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This work is the catalogue entry for the painting of "Santa Cecilia con due angeli" in the Museo Civico of Treviso. The first part of the entry, by Chiara D'Afflitto, examines the painting from the view of an art historian. The second... more
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      Early Musical Instrument IconographyMusical IconographyAntiveduto GramaticaSanta Cecília
Desde hace siglos, el día 22 de noviembre se celebra la festividad de Santa Cecilia, la patrona de los músicos. Sin embargo, la vinculación entre esta santa y la disciplina musical podría ser debida, en buena medida, a un error de... more
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      HistoriaPinturaMúsicaHistoria de la Música
Discusses the role of the material history in the building projects of Paschalis I. (817-824), the ecclestiastical career of the Pope as former supervisor of the Saint's cults in St. Peter's, and his relation to the pontificate of Leo... more
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      Art HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesArchitectureMedieval History
Carlos Flores Claudio, "Acuerdate que es pa´la virgencita. Guadalupe y el Mariachi: Encuentro y relaciones entre dos iconos de la identidad mexicana" en Luis Ku (coord.), Memorias del Coloquio Internacional El Mariachi: Regiones e... more
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      MariachiSanta CecíliaVirgen de Guadalupe de México
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      GiottoSanta Maria in TrasteverePietro CavalliniMosaici
a pictorial listing
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean StudiesArchaeology
Di Girolamo Negri detto il Boccia (Bologna 1648-1718 post), affermato esponente del classicismo neoreniano, già allievo di Domenico Maria Canuti e e quindi nella nutrita schiera dei discepoli di Lorenzo Pasinelli, la storiografia... more
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      Christian IconographyPico Della MirandolaBaroccoModena
Este trabalho apresenta o inventário de seis dezenas de imagens pintadas de Santa Cecília, em Portugal, em suporte de madeira, tela, tecido, papel, parede e cobre. Santa Cecília, virgem e mártir, cujas relíquias se guardam na basílica de... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyIconography (Music)
A presente comunicação aborda problemáticas relacionadas com o levantamento e o estudo da iconografia musical na pintura portuguesa e em Portugal, na primeira metade do século XVIII. O facto de ser genericamente ignorada nas análises... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyPaintingBaroque Art and Literature
Questo saggio prende in esame La Cicilia, prima della lunga serie di opere teatrali a tema religioso di Bernardino Turamini, uno degli autori più attivi in questo settore nei primi decenni del Seicento. La scelta di occuparsi soltanto di... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureSeicentoLetteratura italianaAgiografia
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
La letteratura critica concernente la storia delle confraternite e accademie di musicisti in Italia, che tra i casi più noti annovera quelli di Roma, Bologna, Palermo, Milano, risulta ancora ad oggi priva di uno studio specifico... more
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      Congregational StudiesHistory of FlorenceBaroque MusicFlorence
Margherita Costa, la poetessa virtuosa. Convegno internazionale di studi (Università dell'Aquila). 12 Aprile 2021.
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      Barberini patronagePoema SacroSanta CecíliaMargherita Costa
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryEarly Medieval Archaeology
Video from the concert at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, May 2021. Giulio Prandi conducts Orchestra and Choir of Centro di Musica Antica, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia. The performance is based on my critical edition, which will be published... more
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      Sacred MusicAlessandro ScarlattiItalian Baroque MusicSanta Cecília
The music for my oratorio, The Martyrdom of Saint Cecilia, was composed in 2014-2015, and it was first performed by The Hong Kong Bach Choir and Orchestra (which had commissioned the work) in December 2016. At the time, a handsome house... more
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      Choral MusicSacred MusicOratorioContemporary Choral Works
The drawing in the collection of the Clemens-Sels-Museum in Neuss is assigned to the "Cecilia" complex of works by Johann Evangelist Scheffer von Leonardshoff and dated "around 1820" because stylistic and iconographic features suggest... more
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      Early German RomanticismLudwig TieckNovalisNazarene Art
Concert at Concertgebouw Amsterdam, 29 May 2021 with my critical edition.
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      Baroque MusicAlessandro ScarlattiItalian Baroque MusicSanta Cecília
In 1599 the body of the virgin martyr and patron saint of music Saint Cecilia was discovered during renovations to her eponymous church in Rome. While Saint Cecilia’s centrality to music and depictions in art are well known, far less... more
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      Saints' CultsEarly Modern ItalyEarly Modern Italian Women WritersCounter-Reformation