Sandwich Structures

374 papers
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Sandwich structures are composite materials consisting of two thin, strong outer layers (faces) and a lightweight core material in between. This configuration enhances structural performance by providing high stiffness and strength-to-weight ratios, making them ideal for applications in aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering.
This paper presents the time history response of a sandwich beam with a porous core subjected to two moving harmonic loads with opposite directions. In the modelling, the beam is combined of two isotropic face sheets and a porous core... more
This paper is a presentation of the process used for the manufacture of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) Cladding Panel with Complex Geometry. It discusses the basic principles, mixing proportions, mixing techniques, molding... more
In this research, a hexagonal honeycomb core under a compressional load is studied numerically from the initial elastic regime to the fully crushed state using the Abaqus finite-element modelling. Two modelling approaches, i.e., a static... more
In this paper, nonlinear stability of axially compressed cylindrical panels simply supported according to two types of boundary conditions (with possible or limited circumferential displacements of unloaded sides) is presented. Panels... more
Structural sandwich beams are widely used because of their high specific stiffness and strength, noise reduction, thermal insulation and impact energy absorption characteristics. Conventional manufacturing method of composite sandwich... more
This paper aims to characterise the mechanical behaviour of folded timber sandwich structures developed using integral rotational press-fit (RPF) joints. Six folded arches are tested to failure, under three load cases designed to induce... more
Abstracts of Papers in English
Volume 40, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
July 2024
Pages 169-178
Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE)
published by Sharif University of Technology
Functionally gradient materials are one of the most widely used materials in various applications because of their adaptability to different situations by changing the material constituents as per the requirement. Nowadays it is very easy... more
Existing sandwich structures failure maps are confined only to data from the quasi-static bending tests even for describing failure modes due to the impact event. Strengths of the constituent layers, which are not well-described by these... more
The present paper deals with the influence of the axial extension mode on static and dynamic interactive buckling of a thin-walled beam-column with imperfections subjected to uniform compression when the shear lag phenomenon and... more
Fibre metal laminates (FMLs) have been widely used to manufacture airframe components. This work describes novel sisal fibre reinforced aluminium laminates (SiRALs) that have been prepared by cold pressing techniques and tested under... more
This book, written in Persian, covers classical materials and theories of plates and shells, as well as more advanced topics such as higher-order theories and non-homogeneous and non-isotropic structures. It also includes information on... more
در این کتاب که شامل بیست و چهار فصل می‏باشد، مطالعه مکانیک ورق ‏ها و پوسته‏ ها بر مبنای مفاهیم بنیادی و با روش‏های ساده‏ای انجام شده ‏است. بدین ترتیب تمامی فرمول ‏های لازم با روشی گویا، منطقی و واضح به‏ دست آورده شده و می ‏توان آن‏ ها را... more
This paper illustrates the effectiveness of two functionally graded (FG) layers on a homogenous circular plate for bending analysis. The classical plate theory (CPT) serves as the basis of the analysis. Differential quadrature method... more
In this paper, the supersonic flutter of Magneto-rheological fluid-based adaptive plates is considered. The structural formulation is based on the classical plate theory, the MR fluid core is modeled as a first order Kelvin-Voigt material... more
In this paper, hexahedral piezoelectric solid-shell finite element formulations, with linear and quadratic interpolation, denoted by SHB8PSE and SHB20E, respectively, are proposed for the modeling of piezoelectric sandwich structures.... more
The aim of this work is to propose vibration modeling of sandwich structures with soft core using solid-shell finite elements. Several approaches have been adopted in the literature to accurately model this type of structures; however,... more
Composite sandwich panels are progressively being employed in the aircraft industry for floor panels, compartment partitions, bulkheads and even the skin and wings of aircraft. Lightweight structures are essential for aircraft operations... more
Composite sandwich structures are usually utilized in aviation application, transport building, connect, and so on because of their low weight and superb solidarity to weight proportion. In the most recent decades, light-weight center... more
The active flutter control of supersonic sandwich panels with regular honeycomb interlayers under impact load excitation is studied using piezoelectric patches. A non-dominated sortingbased multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, called... more
The objective of the welding simulation is to study the temperature generated during the welding process and investigate residual stresses in the component after welding. Such results give the possibility to determine properties of... more
The aim of this work is to propose vibration modeling of sandwich structures with soft core using solid-shell finite elements. Several approaches have been adopted in the literature to accurately model this type of structures; however,... more
The aim of this work is to propose vibration modeling of sandwich structures with soft core using solid-shell finite elements. Several approaches have been adopted in the literature to accurately model this type of structures; however,... more
Being able to provide outstanding performances under out-of-plane loading, sandwich structures offer great flexibility for the design of lightweight structural systems. However, they can be affected by macroscopic and microscopic damages,... more
The aim of this study was the analysis of the bending and the low-velocity impact response of aluminium foam sandwich reinforced by the outer skins made of glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix and the results were compared with those... more
This paper shows the application of refined finite element model developed by that are, equilibrium equation, constitutive equation and kinematic equation to be satisfied explicitly at considers the equilibrium equation for the refinement... more
Multi-term extended Kantorovich method (MTEKM) is used to solve the bending problem of thin skew (parallelogram) functionally graded plate resting on the Winkler elastic foundation under uniformly distributed transverse load. Formulations... more
Space telescopes for Earth observation will require data of increasingly high quality. The resolution of Earth observation has reached several tens of cm. Because resolution is proportional to the diameter of mirrors, larger and larger... more
A new simple “four-variable shear deformation” plate model is proposed in this work to demonstrate the hygro-thermal environment effects on dynamic and buckling of functionally graded material “sandwich plates” supported by... more
In this study, experimental mechanical and modal analyses of nano-Al 2 O 3 ceramic powder reinforced polyurethane foam core sandwich composites was carried out along with the investigation of vibration, buckling and compression responses.... more
Woven glass fiber reinforced with epoxy matrix composites are manufactured considering different glass/epoxy proportions and vibration analyses of the laminated composite plates subjected to free vibrations have been examined. The tensile... more
In recent years sandwich structures have been widely used in marine industry; such reason has lead to the study of mechanical properties of the above mentioned structures through the evaluation of the effects induced by different... more
ä l i i k e n t e i n e n tie Aiheluokka: 32, 70 Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, Rainer Laaksonen, Jouko Törnqvist: Reinforcement of the edge of a steep-sloped pavement. HVS-Nordic Heavy Vehicle Simulator test structures.
In this research, we proposed coupling the Laplace transform method and the homotopy Perturbation Method (LHPM). We employed the fusion of the Laplace method to make up for the shortcomings of other semi-analytical approaches like the... more
Mechanical performance evaluation of sandwich panels exposed to slamming impacts: Comparison between experimental and SPH results, Composite Structures (2019), doi:
The nature of charge injection has been investigated across the Au-poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) interface of two kinds: P3HT on Au (bottom contact) and Au on P3HT (top contact). The J-V characteristics of a... more
The sandwich panel exhibits higher stiffness than simple panels. The specific stiffness of sandwich panels depends on various factors like width, length, panel's thickness, thickness of the face plate and core's thickness of panels and... more
Considering a stiffened panel made from an elastic homogeneous and isotropic material which suffers a single localized initial geometric imperfection, assessment of the buckling limit state under in-plane uniform axial compression in the... more
Integration of lightweight and sustainable solutions in marine structures design is essential to achieve weight reduction goals and improve structural response. A key step to assess the reliability of innovative structural solutions is... more
This paper focuses on the parametric instability of a functionally graded (FG) cylindrical thin shell under both axial disturbance and thermal environment. Based on Love's thin shell theory, and considering the temperaturedependent... more
Honeycomb sandwich panels are investigated for a broad range of areas as protective structures that can withstand blast loading. The advantage of these panels is that they are light in weight when compared to solid metal plates due to the... more
Two types of sandwich panels are designed by using the periodic structure theory. A double-wall panel with mechanical links and a sandwich panel with rectangular core are studied. An oriented optimization of the elastic bending waves'... more
In this paper, a new technique for analysing functionally graded material (FGM) beams using the Chebyshev polynomials and Lagrange multipliers with various beam theories is presented. By utilizing the inner products and the Chebyshev... more
This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given... more
This paper shows the application of refined finite element model developed by that are, equilibrium equation, constitutive equation and kinematic equation to be satisfied explicitly at considers the equilibrium equation for the refinement... more
Being able to provide outstanding performances under out-of-plane loading, sandwich structures offer great flexibility for the design of lightweight structural systems. However, they can be affected by macroscopic and microscopic damages,... more