School Architecture

313 papers
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School architecture is the design and planning of educational facilities, focusing on creating functional, safe, and inspiring environments that enhance learning experiences. It encompasses considerations of spatial organization, aesthetics, sustainability, and the integration of technology to support diverse educational methodologies.
This article describes the results of a study on user behavior in relation to environmental comfort conditions. A case study was conducted in school buildings in the region of the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The methodology... more
Students with EBD place a tremendous amount of stress on educators to meet their unique needs and simultaneously maintain a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning. School administrators and staff are constantly... more
Die Schulbank des 19. Jahrhunderts – als in Reihen aufgestellte und fix mit dem Pult verbundene Sitzgelegenheit – wurde als technischer Apparat gesehen, um den Körper zu formen, und über den Körper auch den Geist. Die Schulbank ist damit... more
On The Very Edge brings together fourteen empirical and comparative essays about the production, perception, and reception of modernity and modernism in the visual arts, architecture, and literature of interwar Serbia (1918–1941). The... more
Booklet published at the occasion of an exhibition at bak (basis voor actuele kunst) in Utrecht, December 3, 2016 to February 5, 2017, conceptualized by Tom Holert. Texts by Tom Holert and Maria Hlavajova, editing by Hidde van Greuningen.... more
For sustainable building design, computational tools, mostly in the form of simulations, are employed to determine loads and to predict systems performance typically in terms of energy use. Currently, sustainability, in the building... more
This paper is an exploration of, and an attempt to broadly define some basic architectural elements necessary for the "domestication" of all-day, educational care settings. It will combine review of literature and reflection in three... more
School architecture is often taken for granted both in use (where it is naturalized) and in writing on education policy (tending to feature simply as policy setting.) Built policy instead points up the active and ongoing role of the... more
Beside the successful prefabricated Hertfordshire schools in Great Britain during the mid-twentieth century, the archi-tects that were associated with the New Brutalism were reclaiming the role of architecture as a mediator in the... more
This article analyzes the US Bureau of Indian Affairs model Indian school exhibit at the Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition as an artifact of spatial and social relations. It uses architectural drawings to examine how assimilationist... more
Resumen de trabajos y actividades de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Concepción, de la Universidad San Sebastián el año 2017.
Much of the writing on Post Occupancy Evaluation (hereafter POE) is politically and scientifically naïve: it presents POE as a neutral and passive technical means of faithfully recording particular aspects of the built environment-in-use.... more
The entrance ways of most schools display “No Skateboarding” signs to deter youth from using school staircases and walkways as playgrounds for their wheeled devices, but are schools striking the right balance between banning skateboards... more
In his work "24/7: Late Capitalism and the ends of sleep," Johnatan Crary argues that sleep constitutes the ultimate challenge to capitalism, but could it also be considered an obstacle to design? (Exercise paper, Architectural History... more
Good lighting conditions significantly affect students, both in health and personal achievements. This paper investigates the relation between the students’ performance and the lighting levels in Primary Schools in UK. The research aims... more
The development of ferrocement in Brazil cannot be dissociated from the works of the architect João Filgueiras Lima, popularly known as Lelé (1932–2014). Renamed as argamassa armada by a group of engineers from São Carlos in the 1960s—to... more
This report forms part of the work commissioned by the design team to inform the design for the new Whyalla Secondary School. This report aims to provide deeper understandings of the Indigenous design issues for the design team, including... more
Organized education is one of the most important pillars of modern day society, and as such, becomes a powerful mass-influence weapon, when controlled by political interests. Are the ideologies behind post-war education reforms in Western... more
A proposed 22,000 square foot Children's Center was designed for the child care needs of 240 children at Northern Michigan University. The proposed Center was designed to achieve a developmentally optimal level of complexity and... more
It has been shown that the pioneerism of the Modern Movement in the Lusophone Africa lies in how the modern ideology, inspired by the Brazilian experience, was locally interpreted. From this viewpoint the excellence of this heritage lies,... more
L'evoluzione dell'architettura degli edifici scolastici in relazione alle nuove metodologie pedagogiche. La scuola dell’infanzia di oggi si presenta come un complesso organismo architettonico, le cui forme e ambienti hanno un grande... more
Services that architects provide are no longer constrained to offering inspiring design solutions to client needs and whims; their services are beginning to spread across domains to ensure that proposed designs are also 'green'... more
Teaching Green Buildings (TGBs) are designed to engage building users with the sustainable features of the building and offer unique opportunities to deliver environmental education (EE) through multiple channels. This study examines... more
The paper examines the hypothesis, that school buildings construct the future citizens of the nation-state. We specifically ask, how such national constructions play out in multilingual nation-states. With a special focus on the... more
Montebelluna è una cittadina veneta, a pochi chilometri da Treviso, contraddistinta da un sistema di canali artificiali che sin dai tempi antichi ne assicura l’approvvigionamento idrico. Questa rete preleva l’acqua dal vicino Piave, a... more
Београд је током треће деценије XX века био суочен са озбиљним недостатком основних школа. Проблем је кулминирао 1928. године, када је на иницијативу грађана општина града Београда пројектовала две и помогла изградњу треће школе у... more
Presentamos una reciente investigación sobre la arquitectura escolar en España. Tras una revisión histórica y académica, entrevistamos a catorce informantes expertos (cuatro inspectores, cuatro arquitectos, tres responsables de la... more
In the scope of the Kemalist ideological program during the 1920-30s, significant reforms in education were achieved. The transformation of education from the Ottoman system was especially evident in the architecture of the new school... more
Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, observa-se uma cultura fotográfica adentrando o cotidiano escolar brasileiro. No Rio Grande do Sul, e em sua capital, Porto Alegre, é principalmente o poder público que utiliza a fotografia com a... more
Les Anglais ont colonisé de vastes territoires à l’ouest et au sud du continent africain, notamment le Nigeria et la Côte-de-l’Or (actuel Ghana) en Afrique occidentale, l’Afrique du Sud et la Rhodésie (d’où sont issus le Zimbabwe et... more
With this paper we intend to reflect on the architecture school as an organism, more than as an institution, in search for a singular identity, within a dialogical mission between educational and political goals. Rescuing Saskia... more
La Escuela-Jardín Guadalaviar, emblemática obra del joven Fernando M. García-Ordóñez, es hoy una arquitectura de referencia –uno los nueve proyectos de la Comunidad Valenciana incluidos en la selección ibérica del Docomomo–. Su irrupción... more
L’espace bâti et aménagé est enrichi par des dimensions psychologique, sociale et pédagogique, qui complètent sa qualité matérielle. Le rapport de l’enfant à l’espace, situé au centre de la dimension pédagogique de l’espace, s’avère très... more
Schools tell stories. The physical plants, including conditions, plans, locations, and embellishments provide clues to the histories of these neglected raconteurs (Butchart, 1986). Specifically, the architectural characteristics of older... more
Determining the interior layout of buildings describable by shape grammars" (2008). School of Architecture. Paper 44.
Il a fallu 40 ans pour que l'école des métiers de Lausanne soit édifiée: chronique d'une gestation très lente, durant laquelle les apprentis sont assimilés à des travailleurs et l'architecture de leur école, par conséquent, doit se... more
Au XIXe siècle, les lycées éprouvent à l’égard des villes qui les abritent des sentiments ambivalents, entre attraction et rejet. En contrepartie des multiples ressources qu’elles procurent, les villes occasionnent en effet des nuisances... more
En el Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares (AHUIB) se conservan los fondos de las antiguas Escuelas Normales de Baleares. En una de estas series documentales, se encuentra un acervo que contiene las memorias que... more
The pioneering Egyptian architect and teacher Ramses Wissa Wassef (1911–74) is best known for his founding in 1951 of the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center in Harraniya, a small village near the Giza Pyramids in Greater Cairo. The center,... more
De multiples archives documentent les bâtiments publics construits en France au XIXe siècle. Pour illustrer les moyens de procéder en la matière, on s’attache ici à l’exemple des lycées. L’identification des sources requiert d’abord un... more