatened while simultaneously upholding the school standards of safety for all students. When the consultant has the capacity to create a careful balance... more
This study examined same-sex attracted (SSA) students' perceptions of their school climate toward same-sex attraction and their school-based environmental stresses and supports using Margaret Spencer's Phenomenological Variant of... more
This study investigates the development of positive school culture and climate at a midsized public elementary school in urban Oahu, Hawai'i, over fifteen years. Researchers ask: what key people, initiatives, and programs positively... more
The beneficial relationship of school climate with various positive student outcomes has been demonstrated in several studies, though the relationship has not been thoroughly explored with regards to a student’s likelihood of being... more
: Creating and maintaining a positive school climate is paramount for student well-being. Microaggressions, or subtle forms of prejudice, in the classroom setting can present a barrier to cultivating such a climate and contribute to a... more
The Hungarian educational system has been changed rapidly in the last decade, which has fundamentally transformed the status and position of teachers as well. The study attempts to explore how innovative, knowledge-intensive teachers... more
The ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS) platform is a no-cost data collection, management, and reporting system developed by the U.S. Department of Education. It contains a suite of school climate surveys for students, staff, and parents;... more
Although existing research mostly supports the association between school climate and academic achievement, the processes and factors that underlie this correlation are less explored. We rely on social-cognitive theory and the concept of... more
The book deals with many aspects of school climate, and every chapter contains recommendations for handling the specific aspect better. 1-The chapters are: What is an educational climate? 2-Class climate; 3-Teacher-student relationships... more
Lifting achievement in many schools depends on reducing the exit of effective teachers. We examine the extent to which teacher perceptions of school cohesion and intrinsic motivators stemming from two theoretical traditions contribute to... more
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the... more
Jongeren kennen in de periode van adolescentie een verhoogde kans op het stellen van storend, antisociaal of delinquent gedrag. Aangezien jongeren een aanzienlijk deel van deze periode binnen de schoolmuren doorbrengen, is het niet... more
Our job performance and our ability to lead will be a direct reflection of who we are and how we think. And it is highly likely that the quality and trajectory of our school’s growth and improvement process will mirror our own ongoing... more
While it is a commonly accepted assumption that teachers who have "high expectations" for their students are more effective, how that expectation manifests is often largely undefined. And if we were to examine the various operational... more
The authors examine the effects of school bonding on academic achievement (measured by math achievement scores) in a sample of 12th graders from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Ingels, Pratt, Rogers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2005).... more
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the... more
This study examined the association between two characteristics of school climate (sense of community and teacher support, measured both at the individual and at the school level) and students' feelings of being unsafe at school. The... more
In this talk I outline my positions related to research on bullying for the World Anti-bullying Forum 2017, Stockholm #WABF2017. I argue 'bullying' and 'cyberbullying' are concepts that are overused and perhaps reaching the end of their... more
The following materials provide a comprehensive understanding of learning style within the school and home context. They can be used as stand alone resources or with the Paragon Learning Style Inventory (PLSI) or the Myers-Briggs Type... more
Social and emotional learning is increasingly recognized as playing an important role in the promotion of positive mental health in schools. With child and youth mental health identified as a priority for the transformation of Canadian... more
School climate can vary from school to school within the same district and an individual school can develop a climate independently of the larger organization. The research question is whether schools that operate under the same school... more
Recently, discussions regarding how to create a positive school climate where all can be successful has come to the forefront. Healthy schools support student learning, well-being, time, space to be active, and opportunities for social... more
Today’s educators are proactive in dealing with bullying in their schools and districts. The first and arguably most challenging tasks they face is to define what is and is not bullying, to develop a workable district policy on bullying,... more
Purpose of the Book The Natural Classroom Condition What is Transformative Classroom Management The Progression of the Book If we had the ability to observe every classroom at once, we would see classroom management practices that... more
This review paper is inclined towards elucidating and identifying patterns in different researches and their methodologies in studying school climate and student outcomes in the Indian context. Decades of research has facilitated the... more
Research of the violent behaviour of students against teachers is growing problem in education and is so far scarcely explored everywhere in the world, as well as in Croatia. This paper provides a unique analysis of the impact of the... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate and describe the content in school rules by developing a category system of school rules, and thus making the logic behind different types of rules in school explicit. Data were derived from an... more
This study analyses the development of policies and practice on reducing ESL after 2011, seeking to assess the contribution of the 2011 Council Recommendation on Policies to Reduce Early School Leaving (henceforth the 2011 Recommendation)... more
A corelational research design was employed to examine if a relationship exists between organizational school climate and student achievement in Ethiopia secondary schools setting, and to investigate whether the various elements of school... more
This article responds to a call for conceptual clarity regarding current ussage of the terms "culture" and "climate" in educational research. A multi-phase literature review and classification process was employed over a period of about 5... more
This study examined the reasons that four high school students who had previously refused to attend school willingly attended an alternative K-12 school for students with special needs. The two research questions that framed this study... more
Este libro muestra la complejidad en la que se inscribe el ejercicio del liderazgo directivo en un clima escolar que no siempre reúne las condiciones para el desarrollo de las tareas y el establecimiento de relaciones interpersonales que... more
Conférence d'ouverture, LGBT Caucus, 7e Congrès d'Education International
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk bertujuan bagi mengenalpasti tahap iklim bilik darjah di kalangan pelajar bukan Cina dan hubungan dengan pencapaian akademik dalam Bahasa Cina di sekolah vernakular Cina di kawasan luar bandar Sarawak. Kajian... more
Although the bully-victim conflict is an age-old scenario, researchers only began studying it in school settings 45 years ago. The most agreed upon definition of bullying includes three criteria: 1) intentionality (desire or goal of... more