Recent papers in Samanids
Rudaki lived during a very turbulent time in the histor of Iran. It was a time when Persian political power was on the wane but Iranian intellectual power was on the rise. Rudaki played a crucial role during this time of transition He... more
The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9 th -15 th centuries • Architecture Crypt. Dor al-siadat. Late 14 -early 15 th centuries. shakhrisyabz. the mausoleum of Jehangir. Dor al-siadat. 14 th century. shakhrisyabz.... more
İnanç, askerî ve ekonomik gücün yanında devletlerin dayandığı temel esaslardan biridir. Din ve inananlarının bazı farklılıklarla birbirinden ayrıldığı mezhepler her daim devletlerarası ve devlet içi siyasette önemli bir yere sahip... more
Очерк по наблюдениям и материалам 2015 г. [A sketch based on observations and materials collected in 2015]
This 1994 study - a paper rather than a true monograph - describes the evolution of the Samanid military system from an army based largely on volunteers and on drafted men from the countryside to a more professional army with a core of... more
Money as a means of coordinating human decisions and economic exchange is a complex social invention. It must always adjust to the prevailing economic, political and juridical conditions. Seen from another angle, its design and evolution... more
[Ахмад ибн Фадлан]. Книга Ахмада ибн Фадлана / Перевод с арабского и примечания Вяч. С. Кулешова // Путешествие Ибн Фадлана: Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара : Каталог выставки / Государственный Эрмитаж. Государственный... more
Recently there has been a renewed interest in a group of Viking period swords referred to as «Ulfberht» resulting in a flood of unsubstantiated claims and misinformation. In order to shed more light on this specific assemblage of swords,... more
Özet Türkler arasında İslâmiyetin yayılmasında önemli etkisi olan Sâmânîler/Sâmânoğulları Devleti'inin (204-395/819-1005) merkezinde Hanefi âlimlerin görüşleri büyük itibar görmekteydi. Sâmânî emîri İsmâîl b. Ahmed'in (279-295/892-907)... more
Лингвист может быть прекрасным специалистом в области лингвистики, но его познания в истории могут оставлять желать лучшего. Шамсиддин Камолиддин, арабист, д.и.н., профессор кафедры Истории народов Центральной Азии Ташкентского... more
In my previous thesis I wrote about what features that characterize the Hiberno-Norse identity in Ireland during the Viking Age/Early Medieval period and the origin of these features. I also discussed whether they are to be viewed as a... more
Abbâsîler’in iktidara gelmesine kadar Müslümanlar tarafından fetihlerde ve gazâlarda ele geçirilmiş çok sayıda esir çoğunlukla köle olarak istihdâm edildiklerinden Müslümanların ayrıca uluslararası köle ticaretine başvurmalarına gerek... more
Кулешов Вяч. С. «Книга» Ахмада ибн Фадлана как литературный памятник и исторический источник // Путешествие Ибн Фадлана: Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара : Каталог выставки / Государственный Эрмитаж. Государственный... more
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This article takes a new look at the Seljuq migration into Transoxiana, and in doing so, discusses the theses recently put forward by Richard Bulliet in his Cotton, Climate, and Camels. In particular, it raises the question of where the... more
Sâmânî hanedanlığı veya Sâmânîler m. 819-999 tarihleri arasında Abbasiler’in Buhara ve Semerkand’ı yönetmesi için tayin ettiği İranlı bir hanedanlıktır.
Vorontsov M.V., Mikhelson A.R., Trost’yanskiy O.V. A hoard of the late 10th c. from the Kingisepp District
of the Leningrad Region
of the Leningrad Region
Several hoards and single coins of the 10th century have been discovered in the territory of Bolgar settlement in the Spassky District of the Republic of Tatarstan. Most of them are Samanid coins, but West-European denarii have also been... more
در این نوشتار مسائل دیوانسالاری زمان حکومت سامانیان بر پایه دادهای «شاهنامه» ی حکیم فردوسی مورد تحقیق و برّرسی قرار گرفته است
Gerçekleştirilen bu derleme çalışması Alevilik ile Türklerin eski dini ve Şamanizm arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Türkler uzun tarihleri boyunca birçok dine inanmışlardır. Mani dini, Buda dini,... more
Numismatic material from the excavations of Bolgar settlement were attributed and studied by S.A. Yanina, V.V. Zhiromsky, G.A. Fedorov-Davydov, D.G. Mukhametshin, P.N. Petrov, A.I. Bugarchev and others. The study of coins of from a... more
Al-Tabarī’s account of Ismā'īl ibn Aḥmad’s raids against Taraz in 893 is mentioned in the historical sources on the Hungarian conquest because some of the Hungarian historians and archaeologists thought that this event caused the... more
Mosque in Isfahan, Iran was the most valuable monuments with unique architectural decorations and designs are technically. Decorations, including the provisions that the technique Toopi bed located in the lower bottom of plaster bricks... more
Online working paper, based on a lecture delivered at the Mellon Sawyer Seminar, Oxford University, November 2006.
In this paper we will present an overview the cultural, technical, and stylistic developments leading up to the appearance of Samanid epigraphic slipware in the 9th century, and attempt to briefly touch upon the various questions... more
В научный оборот вводится клад куфических монет, обнаруженный в окрестностях с. Вадинск Пензенской области. Публикуется список всех экземпляров, входивших в его состав, анализируется их династическое, географическое и хронологическое... more
Conference report of the ERC Advanced Grant Project, “The Early Islamic Empire at Work – The View from the Regions Toward the Center,” It has now entered its second phase, looking at the conceptualization and functioning of transregional... more
Кулешов Вяч. С., Калинин В. А. Новое в типологии саманидских дирхамов первого хронологического этапа // Девятнадцатая Всероссийская нумизматическая конференция (Великий Новгород, 18–22 апреля 2017 г.) : Тезисы докладов и сообщений /... more
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Alptegin (d. 352/963), a military slave commander under the later Sāmānids, is also reported to be the founder of the Ghaznavid state. In this article, narratives about him are analyzed in two parts: first, the reports about him in the... more
The book contains a study of two waqf documents in Persian that belonged to the descendants of Ismāʻīl ibn Aḥmad Sāmānī in Bukhārā. The first one, dated 931/1524-25, is kept in the manuscript collection of the Institute of Oriental... more
T here are archaeological monuments and archaeological monuments. After a while you start distinguishing a kind of individual presence in these hills. Some of them are grim and unfriendly, others leave a light, pleasant imprint on your... more