Recent papers in Savanna
Este artigo avalia a eiciência dos métodos de parcelas de área ixa (PA) e pontos quadrantes (QD) na descrição de uma comunidade lenhosa de Cerrado Típico. Utilizamos 10 PA e 140 QD, distribuídos em cinco transeções. Comparamos a densidade... more
RESUMO: O trabalho consistiu na identificação de relictos da vegetação de Savana e Savanaestépica nas mesorregiões geográficas do Norte Central Paranaense e Norte Pioneiro Paranaense, nas bacias dos rios Tibagi, Laranjinhas e das Cinzas.... more
Aim: Parapatric distributional patterns can arise from abiotic or biotic factors, or from dispersal barriers. Climate change can potentially affect parapatry by changing species' potential geographic distribution, and thereby widening or... more
The vegetation and climate of the Pampa grassland, Argentina, during the late Quaternary are reconstructed from pollen recovered from dated stratigraphic sections from arroyo walls and from archaelogical excavations. Prior to 10,500 yr... more
AimTo analyse spatial trade-offs in conservation of mammals, considering benefits of biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic costs.To analyse spatial trade-offs in conservation of mammals, considering benefits of biodiversity... more
The mechanisms permitting the co-existence of tree and grass in savannas have been a source of contention for many years. The two main classes of explanations involve either competition for resources, or differential sensitivity to... more
African Savannahs have substantial land resources that could be used for the production of food and fiber and a major source for the prosperity for the countries where they are located. This document studied the case of Angola’s... more
Geochemical and palynological analyses of core CR1 from Crominia, Goi~is, provided information on the paleoenvironmental history of central Brazil. The records show that prior to 32,400 yr B.P. the vegetation of the Crominia region was... more
1 Embrapa Rondônia, c. postal 406 -Porto Velho/RO, 78900-970 [email protected]; 2 Embrapa Hortaliças, c. postal 218, Brasília/DF, 70359-970 [email protected]; 3 Faculdade São Lucas -Porto Velho/RO [email protected]... more
In this study, we describe and illustrate Piriqueta crenata, a new species from the Chapada Diamantina region, Bahia, Brazil. It is similar to and was initially identified as P. flammea from which it can be distinguished by the cuneate... more
Field experiments were conducted during years 2010 and 2011 cropping seasons of Nigerian Guinea
Distribution and abundance of tree species of savanna woodland in Pantanal wetlands, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil). The woodland savannas occupy non-flooding areas in the Pantanal wetlands and are an important resource for regional... more
As a fundamental element of human lives, ecosystems and the services they provide across all socioecological regions are now under threat from human and natural activities. An assessment of the different categories of ecosystem services... more
As a fundamental element of human lives, ecosystems and the services they provide across all socioecological regions are now under threat from human and natural activities. An assessment of the different categories of ecosystem services... more
(2000). Changes in the oristic composition of cerrado sensu stricto in Brazil over a nine-year period.
Drought can affect forest structure and function at various spatial and temporal scales. Forest response and recovery from drought may be a result of position within landscape. Longleaf pine forests in the United States have been observed... more
Aim This study aims to improve the formulation and results of the Brazilian Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies Potential Vegetation Model (CPTEC-PVM) by developing a new parameterization for the long-term occurrence of... more
Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar o manejo para a espécie Stryphondendron adstringens a partir de diferentes intensidades de cortes seletivos com controle por classe de diâmetro no norte de Minas Gerais. A produção estimada para... more
... I. COMPORTAMIENTO REPRODUCTIVO A DOS EDADES DE SUPLEMENTACIÓN CON BLOQUES MULTINUTRICIONALES B. Birbe, P. Herrera, N. Martinez1, M. Hernández y D. Mata Universidad Simón Rodríguez. IDECYT. CEDAT. Estación Experimental La Iguana. ...
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The study examines the extent of poverty and its determinants among farming households in Borno State of Nigeria. Primary data were obtained from 1,998 farming households using well-structured questionnaires in 2004. Mean monthly per... more
Contrary to floral nectaries that attract and reward vertebrate and invertebrate pollinators, EFNs are especially attractive to ants and a variety of other nectar-foraging insects such as wasps, bees, flies and beetles, and more rarely... more
The paper analyzes farmers' perceptions, profitability, and factors influencing the adoption of improved maize varieties (IMV) in the Guinea savannas of Borno State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling design was used to select 232... more
In 1954 was established National Park Niokolo-Koba. After gaining independence and emerging from the state of Senegal the National Park was extended due to the biodiversity and wildlife protection. From this reason, in 1969 local villages... more
RESUMO Neste estudo objetivou-se avaliar o manejo para a espécie Stryphondendron adstringens a partir de diferentes intensidades de cortes seletivos com controle por classe de diâmetro no norte de Minas Gerais. A produção estimada para... more
Whereas leaf gas exchange properties are important to assess carbon and water fluxes in ecosystems worldwide, information of this type is scarce for savanna species. In this study, gas exchange characteristics of 2 C4 grass species... more
Accurate differentiation between tropical forest and savannah ecosystems in the fossil pollen record is hampered by the combination of: i) poor taxonomic resolution in pollen identification, and ii) the high species diversity of many... more
Projected increases in Africa's human population over the next 40 years point to further, large-scale conversion of natural habitats into farmland, with far-reaching consequences for raptor species, some of which are now largely... more
Introduction: Recent studies at sites in northern Australia have reported severe and rapid decline of several native mammal species, notwithstanding an environmental context (small human population size, limited habitat loss, substantial... more
The hypothesis that application of starter nitrogen (N) fertilizer to cowpea may increase grain and fodder yields and profitability was tested in the Guinea and Sudan savanna zones of northern Ghana. Two cowpea varieties (Apagbaala:... more
Historically, pine savannas characterized landscapes across the Gulf Coastal Region, including most of Florida. Treeless habitats (historically called "prairies") also occurred as lowland inclusions in savanna landscapes. What restricted... more
Background: No studies have examined the invasion of exotic species used for forestry purposes in the savannas of the Brazilian Amazonia. Aims: We investigated the invasion process of Acacia mangium in savanna areas adjacent to... more
Historically, pine savannas characterized landscapes across the Gulf Coastal Region, including most of Florida. Treeless habitats (historically called "prairies") also occurred as lowland inclusions in savanna landscapes. What restricted... more