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The survey n of iron capitals that decorate the Ballroom of Villa Blanc on Main Street in Rome, the result of a process of industrial prefabrication, have provided experience in order to implement synchronous detection by applying the... more
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      RilievoScanner Laser
The importance of integrated underground church of Santa Maria della Rupe in Narni, using the known 3D scanning technology, and the subsequent graphical depiction, the cloud of points, gave rise to the first results which have gone beyond... more
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      ArtItalyRilievoScanner Laser
The importance of integrated underground church of Santa Maria della Rupe in Narni, using the known 3D scanning technology, and the subsequent graphical depiction, the cloud of points, gave rise to the first results which have gone beyond... more
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      ItalyRilievoScanner LaserNarni
The importance of integrated underground church of Santa Maria della Rupe in Narni, using the known 3D scanning technology, and the subsequent graphical depiction, the cloud of points, gave rise to the first results which have gone beyond... more
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      ArtItalyRilievoScanner Laser
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    • Scanner Laser
The importance of integrated underground church of Santa Maria della Rupe in Narni, using the known 3D scanning technology, and the subsequent graphical depiction, the cloud of points, gave rise to the first results which have gone beyond... more
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      ItalyRilievoScanner LaserNarni