Satellite Oceanography
Recent papers in Satellite Oceanography
In this study, sea surface wind speed was investigated over the Caspian Sea. To do this, the accuracy of sea surface wind speed was evaluated using the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) data, ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalysis data based on the... more
In marine geology, a guyot (also known as a tablemount) is an isolated underwater table mountain (seamount) with a flat top more than 200 m (660 ft) below the surface of the sea. The diameters of these flat summits can exceed 10 km (6.2... more
A new textbook Physical Oceanography: A short course for beginners by Y. D. Afanasyev is now available from CreateSpace eStore: (and from Amazon). ISBN-13: 978-1535312387 Oceanography is a vast... more
Data suhu permukaan laut dari citra satelit Aqua MODIS dengan resolusi 4 km digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi terjadinya thermal fronts, terutama wilayah Selat Makassar dan Laut Banda pada periode tahun 2011 -2012. Studi... more
This study presents an empirical relationship of suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) in the coastal waters, which is derived from the conventional methods, to radiometer remote sensing reflectance values (Rrs) and satellite data in... more
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was domesticated ∼8000 years ago in the Americas and today is a staple food which has been consumed worldwide for its edible seeds and pods. In Ethiopia, it is one of the most important cash crops and... more
We explored the seasonal potential fishing grounds of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the western and central North Pacific using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models fitted with squid fishery data as response and environmental... more
In this paper, we introduce the concept, develop the theory, and demonstrate the advantages of fully focused coherent processing of pulse echoes from a nadir-looking pulse-limited radar altimeter. This process, similar to synthetic... more
The applications of remote sensing methods for fisheries research are reviewed, namely the use of airborne, and active and passive satellite technology. The utilisation of satellite-derived information in the support of fisheries... more
The VSAT LINK analysis is done for calculating link margin analysis using turbo-c program. This article describes various parameters such as satellite name and transmission and reception parameters and the total link analysis. This... more
ANALOG BEAM FORMING RADAR FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS - Mechanical Steeing of Reflector of Array Elements - Hardwired - An Example of Analog Beam Forming is a Radar Using Spherical Transmitting Antenna was Surrounded by three Spherical... more
Performance of LAPAN-A2 and LAPAN-A3 space-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) have been successfully assessed as the satellites operated at individual and two-satellites constellation modes. Since LAPAN-A2 and LAPAN-A3... more
From TOPEX/Poseidon data, the significant uncertainty in global air-sea carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) flux in 2000 is calculated from 21 wind-speed-dependent and 5 seastate-dependent CO 2 transfer velocities and the sea-to-air partial pressure... more
The applications of remote sensing methods for ®sheries research are reviewed, namely the use of airborne, and active and passive satellite technology. The utilisation of satellite-derived information in the support of ®sheries activities... more
This article describes all the TX. STATION details RX.STATION details and link margin calculation of a typical VSAT network. Also all the parameters of satellite and link analysis is described. Finally the turbo-c program is executed and... more
An experimental deployment of a new type of unmanned vessel is presented. The Christian Michelsen Research SailBuoy, a remotely-controlled surface vehicle, sampled near-surface properties during a two-month mission in the northern Gulf of... more
In this paper, we introduce the concept, develop the theory, and demonstrate the advantages of fully focused coherent processing of pulse echoes from a nadir-looking pulse-limited radar altimeter. This process, similar to synthetic... more
Thermaikos Gulf is a typical, river-fed, microtidal, semi-enclosed, coastal inlet of the east-central Mediterranean Sea. It is an important coastal ecosystem susceptible to several anthropogenic pressures, strong river discharges and... more
Some researchers have suggested that corals living in deeper reefs may escape heat stress experienced by shallow corals. We evaluated the potential of deep coral reef refugia from bleaching stress by leveraging a long record of... more
Un-supervised hyperspectral remote-sensing reflectance data (<15 km from the shore) were collected from a moving research vessel. Two different processing methods were compared. The results were similar to concurrent Aqua-MODIS and... more
Se reseña el uso de satélites artificiales como rastreadores de mamíferos marinos de varias especies incluyendo ballenas, delfines, manatíes, entre otros. Aunque muchos avances científicos han sido implementados para estudiar el... more
The applications of remote sensing methods for ®sheries research are reviewed, namely the use of airborne, and active and passive satellite technology. The utilisation of satellite-derived information in the support of ®sheries activities... more