Recent papers in Scalarity
This paper examines two related puzzles, observed in the litera- ture about extreme adjectives (see, e.g., Paradis 2001, Rett 2008, Morzycki 2012), namely, (a) why such adjectives are questionable within comparative structures and (b) why... more
This thesis addresses philosophical problems concerning improper assertions. The first part considers the issue of defining lying: here, against a standard view, I argue that a lie need not intend to deceive the hearer. I define lying as... more
The theory of situation-type aspect based on scales (e.g. Tenny 1994; Jackendoff 1996; Rappaport Hovav 2008; Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2010) is applied in the present study to aspectual English verb particles and Slovak verbal prefixes. I... more
Este TFM constituye un acercamiento a las propiedades eventivas y escalares de los verbos de cambio gradual
Olga Kagan & Lavi Wolf The semantics of almost and its counterparts in other languages has attracted considerable attention in the linguistic literature (cf. e.g. Sadock 1981, Sevi 1998, Horn 2002, Rotstein and Winter 2004, Penka 2005,... more
Negative and positive polarity items (NPIs and PPIs) are one of the well-explored topics in formal semantics and typology. However, the phenomenon of polarization is only addressed on a very limited linguistic material, such as indefinite... more
Описательная статья о семантике и акциональности деадъективных глаголов в горномарийском языке.
We here revisit the 'let alone' construction, which was first described in a 1980s paper that put Construction Grammar on the map. Our focus is on a seemingly aberrant use where the first conjunct does not entail the restored second... more
A diferenciação sócio-espacial, em conjunto com a articulação de tais diferenças, está no cerne dos processos de significação da existência e da ação humana, configurando-se como um dos eixos continuamente discutidos nas pesquisas... more
RESUMO: O “problema da escala” emerge na Geografia no momento em que a necessidade de organizar as unidades espaciais possíveis de serem identificadas é ressaltada como uma preocupação metodológica, sendo assim explicitado e tratado no... more
We here revisit the let alone construction, which was first described in a 1980s paper that put Construction Grammar on the map. Our focus is on a seemingly aberrant use where the first conjunct does not entail the restored second... more
RESUMEN: Este artículo tiene como propósito contribuir a la identificación de rasgos generales del debate conocido como el problema de la escala, difundido en la literatura geográfica anglosajona y recientemente debatido en la literatura... more
In this paper we propose a syntactic analysis of dative DPs in ditransitive constructions in Russian, answering three questions: (I) what semantic roles the indirect object realizes; (II) how it is syntactically ordered with respect to... more
This study presents a unique set of solutions, using empirically determined physical quantities, in achieving a novel dimensionless constant α (1/R ∞)/PL from the ratio of the inverse of the Rydberg constant to the Planck length. It is... more
In this paper the Italian scalar particles perfino and addirittura are investigated in a diachronic perspective, from their origins in spatial and temporal meanings to the scalar value they have in Present Day Italian. The data... more
Статья посвящена описанию семантики и морфологии деадъективных глаголов в языке томо-кан (семья догон, нигер-конго). В первую очередь рассматриваются такие черты этого класса глаголов, как лабильность и аспектуальные характеристики. В... more
A popular view of the semantics of even takes it to presuppose that its prejacent, p, is less likely than all its contextually relevant focus alternatives, q. In this paper I point out three novel problems for this `comparative... more
This article approaches the relationship between the categories of custom and law by means of an experiment with cartographic metaphors of scale and location. In Papua New Guinea, the relationship of custom to law is configured by the... more
Kommentar zu Wolfgang Knöbls Analyse der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit Gewalt.
Nos estudos sobre movimentos sociais urbanos brasileiros é sabido que entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980 espaços que antes eram foco de ativismos aparentemente dispersos ganharam relevância por se tornarem referências para mobilizações cuja... more
Our research work aims at clarifying the different ways in which illocutionary force is weakened or strengthened and at investigating the linguistic means by which illocutionary force modification is achieved in Italian.
This chapter offers an overview of the advancements made in the semantic theory of events and introduces its central notions and current issues to serve as background information relevant for the contributions included in the volume. It... more
Resumo: Seguindo a perspectiva da Sociolinguística Variacionista, concebemos a variação inerente ao sistema linguístico. Avaliamos a frequência de alternância subjuntivo/indicativo em orações dubitativas na comunidade de fala da Cidade do... more
This chapter offers an overview of the advancements made in the semantic theory of events and introduces its central notions and current issues to serve as background information relevant for the contributions included in the volume. It... more
Scalar moderation in Lithuanian adjectives Problem In Lithuanian, prefix po- when attached to adjectives, can derive the following meanings, listed in the order of most to least productive based on Tamulionienė’s study... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
In this paper the Italian scalar particlesperfinoandaddiritturaare investigated in a diachronic perspective, from their origins in spatial and temporal meanings to the scalar value they have in Present Day Italian. The data documenting... more
Cette étude diachronique du connecteur scalaire nēdum examine les différents stades de son évolution afin de comprendre les emplois de ce terme pour lequel sont généralement proposées deux traductions opposées, « à plus forte raison » et... more
El movimiento de los sem-teto brasileño es una de las principales expresiones contemporáneas de los movimientos sociales urbanos del país, inspirando investigaciones sobre sus esfuerzos para intervenir sobre la producción del espacio... more
В докладе на материале русского, хантыйского, горномарийского и коми-зырянского языков рассматривается аспектуальная композиция деадъективных глаголов, в которой предельность вводится аффиксальным показателем или легким глаголом, а не... more
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more