Sandwich Structures

374 papers
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Sandwich structures are composite materials consisting of two thin, strong outer layers (faces) and a lightweight core material in between. This configuration enhances structural performance by providing high stiffness and strength-to-weight ratios, making them ideal for applications in aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering.
A full mechanical characterisation of three types of 3-D printed lattice cores was performed to evaluate the feasibility of using additive manufacturing (AM) of lightweight polymer-based sandwich panels for structural applications.... more
Numerous research is going on for better design to improve performance of load carrying platform. Sandwich panels is one solution of this. Various types of designs are used for different applications. They are used in industries like... more
Sandwich materials are the most important applications of technological composites. Composite material is a structure formed by combining macroscopic meaning of more than one base material for a specific purpose. Sandwich materials are... more
► SUMMARY: ♦ The Resilient Composite Systems (R.C.S.) could be counted as "The Methodically Reinforced Nonlinear Porous Materials", also having the high specific modulus of resilience in flexure. They are the compound materials, with... more
Safety at sea is the vivid motivator for naval architects to design structures absorbing higher amounts of energy in case of collisions or grounding. This paper brings a qualitative assessment of 10 different steel sandwich alternatives... more
A four-variable refined plate theory is developed to investigate the thermomechanical bending of two types of functionally graded material (FGM) sandwich plates. The sandwich core of one type is isotropic with the FGM face sheets whereas... more
In this paper, thermomechanical bending analysis of functionally graded material (FGM) sandwich plates is performed by using a four-variable refined plate theory. A new type of FGM sandwich plates, namely, both FGM face sheets and FGM... more
Aluminium Foam Sandwich (AFS) panels are becoming always more attractive in transportation applications thanks to the excellent combination of mechanical properties, high strength and stiffness, with functional ones, thermo-acoustic... more
"The insulated structural sandwich panel is a composite laminated structure, made of two stiff skin faces and lightweight thick core. The low-density low-shear rigidity laminated think core (foam, honeycomb) is structurally connected to... more
In this work, biaxial buckling analysis of sandwich plates with symmetric composite laminated core and two functionally graded nanocomposite face sheets is carried out by a new improved high-order theory. The nanocomposite face sheets are... more
Intelligent Engineering has designed an SPS Overlay solution to upgrade vessels to meet higher Ice Class requirements enabling them to operate in ice conditions. Ship owners wishing to upgrade their vessels to satisfy new Ice Class... more
Fibre metal laminates (FMLs) have been widely used to manufacture airframe components. This work describes novel sisal fibre reinforced aluminium laminates (SiRALs) that have been prepared by cold pressing techniques and tested under... more
Three higher order refined displacement models are proposed for the free vibration analysis of sandwich and composite beam fabrications. These theories model the warping of the cross-section by taking the cubic variation of axial strain... more
The fundamental frequencies and nonlinear dynamic responses of functionally graded sandwich shells with double curvature under the influence of thermomechanical loadings and porosities are investigated in this study. Two material models... more
by TM TM
An analytical framework has been proposed to analyze the effect of random structural irregularity in honeycomb core for natural frequencies of sandwich panels. Closed-form formulas have been developed for the out-of-plane shear moduli of... more
This paper investigates theoretically the differences in load-carrying behaviour between web-core sandwich plate, stiffened plate and isotropic plate. Buckling and post-buckling is studied. The study is carried out using two approaches,... more
by Minh-Chien Trinh and 
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Theoretical closed-form solutions and numerical results for nonlinear stability of the moderately thick functionally graded sandwich shells subjected to thermomechanical loadings are presented in this study. Two proposed material... more
Analytical closed-form solutions for thermos-mechanical stability and explicit expressions for free-and forced-vibration of thin functionally graded sandwich shells with double curvature resting on elastic bases are investigated for the... more
Effective use of natural fabric as reinforcement for production of ferrocement. Tensile behavior of ferrocement with natural fabric versus galvanized steel wire reinforcement. Sandwich composites comprising locally available materials for... more
The NACA 4digit series aerofoil shapes are universally accepted standard designs generally used for wind turbine blades, helicopter rotor blades and car spoilers. The manufacturing of these complex shapes is a challenging task for the... more
Synthetic sandwich composite materials have been fabricated using carbon fiber–epoxy face sheet and polymeric foam core by mimicking the structure of a natural composite material, Palmetto wood. The foam core of the sandwich composites... more
An experimental methodology is presented to determine tool-part frictional interaction of composite parts and the structural integrity of sandwich structures when subjected to temperatures and pressures similar to those of autoclave... more
The use of sandwich structures combines low weight with high energy absorbing capacity, so they are suitable for applications in the transport industry (automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding industry), where the "lightweight design"... more
In this study we investigate the response of closed cell polymeric foam core sandwich panels with woven carbon/epoxy laminate facesheets under low velocity impacts. Two levels of energy, 10 J and 50 J simulating barely visible and visible... more
This paper investigates theoretically the compressive load-carrying behaviour of geometrically imperfect web-core sandwich plates. Slender plates, which first buckle globally, are considered. The study is carried out using two approaches,... more
The present study focuses on the effectiveness of steel-sand composite stiffened plates under impulsive loading. Dynamic response of steel-sand composite stiffened plates, with various stiffener layouts under impulsive loading is analysed... more
The ultra-microduplex structure was fabricated in a fully pearlitic Fe-0.8 wt% C steel after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at 923 K via the Bc route. The microstructures and mechanical properties, before and after deformation,... more
Sandwich panels are extensively analyzed and used in the transportation field due to their specific strength and stiffness values, higher than the metal homogeneous. Often, it is highlighted that one of the main drawbacks is related to... more
The desire to produce more geometrically complex components from pin-reinforced X-Cor Ò sandwich composite structures requires that the effects of curvature on the flexural behavior be investigated experimentally and numerically. This... more
In the present work we present a systematic experimental investigation of the generation and subsequent evolution of dynamic failure modes in sandwich structures subjected to low-speed impact. Model sandwich specimens involving a... more
A higher-order refined model with seven degrees of freedom per node is presented in this paper for the free vibration analysis of composite and sandwich arches. The strain field is modeled through cubic axial, cubic transverse shear and... more
There is a great deal of interest in understanding the mechanics in pin-reinforced composite sandwich structures. In particular, characterizing the relationship of the mechanics in smaller to larger specimens due to changes in the pin... more
The strength of a web-core steel sandwich plate is potentially reduced in a corrosive environment. This study is dedicated to the influence of a reduction in the thickness of the plates as a result of general corrosion on sandwich plate... more
A higher-order arch model with seven degrees of freedom per node is proposed to study the deep, shallow, thick, and thin composite and sandwich arches under static loads. The strain field is modeled through cubic axial, cubic transverse... more
Vibrations of angle ply laminated beams are studied using the higher order theory and isoparametric 1d finite element formulations through proper constitution of elasticity matrix. Subsequent to the validation of the formulation, deep... more
A nonlinear analytical model for investigating localized interactive buckling in simply supported thin-face plate sandwich struts with weak cores is extended to account for local deformations in both face plates, which have been observed... more
The dynamic characteristics of sandwich composite plates with holes at various locations are investigated both experimentally and through numerical simulations. The critical parameters which affect the natural frequencies of such plates... more
Design optimization in sandwich composites is a less understood topic in research. The current study investigates the strength and stiffness of rigid foam core glass fabric/ epoxy sandwich composites with two different foam core... more
Pin-reinforced sandwich composites have recently attracted the attention for its advanced out-of-plane properties. Curved K-Cor polymer sandwich composite have been fabricated using a fixture and heat treatment. The controlled heat... more
The corrosive marine environment is a threat to the ultimate strength of steel sandwich structures. Therefore, ultimate strength experiments were carried out in three-point bending for beams with different corrosion exposure times, i.e.... more
Sandwich panels are extensively analyzed and used in the transportation field due to their specific strength and stiffness values, higher than the metal homogeneous. Often, it is highlighted that one of the main drawbacks is related to... more
We have designed an automatic complex equipped by a Cascade Microtech MPS150 micro-probing station and a PXIe-4143 source measure unit from National Instruments Corporation to investigate the electrical properties of metal/insulator/metal... more
Sandwich panels are extensively analyzed and used in the transportation field due to their specific strength and stiffness values, higher than the metal homogeneous. Often, it is highlighted that one of the main drawbacks is related to... more
A higher order refined model with isoparametric elements is proposed to study the transient dynamic response of laminated arches/curved beams. The strain field is modeled through cubic axial, cubic transverse shear and linear transverse... more
This paper presents analytical and case studies of sandwich structures. In this study, the Euler−Bernoulli beam equation is solved analytically for a four-point bending problem. Appropriate initial and boundary conditions are specified to... more
Previously published work on sandwich face wrinkling almost always considers isotropic or almost isotropic sandwich configurations. In that case the critical wrinkling load only needs to be evaluated in the principal compressive stress... more
This paper develops a new analytical solution to conduct the free vibration analysis of porous functionally graded (FG) sandwich plates based on classical plate theory (CPT). The sandwich plate made of the FGM core consists of one porous... more
Pin reinforced foam cores with composite facesheets offer a viable means of structural construction owing to their low weight and high stiffness and strength. In this paper, various models are introduced to estimate the stiffness and... more