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Art therapy, as a means of self-expression and healing, is used in a variety of clinical and rehabilitation settings. Here, it is tested with a population judged to be involved in terrorism-related activities. This paper presents an... more
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      Clinical PsychologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesArt Therapy
Al-‘Ula is a small town northwest of Saudi Arabia, extremely rich in nature, history, and traditional architecture. The breathtaking views of rock formations, sand dunes, and palm tree oases around al-‘Ula have been essential parts of its... more
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ArchitectureSaudi ArabiaDesert Restoration (Architecture)
This research aims to examine the practices of university English Language (EL) teachers in e-learning and to explore perspectives on the challenges and prospects of e-learning. It is an exploratory study which adopts a pragmatic paradigm... more
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      Use of TechnologySaudi ArabiaTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageTeachers Practices
The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyRecyclingBiorefinery
The present article focuses on a long-lasting phenomenon that has not yet been treated from a regional and comparative perspective, despite its exceptional character: the walled oases of north-western Arabia. It appears that several oases... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureSaudi ArabiaFortifications
Short of the war, the destruction, and the massive loss of life, Ukraine is in many ways similar to the Gulf crisis in which the UAE, together with Saudi Arabia, led a 3.5-year-long economic and diplomatic boycott of Qatar that, like the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
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      Saudi ArabiaArabic DialectsEnregistermentJazan
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      Middle East StudiesSaudi ArabiaArabian Gulf
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 2 October 2019.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
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      Social MovementsPolitical Violence and TerrorismSaudi ArabiaMiddle East Politics
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaArabian GulfMiddle East Politics
Gathering the proceedings from the 2019 Annual Conference of the Institute of Middle East and Islamic Studies at Durham University (UK), this volume explores the policies and priorities of Gulf Cooperation Council states, the tensions... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesSecurityIranian Studies
“Selefiliğin Yakın Tarihinden Önemli Bir Yaprak: Yeni Bilgiler Işığında Cuheymân el-Uteybî ve Cemaati”, Marife, 9/3 (2009), s.21-46. Selefi cemaat lideri ve eylem adamı Cuheymân el-Uteybî’nin 15. hicrî asrın ilk günlerine rastlayan 1979... more
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      Saudi ArabiaSalafismWahhabismContemporary Salafism
A major concern by the health decision makers in Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries is the burden of financing healthcare. While other GCC countries have been examining different options, Saudi Arabia has endeavoured to reform its... more
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      Saudi ArabiaHealth insuranceEmploymentWorkplace
Of 613 children evaluated in a village in Haryana 94 (15.3%) were observed to have chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM). Fifty eight (61.7%) children had hearing impairment. CSOM contributed to 71.6% of the hearing impaired (58/81). On... more
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      Health PromotionEpidemiologySaudi ArabiaAdolescent
Several sieve tube-restricted bacteria are associated with HLB, worldwide. In Africa, only Candidatus Liberibacter africanus (Laf) has been found to be associated with HLB, and the insect vector is the African citrus psyllid, Trioza... more
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      Saudi ArabiaSea LevelSouth AfricaRelative Humidity
The present study was designed to determine the prevalence of broken appointments of female and male patients scheduled for third, fourth, and fifth year dental students. Data was obtained from computers used for patient scheduling at two... more
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      DentistryHealth BehaviorSaudi ArabiaMedicine
Objectives: To assess the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its associated risk factors among patients with type 2 diabetes in the south of Saudi Arabia. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the Armed Forces... more
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      ObesityDiabetesSaudi ArabiaType 2 Diabetes
The purpose of this study was to assess prognostic factors, treatment outcomes and patterns of relapse in patients with early stage (T1-2 N0) squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue treated primarily by surgery. The medical records of all... more
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      DentistrySaudi ArabiaLinear modelsMultivariate Analysis
This study identified knowledge and concerns about avian influenza among secondary school students in Taif, Saudi Arabia. A stratified random sample of 514 students from 6 secondary schools was given a self-administered multiple-choice... more
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      Health EducationSaudi ArabiaAdolescentMultivariate Analysis
Banking sectors in Saudi Arabia are increasingly deploying Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to produce a better connection between business and improve customer satisfaction. To ensure effective and guarantee a successful... more
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      Saudi ArabiaBanking Sector
To assess the impact of health education on the knowledge and attitudes of paramedical students in Saudi Arabia toward HIV/AIDS. We carried out an interventional study on a sample selected from students of health institutes and health... more
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      Health EducationTropical MedicineSaudi ArabiaDeveloping Countries
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      Saudi ArabiaAdolescentChildAged
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 5 February 2020.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
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      International EconomicsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaInternational Business
Objectives: The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was ratified by Saudi Arabia 15 years ago; yet addressing the issue of child maltreatment only began in more recent years. School professionals play a significant role in... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChild abuse and neglectChild Maltreatment
To determine factors influencing final year medical undergraduate trainees at King Saud University in choosing a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology. In this cross sectional study, the undergraduate final year medical students and interns... more
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      ObstetricsSaudi ArabiaYoung AdultCareer Choice
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      PerceptionConsumer BehaviorSaudi ArabiaProspective studies
Objectives To assess the demographic characteristics and outcomes of couples undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment at a private hospital in Al Qassim district, Saudi Arabia. Methods For this retrospective study, information... more
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      DemographySaudi ArabiaTreatment OutcomePregnancy
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      ProbioticsSaudi ArabiaGut MicrobiotaHoney Bees
The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from faecal samples from 117 poultry industry workers, 100 patients and119 healthy chicken were compared. Resistance of E. coli chicken isolates to ampicillin,... more
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      Tropical MedicineSaudi ArabiaTropical medicine (Health Sciences)Antibiotic Resistance
To explore the role of and report on congenital and genetic cerebrovascular anomalies as risk factors for stroke in a prospective and retrospective cohort of Saudi children. Children with stroke were evaluated at the Division of Pediatric... more
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      Saudi ArabiaStrokeProspective studiesChild
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      Middle East StudiesSaudi ArabiaMiddle Eastern PoliticsMiddle East Politics
Recent and past evaluations and comments of students who completed requirements for the core counselor training content from the Online College of Mental Health Counselling at
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsBusiness AdministrationPathology
En mars 2008, la Mission archéologique et épigraphique franco-saoudienne dans la région de Najrān a fait la découverte d'un sanctuaire rupestre au lieu-dit ʿān Halkān (Arabie Saoudite). Il comporte notamment un siège d'apparence... more
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      Saudi ArabiaEpigraphic South ArabianEpigraphyArabian Peninsula in Antiquity
Objectives: To estimate age at menarche and to assess trends in menarcheal age among Saudi women. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted among healthy prepubertal female school children and adolescents from September 2006... more
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      Saudi ArabiaAdolescentMedicineProspective studies
To explore the hematologic risk factors for stroke in a cohort of Saudi children. We evaluated children at the Division of Pediatric Neurology at King Khalid University Hospital, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, during... more
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      Saudi ArabiaStrokeProspective studiesChild
To identify and explore factors that mostly influence nurses' turnover and retention, and to estimate the length of employment for nurses in the hospital. This is a retrospective cohort study examining the standard Exit Questionnaires... more
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      Saudi ArabiaQuestionnairesRetrospective StudiesPersonnel Turnover
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on 2 July 2021 changed its rules of origin (RoO) pertaining to when a product can be said to have originated from within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for the purpose of utilising the preferential... more
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      International LawInternational TradeSaudi ArabiaWTO Trade Topics
One hundred samples of tomato seeds were collected in 2011 and 2012 from tomato-cultivated fields in Saudi Arabia and screened for their seed-borne mycoflora. A total of 30 genera and 57 species of fungi were recovered from the collected... more
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      MicrobiologySaudi ArabiaClimateMicrobial biotechnology
Hezbollah is the archetype and so far the most important and efficient of all Iranian proxy forces in the Middle East, and it demonstrates all the traits that eventually became the trademarks of Iran’s proxy networks in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... more
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      Middle East StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismLebanese HistoryPalestine
An experience in developing a treatment program of addiction in an Arabic Muslim Society. The three major waves of knowledge and methodology are reviewed in historical perspective. General description of Al Amal Hospital, Dammam, KSA, and... more
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      PsychologyPsychotherapySaudi ArabiaInternational Cooperation
The objective of this study is to simulate the natural infiltration process of a wadi during floods with an artificial infiltration experiment. Two infiltration models, UNSAT1 (Water Resources Program, 1987) and CHEMFLOW , both based on... more
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      Saudi ArabiaField ExperimentSandy soilMoisture Content
Laboratory turnaround time is considered one of the most important indicators of work efficiency in hospitals, physicians always need timely results to take effective clinical decisions especially in the emergency department where these... more
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      Saudi ArabiaQuality ImprovementLibrary and Information StudiesWorkload
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy set theorySimulated AnnealingSaudi Arabia
Bahrain’s Royal Family, the Al Khalifa, has long pursued a strategy of divide and rule in order to prevent the emergence of cross-opposition coalitions, while exacerbating the country’s sectarian divide has become a critical means of... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryGulf StudiesThe Persian Gulf
It is unclear whether practice-related aspects of antimicrobial therapy contribute to the high mortality from septic shock among patients with cirrhosis. We examined the relationship between aspects of initial empiric antimicrobial... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsSaudi ArabiaLinear modelsHepatology
Purpose: To identify the microbiological spectrum and visual outcome of exogenous infectious endophthalmitis in the pediatric age group. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of all children 14 years and younger with culture-positive... more
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      ImmunologySaudi ArabiaAdolescentEndophthalmitis
Vitiligo is not uncommon in southern Saudi Arabia. The response of Saudi patients to PUVA therapy has not been previously assessed. The aim of this study was to evaluate this response. This is a retrospective study for the period of... more
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      Saudi ArabiaTreatment OutcomeDermatologyAdolescent