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Dr Ananda's presentation in the Mahotsav- 2022 on 28th April webinar organised by MAHER in association with MDNIY, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India, New Delhi.
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      SalutogenesisYoga TherapyYoga Psychology
This paper explores various integrative frameworks that are contributing to anemerging transdisciplinary meta-perspective on sustainable development. It proposes a holistic/integral strategy based on scale-linking design for human and... more
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      Health CommunicationHealth PromotionDesignSustainable Communities
Das Buch ist eine kompakte Darstellung der Salutogenen Kommunikation und der zugrunde liegenden systemischen Psychologie und salutogenen Psychodynamik. Der Arzt Theodor Dierk Petzold, Therapeut, Ausbilder und Entwickler der Salutogenen... more
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      Health PromotionPsychodynamic PsychotherapyCommunication SkillsSalutogenesis
Birey ve toplum ruh sağlığı alanında ortaya atılan çeşitli yaklaşımlar ve öne sürülen türlü hizmet modelleri, dünya çapında gerçekleşen birtakım yeniliklere ve değişimlere bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlar temelde... more
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      Mental HealthCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingInterdisciplinary Studies
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      SalutogenesisCoping Resources
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has never been easy. Research has shown that parenting stress is much higher whose children are diagnosed with developmental disabilities such as ASD than typically developing... more
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      PsychologySpecial EducationAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
While the current urban public space pays more attention to the physical construction for the promotion of public health, systematic and specific studies on mental health is insufficient. Through the selection of a specified group of... more
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      Mental HealthLandscape ArchitectureSalutogenesisLoneliness
This featured article published in Yoga Therapy Today of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, is a foundational piece that will no doubt inform many future discussions: Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Marlysa Sullivan, Matthew J.... more
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      HealthSalutogenesisYoga TherapyModern Yoga Studies
Resilience theory, although it has been evolving over the past 70-80 years, has enjoyed a renaissance in the past two or three decades. What started as an enquiry into the childhood roots of resilience has grown into a broad, dynamic and... more
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      Social WorkCommunity ResilienceResilienceFamily Resilience
This special issue aims to explore the concepts of stress, coping resources, and coping strategies, which are rooted in several theories, such as the stress and coping theory and the salutogenesis theory, and to understand how their core... more
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      Coping StrategiesConflictStressSalutogenesis
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) disrupts the world of work, new technologies change the nature of individuals’ work and their tasks, and therefore it is necessary to determine how managers cope with these changes, specifically... more
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      Mental HealthHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesSalutogenesis
The design of sustainable communities and cities requires conceptual frameworks for contextualization and transdisciplinary integration. The theory of complex dynamic systems provides a holistic, explanatory frame- work offering a... more
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      DesignSustainable CommunitiesCommunity ResilienceComplexity Theory
Over the last century, our planet has become far more urbanized, with cities growing and evolving at unprecedented levels. Undeniably we find society struggling with the many crises that have arrived in recent decades. The complexity of... more
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      EducationHealth PromotionDesignArchitecture
Summary (book chapter is in German): On the basis of some earlier Gestalt psychological contributions to psychopathology, this article presents the basic understanding and main features of a psychotherapeutic doctrine of mental disorders... more
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      Phenomenological PsychologyPsychopathologyGestalt PsychologySalutogenesis
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has never been easy. Research has shown that parenting stress is much higher whose children are diagnosed with developmental disabilities such as ASD than typically developing... more
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      Special EducationAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersSpecial Educational Needs and Transitions
The term ‘salutogenic’ is widely used in healthcare architecture, even though very few healthcare architects have much of a handle on what the term means. Here, we clarify the key concepts of salutogenesis, demonstrate how they work and... more
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      NeuroscienceEmotionHealth SciencesAesthetics
Our goals were to present the significance of the salutogenic conceptualization to the development and education of children, exploring in depth not only children with typical development, but also children with special needs, their... more
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      SalutogenesisCoping Resources
"The prevailing model of psychiatric design (the world over) does not fulfil its potential in supporting the healing process. In order to design for future usability, design teams must have a vision beyond current paradigms and understand... more
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      PsychiatryEthicsArchitectureMental Health
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      Critical PedagogyEmpowermentSalutogenesisApprendimento
La salud positiva es una forma de ver las acciones en salud focalizando la mirada hacia aquello que hace que las personas, las familias y las comunidades aumenten el control sobre su salud y la mejoren. En esta forma de planificar y... more
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      Health PromotionSalutogenesisAssets for health and wellbeing
Sommario Il modello salutogenico creato da Antonovsky è qui presentato come un modello teorico aperto alle influenze di altri modelli influenti nella promozione della salute e dell'educazione alla salute. I due costrutti principali, le... more
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      Human ResourcesSalutogenesisExperiential LearningReflective Practices
This is a compilation that is a detailed profile on the CYTER of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth updated till December 2021.
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      Integrative MedicineHealth and Wellness TourismSalutogenesisYoga Therapy
Esta obra está basada en seminarios formativos del Servicio Andaluz de Salud orientados a facilitar la comprensión de la promoción de la salud mental desde la mirada de los activos en salud, superando la idea de que “salud mental” es... more
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      Health PromotionMental HealthSalutogenesisAssets for health and wellbeing
In an interdisciplinary review of twenty-one German- and English-language intervention studies, the effectiveness of spiritually/religiously based interventions is evaluated statistically by measuring the participants' sense of coherence... more
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      Sense of Coherence (Antonovsky)Spirituality (Health Sciences)SalutogenesisHealth and Religion
Background: From 1990 to 2050, the population aged 60 years and older will rise from 9% to 21%. Healthy aging initiatives are vital to promote individual, community, and global well- being during this transformation. Accurate health... more
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      Health PromotionPublic HealthSalutogenesisOlder Adults
In modern times, healthcare professionals in general and medical doctors in particular are being increasingly targeted by the general public for lacking a ‘humanistic’ approach to their patients. While this perception may not be... more
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      Health SciencesHealthcare designMedicineSalutogenesis
Hábitos saludables para disfrutar del embarazo en las mejores condiciones
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      Health PromotionNutrition during and after pregnancySalutogenesisPregnancy
The design approach advocated in this paper makes one fundamental assumption: the appropriateness of any design is the extent to which it meets human needs and integrates sustainably into the life-supporting natural processes of the... more
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      Environmental ScienceAestheticsEthicsDesign
Traditional sport participation has been associated with improved physical, psychological, and social skill outcomes. Engagement in action sports has increased considerably since the late 1980s, yet associated research is limited. This... more
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      Public HealthSalutogenesisAction Sports
Todos los derechos reservados excepto en los artículos indicados de Springer Science+Business Media.
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      SalutogenesisCommunity Assets
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      DesignEcological DesignSustainable DevelopmentDesign Theory
Sense of coherence (SOC) reflects a coping capacity of people to deal with everyday life stressors and consists of three elements: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. SOC is often considered to be a stable entity that is... more
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      Health PromotionSense of Coherence (Antonovsky)Salutogenesis
This open access book offers a comprehensive view of the phenomenon of volunteer work: it examines motivational factors and questions of corporate organization and the social environment. In particular, this is the first book to present... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSelf-Determination TheoryNon-profit Management
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) disrupts the world of work, new technologies change the nature of individuals' work and their tasks, and therefore it is necessary to determine how managers cope with these changes, specifically... more
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      Mental HealthSense of Coherence (Antonovsky)SalutogenesisMental Health and Wellbeing
Although the western world is the most technologically advanced civilization to date, it is also the most addicted, obese, medicated, and in-debt adult population in history. Experts had predicted that the 21st century would be a time of... more
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      Health PromotionSalutogenesisPositive psychology and its application to health, well-being, recovery from illness, and optimal functioning.
Mental health care has experienced pivotal changes since the turn of the millennium, but there remain issues that hold progressive facility design back. Research can point to how such spaces might look in the coming years.
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      ArchitectureMental HealthFacilities ManagementHealthcare
A tanulmány célja a vállalati kommunikáció egy újszerű megközelítésének bemutatása. A szalutogenezis fogalmának megjelenése az orvoslás és a pszichológia tudományterületéhez kapcsolható. Első publikálására 1988-ban került sor. A fogalom... more
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      SalutogenesisOrganisational communication
Salutogenesis indicates promotion of wellness, which is based on a strong sense of coherence derived from comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability of life's challenges including illness and disease. Teaching case vignettes are... more
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      Sense of Coherence (Antonovsky)SalutogenesisChronic Medical Conditions
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      PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGYSociology of HealthSalutogenesisHealth and Religion
Background: The concept of health is a continuously changing issue, with ever richer and more comprehensive meanings and definitions. In recent decades, we have witnessed a strong evolution of the scientific paradigms and cultural... more
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    • Salutogenesis
Anybody who might think this thesis may be understood by way of reading the conclusion first short-changes him/herself for two main reasons. Firstly, this thesis is in itself already a work of integration and synthesis. It combines... more
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      DesignResilienceIntegral TheorySocial-Ecological Systems
Participating in a welcoming and creative community may mean the world to some. The musical project Kaleidoscope (Fargespill) gives children with minority backgrounds an arena for meaning-making, identity development and agency. In a time... more
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      Community PsychologyIntercultural CommunicationCreativityCultural Psychology
This Special Issue aims to explore the concepts of stress, coping resources, and coping strategies, which are rooted in several theories, such as the stress and coping theory and the salutogenesis theory, and to understand how their core... more
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      Coping StrategiesStressSalutogenesisCoping
Contemporary workplaces are influenced by rapid changes, high levels of competition, increasing complexities and internationalisation processes. At the edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), insecurities and anxieties are high,... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternational StudiesInternational BusinessMental Health
Objective: To provide an up-to-date overview of health assets in a global context both from a theoretical perspective and its practical applications to address health inequalities and achieve sustainable health. Design: A systematic... more
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      Global HealthSalutogenesisAssets for health and wellbeingAsset-based approaches
Background and objectives: This research investigated how coping resources explain emotional reactions of anger and anxiety, in the context of threat of house demolition, among adolescents in three groups: Adolescents living in a... more
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Health promotion and salutogenesis are embodied in people's everyday lives and in their stories. The assumptions of these scientific theories are similar to... more
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      Health PromotionNarrativeCapacity BuildingSalutogenesis
In modern times, medical doctors are being increasingly targeted by the general public for lacking apparently a “humanistic” approach to their patients. One of the possible reasons is perhaps our overemphasis on the role of disease... more
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      SalutogenesisMedical Communication