Scholarly Editions
Recent papers in Scholarly Editions
Collected Works of Erasmus: Annotations on Galatians and Ephesians, edited by Riemer A. Faber. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. The Sixteenth Century Journal 50.3 (2019) 989–90.
This book presents texts of T.G.Masaryk from 1907-1910, meaning articles, interviews, disputations, brochures, printed speeches, reviews, declarations, or lectures from this period. Masaryk's publication activities were fundamentally... more
This paper argues that the changes we may see in scholarly editing may amount to a revolution. However, the reasons why this may be a revolution differ from those usually given. Further, the effects of this revolution may reach far... more
Book 2.0 10.2 (2020): 175-85. Print.
René d’Anjou’s Livre des tournois is famous as the most substantial account of the organisation of a medieval tournament that has come down to us. It survives in eight manuscripts, most of which have an almost identical layout; the best... more
Commented edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's poems written between 1910 and 1926 in chronological order.
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma perspectiva histórica e considerações do processo de transcrição/edição do Te Deum CPM 92 de José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767-1830) desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa em Linguagem Musical autógrafas e... more
Lo scorso 26 marzo la Domenica ospitava un articolo di Domenico Scarpa sul libro di Reiner Stach «Questo è Kafka?» (Adelphi): una delle più belle invenzioni editoriali degli ultimi anni, realizzata con materiale già pubblicato. In barba... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
This is a full scholarly edition of John Philips's influential georgic poem Cyder (1708), with a particular emphasis on the political, historical and agricultural themes of the poem. The editors are John Goodridge (Emeritus Professor of... more
Commented edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's poems written between 1895 and 1910 in chronological order.
Nobiles ex familia Majténiana tempore medii aevi locum inter insignes familias nobilium in territorio Slovaciae existentium occupabant. Quoad statum eorum socialem ad coetum nobilium medii ordinis possumus eos adnumerare. Dicendum est... more
In this paper, the author discusses the spelling and accentual conventions used by Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) in many of his manuscripts (including those of his major literary works) as they first appeared in the monumental edition of... more
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
The paper is focused on the research project I carried out for my PhD in History of Science on the Favaro-Wohlwill correspondence held at the Domus Galilaeana in Pisa, concerning the making of the Edizione Nazionale of Galileo’s Opere... more
In hoc tomo seriei publicationum „Fontes rerum Slovacarum“ nominatae, quas Sedes historica Facultatis philosophicae, Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, ad lucem edit ea mente, ut fontes res gestas Slovacas tangentes accessu faciles reddantur,... more
Commentary on Greek Isaiah written for Brill's Septuagint Commentary Series
Hac editione collectio litterarum tempore medii aevi proveniendarum, quae in archivo familiae Motesickyanae quondam deposita, nunc vero in Archivo Hungarico Regnicolari (Magyar Országos Levéltár) in Budapest asservatur, inveniri potest.... more
Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature written in the first half of the nineteenth century, and is perhaps the most important piece of... more
Submission guidelines for proposals for OUP Oxford's Religion list
The present study seeks to provide documents concerning the legal status of serfs in Bohemia. It brings the first comprehensive edition of Robotpatente (i.e. peasant patents) for Bohemia and Moravia of 1680, and 1713, the instruction for... more
Wolfgang Wüst (Hg.), Die "gute" Policey im Reichskreis: Band 4: Die lokale Policey: Normensetzung und Ordnungspolitik auf dem Lande. Ein Quellenwerk, Berlin 2008 (607 Seiten, 16 Abbildungen, Glossar, Orts-, Namen- und Sachregister).... more
The Almagesti minor is the first volume of the "Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus" Text Series. With this book, Henry Zepeda offers us the critical edition, translation and commentary of this famous Latin abridgement of Ptolemy's Almagest,... more
En esta edición de Regreso a Hobbiton conoceremos en detalle el poema Sir Gawain y el caballero verde, que acompañó a J. R. R. Tolkien durante toda su vida, desde la niñez hasta sus últimos días. Nos acercaremos a la figura de Tolkien... more
Wolfgang Wüst (Hg.), Die „gute“ Policey im Reichskreis. Zur frühmodernen Normensetzung in den Kernregionen des Alten Reiches, Band 7: Policeyordnungen in den fränkischen Reichsstädten Nürnberg, Rothenburg o.d. Tauber, Schweinfurt,... more
Le modalità di composizione e pubblicazione di un libro sono oggigiorno ben definite e tutto sommato semplici. L'Autore mette per iscritto l'opera, un editore provvede alla sua stampa e, attraverso una rete di distribuzione, alla... more
Estudio sobre la actividad editorial y literaria de Vicente Salvá Pérez (1786-1849) en Londres (1825-1832), siguiendo las noticias que aporta su epistolario aún inédito.
Resumen: En estas páginas pretendemos ofrecer un seguimiento del estudio de cada una de las cartas de Mosheh ben Maimon, Maimónides, a través de sus posibles traducciones coetáneas y antiguas que hubieran podido llevarse a cabo así como... more
The trade in oxen, along with the trade in grain, was one of two most important branches of Po-lish export trade in the 16th c. Both merchandises were produced in the Polish-Lithuanian king-dom and were exported to Western Europe.... more