Most cited papers in Scholasticism
This is only the table of contents, preface, and introduction. There is a chapter summary at the end of the introduction.
Although Descartes has often been portrayed as the father of the modern concept of mind, his approach to consciousness is notoriously problematic. What makes it particularly hard to assess his role in the development of the theories of... more
""In his « little Treatise in English» on Human nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647 – 1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his argument upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts:... more
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
Haiyaso, a short text found in the collected works of the early Tokugawa Confucian Hayashi Razan (1583–1657), purports to be a record of a debate held in 1606 between Razan and the famous Japanese Jesuit scholastic Habian (1585–1621). The... more
Now is an appropriate time to reconsider the historiographical benefit that a comparative study of the East Syrian ("Nestorian") schools and the Babylonian rabbinic academies may offer.* This is attributable both to the recent, rapid... more
The purpose of this essay is to explore, and clarify, some key features in Aquinas’ account of the virtue of temperance, with an eye to answering some common objections raised against a positive evaluation of temperance. In particular, I... more
The leading master in the late twelfth-century Paris schools, Peter the Chanter, pleaded for the Waldensians' and laity's right to preach, but not on dogma or within a liturgical framework. To do so, he developed the distinction... more
Muḥammad Majdhūb was one of many Muslims who in the nineteenth century argued against strict adherence to the established madhhab system and sought ways to overcome it. This case study, based on an examination of Majdhūb’s writings and... more
In late antiquity, Zoroastrian exegetes set out to translate their ancient canonical texts into Middle Persian, the vernacular of their time. Although undated, these translations, commonly known as the Zand, are often associated with the... more
This paper is an extended study of how exactly sensation constrains our intellectual knowing, according to Aquinas. I argue against what I call a "Sense-Gatekeeper" reading of Aquinas, which derives from the maxim "Nothing is in... more
This article retells the surprising discovery of a considerable Jewish influence on Christian scholasticism in the Middle Ages. While most students of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas knew that both had read Jewish philosophy, only the... more
Social epistemology existed in the scholastic tradition in the shape of doctrines on the legitimate use of probable opinions. Medieval scholasticism had developed sophisticated approaches in this respect, but the apogee of scholastic... more
The chapter discusses the symbolic dimensions and underlying structures of the idea of 'submission to the authority of the masters' current in high medieval education. It traces the changes this practice underwent during the course of the... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
The dramatic unfolding of events after Martin Luther's revolutionary act led to the ultimate, and seemingly irreparable, fissure with Roman Catholicism: excommunication and schism. Remembering the Reformation enters into this history and... more
This is my contribution to published symposium on the thesis of Dieter Hattrup concerning Bonaventure's *On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology*. Hattrup notoriously has argued that the *Reduction* cannot be a work of Bonaventure's... more
This paper was delivered on March 9, 2004, at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland, as the College’s tenth Annual Aquinas Lecture. It contrasts the approaches to theology practiced by Peter Lombard and Thomas Aquinas. The argument is... more
This paper analyzes the contributions of some of the pre scholastic and scholastic writers on the doctrine of the “just price”. According to their perspective it is difficult to establish an objective method for discovering the “just... more
La validez de la lengua latina como instrumento de comunicación universal permitió el uso de la misma en géneros de muy diversa índole, incluso en época moderna. Sabido es que desde el Renacimiento se pretendió una renovación de la lengua... more
“Scholasticism” is a term that refers to Western medieval philosophy and, by extension, to any philosophical system primarily relying on a given textual corpus and on an argumentative method for exploiting its resources. At the beginning... more
This article focuses on the external features of Dante’s epistemology (i.e. objects of knowledge) as they materialize in the Commedia through the Scholastic notion of principles, understood as ‘beginnings’ or ‘sources’ (rather than more... more
In the late 16 th and early 17 th centuries, a number of 'liberal Jesuit scholastics' produced the last great synthesis of Aristotelian psychology with Christian theology. In this magnificently sympathetic reconstruction of their systems... more
I testi sono pubblicati previo giudizio espresso da recensori anonimi Segreteria di direzione e redazione / Editorial Secretary Si prega di inviare manoscritti, dattiloscritti, stampati, libri e la posta redazionale al seguente indirizzo... more
Introduction: Scotus on "Scientific Knowledge" (scientia) Each account of scientia advanced by Scotus presupposes the definition and the knowledge of the "first object" (primwn obicctum), He explores "first object" in three ways: (1) in... more
From the late thirteenth through late seventeenth centuries, a single three-word Latin phrase—sapiens dominabitur astris, or “the wise man will be master of the stars”—proliferated in astrological, theological, philosophical, and literary... more
This article addresses Joshua HaLorki's discussion of faith (emunah), as it appears in his famous letter to the convert Pablo de Santa Maria. It suggests that ha-Lorki weighed against each other competing models of faith, that he deemed... more
This essay examines whether the controversy over relics vs. genitals in Jean de Meun's part of the Romance of the Rose should be understood in the context of a larger debate in Paris between 1250 and 1280 about the notion of signification... more
Abstract. This article proposes a first systematic approach to the manuscript tradition of the Liber de causis. It studies both the manuscript variants and the doctrinal difficulties raised by the transliteration of the Arabic al-ʿaql... more
The interest of the young Brentano for the philosophy of Plato is linked to his Aristotelian studies. Brentano understands Aristotle's philosophy in deep continuity with Plato's one. This continuity is clear in one of the most... more
Jornadas de Estudos Scholastica Colonialis I
(Brasil, Bolívia, Alemanha, Argentina, Equador, Portugal, Itália)
(Brasil, Bolívia, Alemanha, Argentina, Equador, Portugal, Itália)
We think with objects—we conduct our lives surrounded by external devices that help us recall information, calculate, plan, design, make decisions, articulate ideas, and organize the chaos that fills our heads. Medieval scholars learned... more
Pensar sobre las condiciones de la vida es una característica natural del hombre. Por ello siempre ha habido vía,<; para pensar sobre los fundamentos, objetivos y necesidades de la sociedad. En todo tiempo y lugar los hombres han pensado... more
My contention for many years has been that theological problems are first and, primarily, philosophical problems and need to be solved as such. To my mind, Dr. Leslie Dewart’s understanding of “dehellenization,” not to be confused with... more
This study highlights more unusual cases where Byzantine liturgical sources, such as in the Menaion and homiletic material of Fathers, are essential to understand certain notions of Palamas’ theoptic and epoptic ideas. The vocabulary and... more