Recent papers in Savana
Este artigo avalia a eiciência dos métodos de parcelas de área ixa (PA) e pontos quadrantes (QD) na descrição de uma comunidade lenhosa de Cerrado Típico. Utilizamos 10 PA e 140 QD, distribuídos em cinco transeções. Comparamos a densidade... more
Este artigo avalia a eiciência dos métodos de parcelas de área ixa (PA) e pontos quadrantes (QD) na descrição de uma comunidade lenhosa de Cerrado Típico. Utilizamos 10 PA e 140 QD, distribuídos em cinco transeções. Comparamos a densidade de indivíduos, a composição lorística, a riqueza de famílias, gêneros e espécies e a estrutura vertical e horizontal da vegetação. O método de PA foi mais eiciente para amostrar densidade de indivíduos. O método de QD foi mais eiciente na caracterização da riqueza de espécies, da estrutura vertical da vegetação e do registro de espécies com baixa abundância. A composição de famílias, gêneros e espécies, bem como as espécies com maior índice de valor de importância na comunidade foram determinadas de maneira semelhante pelos dois métodos. Os métodos comparados são complementares. Sugerimos que o uso de PA, de QD ou de ambos os métodos pode ser direcionado ao parâmetro vegetacional investigado.
Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali, ISBN: 1230000896061, é um texto que primeiramente, foi disponibilizado na Plataforma Kobo pela Editora Kotev (Kotev ©) em Janeiro de 2016. Em Abril de 2018, este mesmo material foi transformado em texto... more
Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali, ISBN: 1230000896061, é um texto que primeiramente, foi disponibilizado na Plataforma Kobo pela Editora Kotev (Kotev ©) em Janeiro de 2016. Em Abril de 2018, este mesmo material foi transformado em texto de acesso livre na Internet em Formato PDF. Editorialmente, O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali surge a partir de diversas iniciativas preliminares, dentre as quais a elaboração de materiais de subsídio para sala de aula, conferências proferidas pelo autor em cursos de capacitação com foco em afro-educação e investigações em nível acadêmico desenvolvidas junto à Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Estas experiências foram consumadas em prefeituras, universidades, entidades do movimento negro, ONGs e durante dez anos (2004-2014), no Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade de São Paulo (CEA-USP). O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali registra um momento histórico excepcional, animado pela grandeza, prosperidade e operosidade de um grande império negro e africano, o Mali, raramente citado nos livros de história. Deste modo, O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali propõe uma requalificação do continente africano, seus povos e culturas, contribuindo para inovar e debater sobre novas perspectivas em sala de aula, assim como ampliar os horizontes do conhecimento a respeito do Império do Mali a todos os interessados. No mais, a presente edição de O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali, sem qualquer prejuízo para o núcleo essencial dos textos anteriores, foi ampliada, agregando novas imagens, informações, notas de rodapé e indicações bibliográficas. Incorpora revisão ortográfica com base nas regras vigentes quanto à norma culta da língua portuguesa, cautelas de estilo e normatizações editoriais inerentes ao formato PDF, também permitindo consulta em aparelhos celulares. O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali é um texto de caráter gratuito, sendo vedada qualquer modalidade de reprodução remunerada e/ou sem prévia autorização do autor. A citação de O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali deve obrigatoriamente incorporar referências ao autor, texto e apensos editoriais conforme padrão modelar que segue: WALDMAN, Maurício. O Fabuloso Reino dos Mansas do Mali. Série Africanidades Nº. 24. São Paulo (SP): Editora Kotev. 2018.
Entender cada fisionomia do bioma Cerrado como um ambiente ímpar torna-se relevante para viabilizar a sua conservação. A comunidade científica e a sociedade em geral nem sempre compreende as diferentes existentes do próprio Cerrado. Com... more
Entender cada fisionomia do bioma Cerrado como um ambiente ímpar torna-se relevante para viabilizar a sua conservação. A comunidade científica e a sociedade em geral nem sempre compreende as diferentes existentes do próprio Cerrado. Com isso, o uso de ferramentas cienciométricas podem contribuir para revelar tendências do conhecimento sobre as fitofisionomias de Cerrado e como isto sem sido relevado para o mundo. Assim, esse trabalho traz métricas relacionadas à literatura científica sobre as fisionomias do Cerrado, destacando definições, suas classificações e diferentes abordagens nos estudos analisados. A maioria das pesquisas envolvendo as fitofisionomias do bioma Cerrado foram publicadas na forma de artigos originais (96,6%). Esses documentos foram publicados em 222 fontes, assinados por 1.714 autores. Dos termos denominativos de fitofisionomias do bioma, nove estão entre os 50 mais frequentes nas publicações analisadas, a saber: campo rupestre, floresta de galeria, cerrado sensu stricto (sinônimo de cerrado sentido restrito), mata seca, cerradão, cerrado rupestre, floresta estacional (sinônimo de mata seca), campo sujo e vereda. Ao longo dos anos é evidente a redução da vegetação de Cerrado, sendo que em 1998 o bioma apresentava cerca de 25% de formação savânica e cerca de 20% de formação florestal. Em 2018, esses valores caíram para 21,5% e 19,2% para formação savânica e florestal, respectivamente. Neste mesmo período de 20 anos, o número de publicações passou de nenhuma para sete sobre formações savânicas e de duas publicações para 14 sobre formação florestal, ambos com grande aumento no período.
“Mozambique is a Mato Grosso in the middle of Africa”: Development and its frictions regarding the ProSAVANA event This research delves into the themes of environment and development, as well as their compositions and frictions in the... more
“Mozambique is a Mato Grosso in the middle of Africa”:
Development and its frictions regarding the ProSAVANA event
This research delves into the themes of environment and development, as well as their compositions and frictions in the setting of the conflicts triggered by the effort to implement the Triangular Co-operation Programme for Agricultural Development of the Tropical Savannah in Mozambique (ProSAVANA). Launched in 2009, the programme results from a partnership between Brazil, Japan, and Mozambique, aiming to develop research, science outreach, and technology transfer activities in northern Mozambique over the course of 20 years. It particularly targets the area known as the Nacala Corridor, which comprises three provinces and numerous districts within its 14 million hectares (around 35 million acres). The region is traditionally inhabited by emakhuwa matrilineal ethnolinguistic groups, whose agricultural knowledge and practices elude the ones promoted by the South-South Cooperation. ProSAVANA, as argued in this work, was the term through which peasants were able to express their fears, wishes, and concerns that run through their existences, which is why this text regards the programme as an event. Aiming to describe and interpret the frictions between the different modes of identification triggered by the ProSAVANA event in northern Mozambique, the research undertook for this work was eminently qualitative and ethnographically inspired. A multi-sited fieldwork was carried out for this means, comprehending two different stays in Maputo and in northern Mozambique, including a period from February to March 2017 and another one from January to April 2018, as well as a fieldwork period carried out in the Brazilian Midwest and in Brasília from October to November 2018. With the purpose of following the lines of history that result in the cartography of the conflict, this research employed techniques of participant observation, open interviews, photographic records, and the production of fieldwork journals, in addition to obtaining access to the archives of newspapers and documents. As such, the theoretical-ethnographic approach presented here results from the convergence between fieldwork and an epistemological framework devised by the actor-network theory (cf. Bruno Latour), post-colonial perspectives (cf. Grada Kilomba and Frantz Fanon), as well as the ethnological literature developed in the northern Mozambique (cf. Signe Arnfred and Christian Geffray). This work considers that science plays an important role in this context of disputes, forasmuch as its inscription within a naturalist mode of identification (cf. Philippe Descola) produces similarities and continuities between different experiences, i.e., the Brazilian cerrado and the African savannah, whose shared nature is produced and reinforced through artifacts such as maps and geographic parallels. Considering how the network cartography understands markers that difference and inequality need to be observed, a reflection is thus provided in regard to the intersections between social markers (particularly ethnicity and gender), as well as towards the land itself. The indicated differences make themselves visible through the means of the language and the ways of narrating their existence. Through the description of the ProSAVANA in northern Mozambique, it can be concluded that development produces frictions between distinct modes of identification from which different worlds derive. Lastly, the theoretical- ethnographic approach employed here considers that the Mozambican experience provides nuances to the theoretical propositions regarding environmental conflicts by informing that subjects, land, and time are mutually constituted.
Keywords: ProSAVANA event; Development; Environment; Modes of Identification; Northern Mozambique.
“Le Mozambique est un Mato Grosso en pleine Afrique” :
Le développement et ses frictions autour de l'événement ProSAVANA
Cette recherche se penche sur les thématiques de l'environnement et du développement, en comprenant ses compositions et frictions, dans le cadre des conflits introduits par la tentative d’implémentation du Programme de Coopération Tripartite pour le Développement Agricole de la Savane Tropicale au Mozambique (ProSAVANA). Ce programme, lancé en 2009, résulte d’un partenariat entre le Brésil, le Japon et le Mozambique qui prévoit des activités de recherche, diffusion scientifique et transfert de technologies pour une durée de 20 années dans le nord mozambicain, dans une région connue comme le Corridor de Nacala. Cette zone, qui comprend trois provinces et des nombreux districts dans ses 14 millions d’hectares, est traditionnellement habitée par des groupes ethnolinguistiques matrilinéaires emakhuwa, dont les savoirs et pratiques agricoles échappent ceux qui sont promus dans le cadre de la coopération Sud-Sud. Cette recherche soutien que le ProSavana a été le nom à travers lequel les paysans et paysannes ont pu exprimer leurs craintes, désirs et enjeux qui traversent leurs existences, de sorte que ce texte considère le programme comme un événement. Dans l’objectif de décrire et d’interpréter les frictions entre les différents modes d’identification entraînées par l’émergence de l'événement ProSAVANA dans le Nord mozambicain, on a mené une recherche éminemment qualitative et d’inspiration ethnographique. Le travail sur le terrain multissitué que soutien cette recherche comprend deux séjours de terrain à Maputo et au nord mozambicain de février à mars 2017, ainsi que de janvier à avril 2018, outre d’un séjour de terrain au centre- ouest brésilien et à Brasília d'octobre à novembre 2018. Afin de suivre les lignes d’histoires qui résultent dans la cartographie du conflit, les techniques de recherche qui ont été utilisées comprennent l’observation participante, des entrevues ouvertes, des enregistrements photographiques et la confection de carnets de terrain, outre de l’accès à des archives de journaux et de documents. La formulation théorico-ethnographiques est ainsi le résulté de l’articulation du travail sur le terrain et d’un cadre épistémologique composé à partir de la théorie acteur-réseau (cf. Bruno Latour), des perspectives post- coloniales (cf. Grada Kilomba et Frantz Fanon) et de la littérature ethnologique développé au Nord mozambicain (cf. Signe Arnfred et Christian Geffray). En considérant les sciences jouent un rôle central dans ce contexte de conflits, vu que, en étant inscrites dans un mode d’identification naturaliste (cf. Philippe Descola), elles produisent des similarités et des continuités entre des expériences diverses : le cerrado brésilien et la savane africaine, dont la nature partagée est produite et renforcée à travers d’artefacts tels que des cartes et des parallèles géographiques. La cartographie de réseau considère que les marqueurs qui produisent de la différence et de l’inégalité doivent être observés, de sorte à engendrer une réflexion autour des intersections entre les marqueurs sociaux (notamment l’ethnie et le genre) et la terre elle-même. Ces différences se dévoilent à travers la langue et les manières de narrer la propre existence. La description de l’événement ProSAVANA du Nord mozambicain permet de constater que le développement produit des frictions entre des divers modes d’identification dont découlent des différents mondes. Finalement, l’approche théorico-ethnographique entrepris ici considère que l’expérience mozambicaine nuance les propositions théoriques autour des conflits environnementaux en signalant que sujets, terre et temps se constituent mutuellement.
Mots-clés : Événement ProSAVANA ; Développement ; Environnement ; Modes d’Identification ; Nord du Mozambique.
Development and its frictions regarding the ProSAVANA event
This research delves into the themes of environment and development, as well as their compositions and frictions in the setting of the conflicts triggered by the effort to implement the Triangular Co-operation Programme for Agricultural Development of the Tropical Savannah in Mozambique (ProSAVANA). Launched in 2009, the programme results from a partnership between Brazil, Japan, and Mozambique, aiming to develop research, science outreach, and technology transfer activities in northern Mozambique over the course of 20 years. It particularly targets the area known as the Nacala Corridor, which comprises three provinces and numerous districts within its 14 million hectares (around 35 million acres). The region is traditionally inhabited by emakhuwa matrilineal ethnolinguistic groups, whose agricultural knowledge and practices elude the ones promoted by the South-South Cooperation. ProSAVANA, as argued in this work, was the term through which peasants were able to express their fears, wishes, and concerns that run through their existences, which is why this text regards the programme as an event. Aiming to describe and interpret the frictions between the different modes of identification triggered by the ProSAVANA event in northern Mozambique, the research undertook for this work was eminently qualitative and ethnographically inspired. A multi-sited fieldwork was carried out for this means, comprehending two different stays in Maputo and in northern Mozambique, including a period from February to March 2017 and another one from January to April 2018, as well as a fieldwork period carried out in the Brazilian Midwest and in Brasília from October to November 2018. With the purpose of following the lines of history that result in the cartography of the conflict, this research employed techniques of participant observation, open interviews, photographic records, and the production of fieldwork journals, in addition to obtaining access to the archives of newspapers and documents. As such, the theoretical-ethnographic approach presented here results from the convergence between fieldwork and an epistemological framework devised by the actor-network theory (cf. Bruno Latour), post-colonial perspectives (cf. Grada Kilomba and Frantz Fanon), as well as the ethnological literature developed in the northern Mozambique (cf. Signe Arnfred and Christian Geffray). This work considers that science plays an important role in this context of disputes, forasmuch as its inscription within a naturalist mode of identification (cf. Philippe Descola) produces similarities and continuities between different experiences, i.e., the Brazilian cerrado and the African savannah, whose shared nature is produced and reinforced through artifacts such as maps and geographic parallels. Considering how the network cartography understands markers that difference and inequality need to be observed, a reflection is thus provided in regard to the intersections between social markers (particularly ethnicity and gender), as well as towards the land itself. The indicated differences make themselves visible through the means of the language and the ways of narrating their existence. Through the description of the ProSAVANA in northern Mozambique, it can be concluded that development produces frictions between distinct modes of identification from which different worlds derive. Lastly, the theoretical- ethnographic approach employed here considers that the Mozambican experience provides nuances to the theoretical propositions regarding environmental conflicts by informing that subjects, land, and time are mutually constituted.
Keywords: ProSAVANA event; Development; Environment; Modes of Identification; Northern Mozambique.
“Le Mozambique est un Mato Grosso en pleine Afrique” :
Le développement et ses frictions autour de l'événement ProSAVANA
Cette recherche se penche sur les thématiques de l'environnement et du développement, en comprenant ses compositions et frictions, dans le cadre des conflits introduits par la tentative d’implémentation du Programme de Coopération Tripartite pour le Développement Agricole de la Savane Tropicale au Mozambique (ProSAVANA). Ce programme, lancé en 2009, résulte d’un partenariat entre le Brésil, le Japon et le Mozambique qui prévoit des activités de recherche, diffusion scientifique et transfert de technologies pour une durée de 20 années dans le nord mozambicain, dans une région connue comme le Corridor de Nacala. Cette zone, qui comprend trois provinces et des nombreux districts dans ses 14 millions d’hectares, est traditionnellement habitée par des groupes ethnolinguistiques matrilinéaires emakhuwa, dont les savoirs et pratiques agricoles échappent ceux qui sont promus dans le cadre de la coopération Sud-Sud. Cette recherche soutien que le ProSavana a été le nom à travers lequel les paysans et paysannes ont pu exprimer leurs craintes, désirs et enjeux qui traversent leurs existences, de sorte que ce texte considère le programme comme un événement. Dans l’objectif de décrire et d’interpréter les frictions entre les différents modes d’identification entraînées par l’émergence de l'événement ProSAVANA dans le Nord mozambicain, on a mené une recherche éminemment qualitative et d’inspiration ethnographique. Le travail sur le terrain multissitué que soutien cette recherche comprend deux séjours de terrain à Maputo et au nord mozambicain de février à mars 2017, ainsi que de janvier à avril 2018, outre d’un séjour de terrain au centre- ouest brésilien et à Brasília d'octobre à novembre 2018. Afin de suivre les lignes d’histoires qui résultent dans la cartographie du conflit, les techniques de recherche qui ont été utilisées comprennent l’observation participante, des entrevues ouvertes, des enregistrements photographiques et la confection de carnets de terrain, outre de l’accès à des archives de journaux et de documents. La formulation théorico-ethnographiques est ainsi le résulté de l’articulation du travail sur le terrain et d’un cadre épistémologique composé à partir de la théorie acteur-réseau (cf. Bruno Latour), des perspectives post- coloniales (cf. Grada Kilomba et Frantz Fanon) et de la littérature ethnologique développé au Nord mozambicain (cf. Signe Arnfred et Christian Geffray). En considérant les sciences jouent un rôle central dans ce contexte de conflits, vu que, en étant inscrites dans un mode d’identification naturaliste (cf. Philippe Descola), elles produisent des similarités et des continuités entre des expériences diverses : le cerrado brésilien et la savane africaine, dont la nature partagée est produite et renforcée à travers d’artefacts tels que des cartes et des parallèles géographiques. La cartographie de réseau considère que les marqueurs qui produisent de la différence et de l’inégalité doivent être observés, de sorte à engendrer une réflexion autour des intersections entre les marqueurs sociaux (notamment l’ethnie et le genre) et la terre elle-même. Ces différences se dévoilent à travers la langue et les manières de narrer la propre existence. La description de l’événement ProSAVANA du Nord mozambicain permet de constater que le développement produit des frictions entre des divers modes d’identification dont découlent des différents mondes. Finalement, l’approche théorico-ethnographique entrepris ici considère que l’expérience mozambicaine nuance les propositions théoriques autour des conflits environnementaux en signalant que sujets, terre et temps se constituent mutuellement.
Mots-clés : Événement ProSAVANA ; Développement ; Environnement ; Modes d’Identification ; Nord du Mozambique.
RESUMO: O trabalho consistiu na identificação de relictos da vegetação de Savana e Savanaestépica nas mesorregiões geográficas do Norte Central Paranaense e Norte Pioneiro Paranaense, nas bacias dos rios Tibagi, Laranjinhas e das Cinzas.... more
RESUMO: O trabalho consistiu na identificação de relictos da vegetação de Savana e Savanaestépica nas mesorregiões geográficas do Norte Central Paranaense e Norte Pioneiro Paranaense, nas bacias dos rios Tibagi, Laranjinhas e das Cinzas. O objetivo foi verificar se havia a presença de Savana e Savana-estépica e se estas encontradas nas áreas apresentavam-se fragmentadas, ou se formavam uma mancha contínua. Em algumas localidades, subsistem de forma esparsa, representadas por pequenos agrupamentos ou por plantas isoladas de espécies e gêneros próprios do Cerrado (Savana) brasileiro e da Savana-estépica, e sempre associados a afloramentos rochosos. Os pontos de coleta derivaram de um trabalho de esquadrinhamento, através de reconhecimentos de áreas no contexto da paisagem nas mesorregiões citadas, anotandose os pontos nos quais ocorriam espécies ou gêneros típicos das formações de Savana e Savana-estépica. Foram coletadas 34 espécies e/ou gêneros de Savana e Savana-estépica e destas, 11 foram encontradas no morro Três Irmãos em Terra Rica/PR, (mesorregião Noroeste); 9 puderam ser identificadas tanto em Campo Mourão (porção Centro Ocidental) como no Interflúvio Pirapó/Bandeirantes, 4 delas constam no levantamento realizado por Maack (1959/1968) e 16 não têm relação com nenhuma das áreas comparadas, porém todas elas estão relacionadas à vegetação de Savana e Savanaestépica do Brasil Central e Chaco. A altitude não foi um fator determinante na manutenção da Savana-estépica, pois estas foram localizadas desde a altitude de 246 até 724 metros. Já em relação às espécies de Savana, estas foram encontradas em altitudes que iam de 500 a 993 metros. As coletas foram feitas em 27 municípios, com a distribuição de 254 pontos onde se encontrou famílias, gêneros e/ou espécies de Savana e Savana-estépica. 244 destes, ou seja, 96,06% estão sobre o Grupo São Bento –Formação Serra Geral (basalto), os demais pontos, ou 3,94%, estão distribuídos sobre as Formações Santo Anastácio - Grupo Bauru (arenito) e Formação Palermo, nas quais a vegetação de Savana e Savana-estépica subsiste. O tipo de solo predominante nestas formações são principalmente os LVdf4 (Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico), LVd9 (Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico), RLe5 (Neossolos Litólicos Eutróficos), RLe10 (Neossolos Litólicos Eutróficos) e, secundariamente, outros. O clima semiárido, em detrimento do atual semiúmido, que recobria grande parte do Brasil fez com que as espécies de Savana e Savana-estépica se fragmentassem através do processo de vicariância, já que estas ficaram restritas a inúmeras manchas com presença de Savana estépica persistindo sobre os afloramentos rochosos, e de Savana em solos extremamente ácidos do segundo Planalto, o que não impede que estas formações se estendam por corredores de aridez que seguiam pelos planaltos e topos durante as glaciações do Quaternário, na América do Sul, associados aos climas semiáridos e semiúmidos. Pode se considerar então que a expansão dessas espécies ou mesmo a retração ocorreram por influências climáticas, porém a sua persistência e distribuição se dá por influências pedológicas, que neste caso são os solos (Distróficos, Distroférricos) e os afloramentos rochosos.
ABSTRACT: This article consists on the identification of relicts of the savanna and the steppesavanna in the geographic mesoregions of Central North of Paraná and Pioneer North of Paraná, bowls in rivers the Tibagi, Laranjinhas and Cinzas. The aim was to verify the presence of savanna and the steppe-savanna and found in these areas presented fragmented or formed a continuous spot. In some places, it manages to survive in a sparse way, represented by small groupings or by isolated plants typical from the species and genera of the Brazilian cerrado (savanna) and steppe savanna, and always associated with outcrops. The selection of places for collecting the data were based on a scanning process of recognizing areas in the context of the landscape in the mentioned mesoregion, taking notes on the places where there were typical species or genera from the savanna and the steppe-savanna. 34 species or genera from the savanna or the steppe-savanna were collected and, among these, 11 can be found in the Três Irmãos (mesoregion in Northwest) hill in Terra Rica-PR; 9 can be identified both in Campo Mourão (Western portion Center) and in the inter-river region of Pirapó/Bandeirantes; 4 of them are present in the research from Maack (1959/1968); and 16 of them have no relation to any of the compared areas, although they are all related to the savanna and the steppe-savanna vegetation in Central Brazil and in the Chaco. The height was not a determinant factor in the maintenance of the steppe-savanna, as they were located in heights varying from 246 to 724 meters and the savana species were found in places where the height went from 500 to 993 meters. There were collecting places in 254 points distributed among 27 cities where there were savanna and/or steppe-savanna families, genera and/or species. Among these points, 244, or 96.6%, were on the São Bento Group – Serra Geral Formation (basalt), and the others, or 3.94% were distributed on the Santo Anastácio Formation – Bauru Group (sandstone) and on the Palermo Formation, where the savanna and the steppe-savanna vegetation subsists. The predominant kind of soil in these formations are mainly LVdf4(Dystroferric Red Latosol), LVd9 (Dystrophic Red Latosol), RLe5 (Eutrophic Litolic Neosol), RLe10 (Eutrophic Litolic Neosol) and others secundarily. The semi-arid climate, in place of the recent semi-umid one, that covered a great part of Brazil, caused the species of the savanna and the steppe-savanna to desintegrate through the vicariance process, as they were restricted to uncountable areas where there was the steppe-savanna persisting on the outcrops and the savanna on the extremely accid soil on the Second Plateau, which didn’t stop these formations to continue through corridors of drought that went over the plateaus and hills during the glacial times of the Quaternary in South America, associated to the semi-arid and semi-umid climates. Can then consider that the expansion of these species or even retraction occurred by climatic influences, but their persistence and distribution occurs by soil influences, which in this case are the soils (Dystrophic, dystroferric) and rocky outcrops
ABSTRACT: This article consists on the identification of relicts of the savanna and the steppesavanna in the geographic mesoregions of Central North of Paraná and Pioneer North of Paraná, bowls in rivers the Tibagi, Laranjinhas and Cinzas. The aim was to verify the presence of savanna and the steppe-savanna and found in these areas presented fragmented or formed a continuous spot. In some places, it manages to survive in a sparse way, represented by small groupings or by isolated plants typical from the species and genera of the Brazilian cerrado (savanna) and steppe savanna, and always associated with outcrops. The selection of places for collecting the data were based on a scanning process of recognizing areas in the context of the landscape in the mentioned mesoregion, taking notes on the places where there were typical species or genera from the savanna and the steppe-savanna. 34 species or genera from the savanna or the steppe-savanna were collected and, among these, 11 can be found in the Três Irmãos (mesoregion in Northwest) hill in Terra Rica-PR; 9 can be identified both in Campo Mourão (Western portion Center) and in the inter-river region of Pirapó/Bandeirantes; 4 of them are present in the research from Maack (1959/1968); and 16 of them have no relation to any of the compared areas, although they are all related to the savanna and the steppe-savanna vegetation in Central Brazil and in the Chaco. The height was not a determinant factor in the maintenance of the steppe-savanna, as they were located in heights varying from 246 to 724 meters and the savana species were found in places where the height went from 500 to 993 meters. There were collecting places in 254 points distributed among 27 cities where there were savanna and/or steppe-savanna families, genera and/or species. Among these points, 244, or 96.6%, were on the São Bento Group – Serra Geral Formation (basalt), and the others, or 3.94% were distributed on the Santo Anastácio Formation – Bauru Group (sandstone) and on the Palermo Formation, where the savanna and the steppe-savanna vegetation subsists. The predominant kind of soil in these formations are mainly LVdf4(Dystroferric Red Latosol), LVd9 (Dystrophic Red Latosol), RLe5 (Eutrophic Litolic Neosol), RLe10 (Eutrophic Litolic Neosol) and others secundarily. The semi-arid climate, in place of the recent semi-umid one, that covered a great part of Brazil, caused the species of the savanna and the steppe-savanna to desintegrate through the vicariance process, as they were restricted to uncountable areas where there was the steppe-savanna persisting on the outcrops and the savanna on the extremely accid soil on the Second Plateau, which didn’t stop these formations to continue through corridors of drought that went over the plateaus and hills during the glacial times of the Quaternary in South America, associated to the semi-arid and semi-umid climates. Can then consider that the expansion of these species or even retraction occurred by climatic influences, but their persistence and distribution occurs by soil influences, which in this case are the soils (Dystrophic, dystroferric) and rocky outcrops
As Magníficas Bibliotecas do Império do Mali é um artigo digital motivacional para cursos de iniciação e de capacitação em afro-educação, primeiramente disponibilizado na home-page do Instituto Portal Afro em 30 de Março de 2016. A... more
As Magníficas Bibliotecas do Império do Mali é um artigo digital motivacional para cursos de iniciação e de capacitação em afro-educação, primeiramente disponibilizado na home-page do Instituto Portal Afro em 30 de Março de 2016. A presente edição deste texto foi masterizada em 2017 pela Editora Kotev para fins de acesso livre na Internet (Kotev ©). A presente edição deste texto foi masterizada em Junho de 2017 pela Editora Kotev (Kotev ©), para fins de acesso livre na Internet (Kotev ©). A edição de 2017 foi levemente ampliada e inclui novas imagens, incorporando também as regras atualmente vigentes quanto à norma culta da língua portuguesa, cautelas de estilo e normatizações editoriais inerentes ao formato PDF. As Magníficas Bibliotecas do Império do Mali é um material gratuito, sendo vedada qualquer modalidade de reprodução comercial e de divulgação sem aprovação prévia da Editora Kotev (Kotev©). A citação do material deve obrigatoriamente incorporar referências ao autor e apensos editoriais de acordo com o padrão modelar que segue: WALDMAN, Maurício. As Magníficas Bibliotecas do Império do Mali. Série Africanidades Nº. 8. São Paulo (SP): Editora Kotev. 2018.
The Cerrado, the second largest morphoclimatic area of South America, has many limestone outcrops with caves. However, studies of the bat fauna in karstic environments in the Cerrado are scarce. We present an inventory of bats in a... more
The Cerrado, the second largest morphoclimatic area of South America, has many limestone outcrops with caves. However, studies of the bat fauna in karstic environments in the Cerrado are scarce. We present an inventory of bats in a karstic Cerrado area in the Tocantins state. We used mist-nets to sample caves, savannas, deciduous forests, and periurban environments. We captured 516 bats of 30 species, revealing that the study area is one of richest for bat species in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seven new occurrences of bat species were recorded for the Tocantins state, and we report the first record of G. sylvestris from the Cerrado biome. We recorded 21 species simultaneously at one cave, Gruta dos Moura, which is the highest species richness of bats for a single cave in the Neotropics.
O objetivo foi identificar a composição florística, destacar as espécies raras e/ou em risco de extinção, classificar em grupos ecológicos e avaliar a estrutura quanto às classes diamétricas e hipsométricas num fragmento de Cerrado de... more
O objetivo foi identificar a composição florística, destacar as espécies raras e/ou em risco de extinção, classificar em grupos ecológicos e avaliar a estrutura quanto às classes diamétricas e hipsométricas num fragmento de Cerrado de Cariri, Tocantins. Foram mensurados 2.654 indivíduos, distribuídos em 34 famílias, 73 gêneros e 81 espécies. A classe diamétrica predominante dos indivíduos foi 2,5-4,3 cm e hipsométrica de 4,6-8,2 m. Conclui-se que o fragmento é composto por indivíduos predominantemente jovens e o índice sucessional (IS=1,64) caracteriza a população com estágio de sucessão ecológico em fase de transição entre o inicial e o intermediário.
Semi-arid savannas are characterised by alternating wet and dry seasons and large inter-annual rainfall fluctuations that affect plant growth. Carbon-based secondary metabolites (CBSMs) vary inversely with growth and nutrients because... more
Semi-arid savannas are characterised by alternating wet and dry seasons and large inter-annual rainfall
fluctuations that affect plant growth. Carbon-based secondary metabolites (CBSMs) vary inversely with
growth and nutrients because of the physiological trade-off between cellular growth and differentiation.
We predicted that (1) nutrient concentrations decrease during the wet season, (2) CBSM concentrations
increase during the wet season and (3) nutrient concentrations are lowest and CBSM concentrations are
highest in the dry season. We measured nitrogen, phosphorus, total polyphenols and condensed tannins
in six woody species (including one evergreen) seasonally at the Nkuhlu exclosure, Kruger National Park,
South Africa, for three consecutive years, including one ‘wet’ year (above-average rainfall) and two ‘dry’
years (below-average rainfall). Neither N nor P consistently decreased during wet seasons, while CBSMs
did not consistently increase. Neither N nor P in the evergreen species was consistently lowest in dry
seasons, while CBSMs were not consistently highest in dry seasons. We discuss the inconsistent responses
in the context of species-specificity and high inter-annual rainfall variation. We conclude that
seasonal variations in N, P and CBSMs in semi-arid savannas cannot be easily generalised because they
depend on species and year.
fluctuations that affect plant growth. Carbon-based secondary metabolites (CBSMs) vary inversely with
growth and nutrients because of the physiological trade-off between cellular growth and differentiation.
We predicted that (1) nutrient concentrations decrease during the wet season, (2) CBSM concentrations
increase during the wet season and (3) nutrient concentrations are lowest and CBSM concentrations are
highest in the dry season. We measured nitrogen, phosphorus, total polyphenols and condensed tannins
in six woody species (including one evergreen) seasonally at the Nkuhlu exclosure, Kruger National Park,
South Africa, for three consecutive years, including one ‘wet’ year (above-average rainfall) and two ‘dry’
years (below-average rainfall). Neither N nor P consistently decreased during wet seasons, while CBSMs
did not consistently increase. Neither N nor P in the evergreen species was consistently lowest in dry
seasons, while CBSMs were not consistently highest in dry seasons. We discuss the inconsistent responses
in the context of species-specificity and high inter-annual rainfall variation. We conclude that
seasonal variations in N, P and CBSMs in semi-arid savannas cannot be easily generalised because they
depend on species and year.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 793–802Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 793–802AbstractWe test for two critical phenomena in Amazonian ecosystems: self-organized criticality (SOC) and critical transitions. SOC is often presented in the complex... more
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 793–802Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 793–802AbstractWe test for two critical phenomena in Amazonian ecosystems: self-organized criticality (SOC) and critical transitions. SOC is often presented in the complex systems literature as a general explanation for scale invariance in nature. In particular, this mechanism is claimed to underlie the macroscopic structure and dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. These would be inextricably linked to the action of fire, which is conceived as an endogenous ecological process. We show that Amazonian savanna fires display the scale-invariant features characteristic of SOC but do not display SOC. The same is true in Amazonian rainforests subject to moderate drought. These findings prove that there are other causes of scale invariance in ecosystems. In contrast, we do find evidence of a critical transition to a megafire regime under extreme drought in rainforests; this phenomenon is likely to determine the time scale of a possible loss of Amazonian rainforest caused by climate change.We test for two critical phenomena in Amazonian ecosystems: self-organized criticality (SOC) and critical transitions. SOC is often presented in the complex systems literature as a general explanation for scale invariance in nature. In particular, this mechanism is claimed to underlie the macroscopic structure and dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. These would be inextricably linked to the action of fire, which is conceived as an endogenous ecological process. We show that Amazonian savanna fires display the scale-invariant features characteristic of SOC but do not display SOC. The same is true in Amazonian rainforests subject to moderate drought. These findings prove that there are other causes of scale invariance in ecosystems. In contrast, we do find evidence of a critical transition to a megafire regime under extreme drought in rainforests; this phenomenon is likely to determine the time scale of a possible loss of Amazonian rainforest caused by climate change.
We test for two critical phenomena in Amazonian ecosystems: self-organized criticality (SOC) and critical transitions. SOC is often presented in the complex systems literature as a general explanation for scale invariance in nature. In... more
We test for two critical phenomena in Amazonian ecosystems: self-organized criticality (SOC) and critical transitions. SOC is often presented in the complex systems literature as a general explanation for scale invariance in nature. In particular, this mechanism is claimed to underlie the macroscopic structure and dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. These would be inextricably linked to the action of fire, which is conceived as an endogenous ecological process. We show that Amazonian savanna fires display the scaleinvariant features characteristic of SOC but do not display SOC. The same is true in Amazonian rainforests subject to moderate drought. These findings prove that there are other causes of scale invariance in ecosystems. In contrast, we do find evidence of a critical transition to a megafire regime under extreme drought in rainforests; this phenomenon is likely to determine the time scale of a possible loss of Amazonian rainforest caused by climate change.
Studies on basic density of woody species in Amazonian savannas are needed to convert data on woody volume to biomass. These ecosystems, which have large carbon stocks, emit greenhouse gases annually due to frequent burnings. Basic... more
Studies on basic density of woody species in Amazonian savannas are needed to convert data on woody volume to biomass. These ecosystems, which have large carbon stocks, emit greenhouse gases annually due to frequent burnings. Basic density (g cm À3 : oven-dry weight/wet volume), measured from complete sample disks (bark, sapwood and heartwood), was calculated for the most abundant woody species in three types of open savannas (Sg: grassy-woody savanna; Sp: savanna parkland; Tp: steppe-like parkland) in Roraima, a state in the northern part of Brazil's Amazon region. The species selected represent 90-95% of the woody biomass estimated in these ecosystem types. Seven additional species were lumped in an ''others'' group. In total, we sampled 107 trees: 40 in Sg, 37 in Sp and 30 in Tp. Bowdichia virgilioides (0.516 AE 0.021 (S.E.) g cm À3 ) was the species with the highest basic density, followed by the ''others'' group (0.485 AE 0.057 g cm À3 ), Curatella americana (0.413 AE 0.028 g cm À3 ), Byrsonima crassifolia þ B. coccolobifolia (0.394 AE 0.019 g cm À3 ), Himatanthus articulatus (0.375 AE 0.020 g cm À3 ) and B. verbascifolia (0.332 AE 0.020 g cm À3 ). Basic density of the species with the greatest woody biomass in Roraima's open savannas (C. americana and B. crassifolia þ B. coccolobifolia) did not differ significantly at the 5% level (ANOVA) among the three ecosystem types studied. Wood basic density in these savannas (weighted mean ¼ 0.404 AE 0.025 g cm À3 ) is lower than that in Amazonian forests (weighted mean ¼ 0.680 g cm À3 ). These results reduce uncertainty in calculations of carbon stocks and of greenhouse gas emissions from clearing and burning tropical savanna. # .br (R.I. Barbosa), [email protected] (P.M. Fearnside). 1 Tel.: þ55 95 623 9433.