Plateia n°3/2023
Les écoles d’architecture en leurs territoires (XXe-XXIe siècles)
Les écoles d’architecture en leurs territoires (XXe-XXIe siècles)
Resumen El punto de partida del proceso de diseño de los arquitectos es la búsqueda de informaciónteórica, técnica y de obras ejemplares similares. Para el caso de edificios escolares, existe en Colombia una cantidad significativa de... more
Τhis research project was an initial recording of the present situation in the professional field of Greek urban transport in relation to the workplace psychosocial risk factors. The aim was to investigate the perception of workplace... more
O estudo trata de arquitetura e espaços escolares, numa análise histórica-educativa, no período do séc. XIX e parte do séc. XX. O marco teórico-conceptual assenta em alguns estudos especialmente de Alegre, Barroso, Benito Escolano, Burke,... more
On conçoit et on construit aujourd'hui desb âtiments scolaires àu n moment où l'éducation, tant dans sa natureque dans sonprocessus, est en train d'être radicalement repensée. De plus en plus, la mondialisationc ontraint les gens... more
This paper describes and discusses architect Mary Medd's input into school development within the Ministry of Education, responsible for England and Wales, during the postwar era, highlighting her agency and capacity to provide... more
This paper reports on the conclusions of implementing the Constructing Education Framework in a selection of schools in Finland and Italy. The Framework proposes to embed into the design and construction processes of new or renovated... more
This text on school-architecture principally presents an architectural point of view. However, by focusing on how the two disciplines (architectural criticism and the history of pedagogy) deal with the problematic of time, the text... more
U ovom radu se istražuju nastanak i projektantske odlike dva arhitektonska ostvarenja u Banjaluci i Sremskoj Kamenici, s kraja šezdesetih i prve polovine sedamdesetih godina XX veka, novosadske arhitekte Tatjane Vanjifatov Savić... more
INTEGRAL METHODOLOGY, HOW TO EVALUATE An integral methodology was created to make the process of 20th century architectural heritage identification and value assessment in B&H systematic and context related. It is based on the... more
Toplumların tarihsel mirasının, kültürel değerlerinin, inançlarının eğitim yapıları- nın değişimine ve mekânsal yansımalarına etki etmesi kaçınılmazdır. Günümüz eğitim yapılarının tasarımı ve işlevi de modern eğitim anlayışına uygun... more
Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers UVOD 1 *** 1999: 3-5. "Otvaranje gimnazije u Zagrebu bio je svojevrsni vrhunac razgranatog školstva sestara milosrdnica u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. A sve je poèelo dolaskom prvih šest sestara... more
Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers UVOD 1 *** 1999: 3-5. "Otvaranje gimnazije u Zagrebu bio je svojevrsni vrhunac razgranatog školstva sestara milosrdnica u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. A sve je poèelo dolaskom prvih šest sestara... more
Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers UVOD 1 *** 1999: 3-5. "Otvaranje gimnazije u Zagrebu bio je svojevrsni vrhunac razgranatog školstva sestara milosrdnica u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. A sve je poèelo dolaskom prvih šest sestara... more
The present study will attempt to achieve this double objective — to gain an insight into the fundamental structures of educational behaviour in order to help explain the inertia that has weighed against educational reform. We will seek... more
Prispevek na primeru občine Ljubljana Vič - Rudnik prikaže razvoj mehanizma samoprispevka in njegovo vlogo v procesu socialistične modernizacije. Samoprispevek je bil časovno omejena dajatev, namenjena za reševanje skupnih... more
U radu se obrađuje razvoj (Kraljevske) Nautičke škole u Bakru od njena osnutka 1849. godine pa do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata. Kroz kratki povijesni kontekst prikazuje se Bakar kao važno pomorsko središte 18. stoljeća, ali i problemi u... more
Lyon, 29 novembre 2024. Colloque du RT-CNRS "Recherches sur les questions d'éducation", axe transversal 4, "Vers une éducation démocratique. Histoire et actualités des discours et des pratiques", symposium 6, Conceptions mobilisées dans... more
Las publicaciones universitarias de arquitectura han alcanzado cierto nivel de madurez a pesar de la falta de editoriales tradicionales que les den soporte. En paralelo al desarrollo de importantes proyectos digitales, por estos días se... more
Le but de cet article est de documenter les facteurs qui ont influencé l’évolution particulière des salles de classe au sein des écoles primaires. Dans cette optique, un ensemble de documents d’archives retraçant l’histoire du parc... more
The south elevation of the First Floor (F1) Room 4 in the East Wing of the former house. The west elevation of the First Floor (F1) Room 4 in the East Wing of the former house. Southern of a pair of doors in the west wall of First Floor... more
Το ερώτημα που θέτουμε συχνά στον εαυτό μας είναι « Πώς μπορούμε να βάλουμε σε σειρά τις υποχρεώσεις, τις ανάγκες και τις επιλογές μας; » Η απάντηση είναι να φτιάξουμε ένα προσωπικό στρατηγικό πλάνο και να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα... more
A partir de las ideas de la historiadora del arte Griselda Pollock en torno a la definición y crítica de los discursos culturales hegemónicos, este artículo explora las posibilidades de revisión de la historia de la arquitectura en Chile... more
A lo largo del siglo XX, las reformas educativas en Chile y el aumento en la escolaridad impulsaron al Estado a buscar sistemas que facilitaran la expansión de la infraestructura educativa a escala nacional. Este artículo discute el... more
El desarrollo de la arquitectura racionalista en Bilbao coincidió con el advenimiento de la II República y se aproximó a las experiencias que se estaban desarrollando en otras ciudades de manera desigual. En la mayoría de los casos se... more
Entre 1968 y 1978, la Sociedad Constructora de Establecimientos Educacionales (SCEE) en Chile desarrolló una serie de prototipos experimentales para la construcción de escuelas y programas educativos basados en la modularidad y... more
This paper explores sensory perception in classrooms, and the relationship between classrooms and nature in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, it argues that this crisis provides a unique opportunity to rethink how we perceive... more
The present study will attempt to achieve this double objective — to gain an insight into the fundamental structures of educational behaviour in order to help explain the inertia that has weighed against educational reform. We will seek... more
Wir schulden großen Dank den Schülern und ihren Lehrern, die uns ihre Klassenzimmer geöffnet und lange Unterhaltungen mit uns geführt haben, den Schulleitern, die uns geduldig viele Fragen beantworteten, den Beamten in den Schulbehörden,... more
Tras producirse un terremoto, se hace imprescindible conocer el estado en el que se encuentran las edificaciones que hayan podido verse afectadas, tanto de los bienes inmuebles comunes, como de aquellos que tengan la calificación de Bien... more
This article is a research conducted by students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and records their personal views on the Studies of Religious Education and its relation to the science of Social Pedagogy. Initially, the concept... more
Una versión del presente artículo fue publicada en la revista AA Files no. 77, Architectural Association.
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
In this present paper, we explore the representations of female identity in the online series of the United Nations, UN in Action. The short film is analyzed based on a constructionist model of the analysis of identities in discourse. The... more
Frühneuzeitliche Schularchitekturen sind bisher weder von der Geschichtswissenschaft noch den historischen Bildungswissenschaften oder der Architekturgeschichte erforscht worden. Der Grund hierfür ist die unbewiesene Annahme, dass sich... more
Il presente ebook è pubblicato con il "Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2020" dell'Università degli Studi di Sassari Con il contributo del DADU|UNISS Si ringrazia il Direttore di Dipartimento Prof. Emilio Turco con la segreteria... more