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par Sylvain Brocquet. — Ce manuel original, dont c’est ici la seconde édition, revue et augmentée, s’adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre, seuls ou avec l’aide d’un professeur, le sanskrit classique afin de lire les textes. Rédigé... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritSanskrit PhilologySanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
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      SyntaxErgativityDiachronic SyntaxSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
Rāmacandrācārya’s Prakriyākaumudī and Jīva Gosvāmin’s Harināmāmṛtavyākaraṇa (15th-16th centuries) are the first two grammars in the Brahminical context to include verses with bitextual meaning (śleṣa). In those verses, the authors... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritSanskrit AestheticsSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
P. R. Sarkar described Ráŕh, an ancient land in eastern India, as the “Cradle of Civilization”. He claimed that it is one of the areas where human beings first appeared on Earth. Bengali, or Báḿlá, which has come from the Púrvii... more
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      PhilologyBuddhismHinduismLanguages and Linguistics
Link for the video of talk - Tantra means Śāstra and Yukti refers to devices. Tantrayukti refers to the ancient doctrine that provides set devices to construct śāstra texts. Tantrayuktis presence in... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
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      Sanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsIndian Linguistics
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      History of LinguisticsJapanese Language And CulturePersian LanguageChinese Language and Culture
The purpose of the panel is to explore a specific aspect of the concept of originality in Indian knowledge systems, literature and the arts. We would like to discuss the relation of innovation and perpetuation of earlier forms and... more
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      BuddhismJainismIndian PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
Nous allons examiner le concept et des exemples de langues agglutinantes, qui sont un bon terrain pour observer comment les régularités et les bizarreries surgissent. La partie C-1 donne des indications sur le concept d'agglutination et... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsTagalog LinguisticsLinguistic Typology
भारतीयसंस्कृतवाङ्मये शाब्दबोधस्योपरि अतिविस्तृततया गम्भीररूपेण विचार: विद्यते। शाब्दबोधो नाम शब्दाज्जायते बोध:। श्रोत्रग्राह्यगुणात्मकस्य शब्दस्य यदानुपूर्वी: विद्यते, तस्य साकांक्षसमूह पदमस्ति अथवा शक्तं पदमिति, अर्थात् यत्किञ्चिदपि... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsIndian Poetics (Sanskrit Sahitya)
This paper discloses the third part of the Kātantra grammar. It deals with verbs and grammatical processes pertaining to the structures of verbal elements. It is divided into eight subchapters... . . It is a draft. It... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureBuddhist SanskritSanskrit LiteratureSanskrit Philology
Various scholars have noted the similarities among the Cāndravyākaraṇavṛtti, the Kāśikāvṛtti, and the Mahāvṛtti. The examination of the paraphrases of the authors of these texts on the sūtras occurring in the section which concerns the... more
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      Sanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsPāṇiniInterpolation
“This science behind the creation of words, which was neglected for so long, should not be allowed to remain undiscovered,” claims Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. “This is not only the case here – the same thing has been happening with all of the... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesAcousticsLanguages and Linguistics
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
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      South Asian StudiesSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsIndology
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      Greek LanguageAncient Indo-European LanguagesSanskrit language and literatureIranian Studies
À travers l'étude de nombreux textes techniques sanskrits, la présente étude vise à montrer et à expliquer comment la spécificité du statut sémiotique des noms propres a été abordée dans les trois disciplines indiennes traditionnelles que... more
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      History of LinguisticsSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
According to the prevalent history of Bharata varsha as told by western scholars the Indus valley civilisation belonged to the Dravida/Munda people and the vedic people(Aryans) reached India around 1900 BCE only . But in reality the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
This article, in English, deals with the etymology of the Greek word for satrap and the Persian word Shah.  It also shows how Alexander the Great was perceived by the Indians he was conquering.
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      ClassicsHistory of IndiaSanskrit language and literatureIranian Studies
According to Ferdinand de Saussure, "the linguistic entity is not accurately defined until it is delimited, i.e. separated from everything that surrounds it on the phonic chain" (Saussure 1916: 145 [103]). However, what are the units to... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSanskrit language and literatureWittgensteinLinguistics
The Kāśikāvṛtti is the earliest available complete commentary on Pāṇini's sūtras. Some scholars have argued that the Kāśikāvṛtti contains notions which belong to an authentic Pāṇinian tradition , a tradition which is independent of and... more
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      SanskritSanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsPāṇiniPatanjali
The aim of this short paper is to determine which verb forms are most important when teaching or learning Sanskrit. It shows that in most cases, it is impossible to categorize verbs as being either completely seṭ, aniṭ or veṭ, because the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSanskritLinguisticsLanguage Teaching
The purpose of this paper is to prove conclusively that Hungarian and by extension all Uralic languages are not a group of languages developed in isolation of other languages but are instead a unique branch of Indo-Aryan. This was made... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistory of HungaryHungarian StudiesIndo-Aryan Linguistics
The aim of the first part of this article is to outline how Patañjali might have understood the Yamas and Niyamas in his Pātañjalayogaśāstra. The second part (to be published in the next issue of Yoga Scotland) will consider a few... more
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      EthicsMedieval HistoryHistory of IndiaYoga
Prakriyāpradarśinī is an attempt to imitate subanta derivation process by prakriyā method given in Siddhāntakaumudī (SK) of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita (1910) using an open source PHP code. Our goal is to imitate SK regarding applicability of rules... more
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      SanskritNLPSanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsSanskrit Computational Linguistics
“What is misleading about the ‘flat world’ assumption is that while superficial cultural elements do seem to have coalesced into a common global culture, the deeper structures that support the power and privilege of certain groups are... more
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      HinduismResearch MethodologySociolinguisticsYoga Philosophy
Volume 2 contains the last four prakaraṇas (chapters): kāraka (meanings of each case ending), kṛdanta (participles, and nouns made with a kṛt suffix), samāsa (compound words) and taddhita (nouns made with a taddhita suffix), in addition... more
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      Indian studiesSanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical SanskritSanskrit
Indian Scholars had indeed talked a lot on various aspects of life in terms of theology and philosophy. Indian thought system has also a lot of contributions and contains several qualities; for instance, it always seeks to accommodate... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
Language is a means of sophisticated communication developed for interaction between humans with a certain commonality in their backgrounds. Today we merely learn a language and carry on to communicate with others familiar with the same... more
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      LanguagesComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesArtificial Intelligence
धारूरकर (२०११) चे हे मराठी रूप. इंग्रजी रूप हे या दुव्यावर उपलब्ध आहेच. शिवाय इथेही त्याची एक प्रत सापडेल. संस्कृतातील तम आणि थ हे प्रत्यय आर्थिक पातळीवर कसे जवळ आहेत, इतर भाषांत क्रमवाचकता आणि... more
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      Sanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsComparative Indo-European LinguisticsDerivational Morphology, Ordinal Numerals
À l’occasion de la célébration du bicentenaire de la première chaire de sanskrit au Collège de France, ces journées d’études se proposent de revenir sur la figure d’Antoine-Léonard de Chézy (1773-1832) qui en fut le premier titulaire et... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureHistory of philologyOrientalismSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
In Bimal Krishna Matilal’s prolific work on Classical Indian philosophy and epical literature one can trace hints of a much pronounced commentarial tradition of the subcontinent. Briefly annotating older texts by the likes of... more
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      Indian PhilosophySanskrit language and literatureIndian EpicsSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
„Walentego Skorochoda Majewskiego rozprawa o Słowianach i ich pobratymcach" w opracowaniu Agnieszki Kuczkiewicz-Fraś jest dziesiątym tomem w serii „Orientalia Polonica. Polskie tradycje badań nad Orientem”. Monografie publikowane w tej... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritSanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsIndology
In this PDF the traditional Ṛgveda Padapāṭha is shown as transliterated text with accents marking the udātta and independent svarita. agním | īḷe | puráḥ-hitam / yajñásya | devám | r̥tvíjam || hótāram | ratna-dhā́tamam ||1.1.1||... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical SanskritVedic SanskritSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritSanskrit AestheticsSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
This is a detailed Introduction to the work Kaivalyanavanītam of Śańkukavi, as well as the present edition. Forms a part of my edition. Kaivalyanavanītam of Śańkukavi is the Sanskrit translation of a Tamil work on Advaita Vedānta. The... more
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesTextual CriticismSanskrit language and literature
फ़ारसी व्याकरण _ प्रारम्भिक फ़ारसी व्याकरण Elementary Persian Grammar in Hindi originally the is written is English, with the name of "Elementary Persian Grammar in Hindi " by Prof. Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Prof. in the Department of... more
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      Hindi LiteraturePersian LiteratureSanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical Sanskrit
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      Sanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsSanskrit Computational Linguistics
Did Sanskrit ratna evolve into Eratna in Anatolia? Notes on the etymology of the word Eratna Abstract: In some scholars’ opinions, Eretna which is the title of one of Turkish principalities founded in Anatolia is cognate with... more
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      EtymologySanskrit language and literatureSanskritBuddhist Sanskrit
“Shivashaktyátmakaḿ Brahma” -- The Cosmic Entity is the composite of Shiva (Consciousness) and Shakti (Operative Principle). Thus begins Ánanda Sútram, meaning “aphorisms leading to ánanda, divine bliss.” The eighty-five sútras of this... more
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      HinduismPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindIndian Philosophy
The Rāsa Dance. Are the Sanskrit commentaries sometimes better than the text?! The commentaries of Vallabhācārya, Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa, and many other eminent stalwarts of the 4 Vaishnava Sampradayas are translated here.
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      World LiteraturesIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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This paper reviews the resources available for Sanskrit self-pedagogy along with an approach to learning Sanskrit through in-depth reading of classical poetic stanzas that is based on traditional approaches to learning Sanskrit. A first... more
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      SanskritLanguage PedagogySanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsPāṇini
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      Sanskrit language and literatureAyurveda (Sanskrit language and literature)Vedic Language and Classical SanskritSanskrit
Whenever someone suggests that you translate Yoga-Sutras using only a dictionary and without knowing enough about Sanskrit grammar -don't fall for it! This person is either not aware of what he is talking about and has never been doing it... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritVedic SanskritSanskrit Grammar and Linguistics
Quelques remarques sur ce qu'est un mot, en observant les statuts divers qu'on donne à l'élision. Une conclusion sera que ni la phonétique ni la phonologie des langues ne suffisent à définir ce qu'est un mot.
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      Languages and LinguisticsFrench languageLatin LanguageOrthography
La tesi intende proporre, attraverso la lettura comparata di due episodi della tragedia e considerazioni antropologiche corroborate dall'uso di alcune categorie del femminismo moderno, la riflessione sul travestimento dionisiaco, sui suoi... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureHistorical LinguisticsItalian Studies