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      TheologyGerman IdealismKant's Practical PhilosophySalomon Maimon
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      Salomon MaimonZionismLurianic Kabbalahקבלה
The first complete and annotated English translation of Maimon’s influential and delightfully entertaining memoir Solomon Maimon's autobiography has delighted readers for more than two hundred years, from Goethe, Schiller, and George... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryGerman Studies
Resumo: Em nossa pesquisa, estudaremos o conceito de determinação, tal como esse conceito é concebido por Hegel e utilizado por ele a fim de fornecer uma fundamentação lógica para a sua concepção da autodeterminação racional enquanto... more
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      German IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb FichteSalomon Maimon
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      PhilosophyPlatoJurgen HabermasContinental Philosophy
The issue of negation and the possibility of self-negation stand at the very center of the philosophical dialogue between the systems of Spinoza and Hegel, and in this paper I will attempt to provide a preliminary explication of this... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophyMetaphysics
The term ‘Political Theology’ was not coined in the twentieth century. I am not absolutely sure about who was the first to introduce the term. As we shall shortly see, Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) used the term as part of the title to one... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophy
Inhalt Lidia Gasperoni Die irrationale Wurzel bei Salomon Maimon. Ein Problem zwischen Mathematik und Philosophie Lars Leeten Vernunft am Abgrund. Motive der Endlichkeit bei Kant Niklas Hebing Die Bändigung des Irrationalen. Genie und... more
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      AestheticsEthicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsTheodor Adorno
This paper takes its motivation from investigations on the influence Kant’s reflections on meta-philosophy, more precisely, his discussions of the possibility of developing a scientific method for philosophy. My broad claim is that Kant... more
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      MetaphilosophySalomon MaimonScientific ModelsImmanuel Kant
The main ambition of this study is to show that, on a meta-level, history and philosophy in the modern era actually deal with the same fundamental problematic, namely that of the status of the transcendental and the empirical and their... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryGerman Studies
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyGerman Idealism
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      German IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingSalomon MaimonPlato and Platonism
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      ReligionHistoryGerman StudiesPhilosophy
Hassidism hardly took root in Germany or anywhere else in Western Europe until the late twentieth century. Still, the main ideas of Hasidism were presented lucidly to the German public – both Jewish and Gentile – already in 1792, through... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryGerman Studies
This is an article review of Miklós Vassányi's book Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy, Dordrecht: Springer 2011
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      PhilosophyRomanticismGerman IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Salomon Maimon (1753–1800) stands as one of the most acute, original, and complicated philosophers — and certainly one of the most fascinating personalities — of the eighteenth century. By granting the principle of sufficient reason... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophy
Hegel define famosamente o Absoluto – embora, como ele mesmo note, essa seja uma definição abstrata do mesmo3 - como a identidade da identidade e da diferença. Essa definição, como a própria articulação dos termos dá a entender, coloca o... more
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      German IdealismHegelFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Yitzhak Melamed works at the intersection of philosophy (primarily metaphysics), Jewish and religious studies, the history of science, and the humanities in general. He focuses on foundational questions, which he aspires to approach with... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophy
On where the Cutting Edge of the Western Tradition might be found with respect to the development of Fundamental Ontology within Continental Philosophy -- Key Words: Continental Philosophy, Ways of Being, Fragmentation of Being, Time,... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
Rough and ready translation of the Introduction to Gueroult's 'minor thesis' published, in French, in 1931.
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      Gilles DeleuzeSalomon MaimonMartial Gueroult
Maimon once described the philosophical project underlying his Essay on Transcendental Philosophy as an attempt “to unify Kantian philosophy with Spinozism”. But in the only reference to Spinoza in the Essay, he stresses that Spinoza was... more
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      MetaphysicsKantSalomon MaimonJewish Philosophy
نبذة عن الكتاب كان لابن رشد أثر بالغ وعميق في الفكر الأوروبي في أواخر العصور الوسطى وعصر النهضة، وقد انتشرت الدراسات المتخصصة التي ترصد الحضور الرشدي في أوروبا بين القرنين الثالث عشر والسادس عشر؛ وبات مستقراً لدى الباحثين وجود تيارات... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyKantIslamic Philosophy
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      Salomon MaimonModern Jewish PhilosophyJewish political thought
The genius of Gershom Scholem is largely beyond dispute. Even his fiercest critics admire his integrity and dedication, among other qualities. 1 Yet one of Scholem's greatest accomplishments has gone mostly unnoticed. Scholem portrayed... more
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      ReligionGerman StudiesJewish StudiesGerman-Jewish literature
Essay on Transcendental Philosophy presents the first English translation of Salomon Maimon's principal work, originally published in Berlin in 1790. In this book Maimon seeks to further the revolution in philosophy wrought by Kant’s... more
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      KantPhilosophy Of MathematicsGerman IdealismGerman Romanticism
in : The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux, edited by Fabio Gironi, Routledge 2017.
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      KantJohann Gottlieb FichteSpeculative RealismSalomon Maimon
Despite extant correspondence and mutual admiration, the relationship between Goethe and Salomon Maimon has only been touched upon once in the literature, and further clarification of the link between them remains a desideratum. Here I... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheSalomon MaimonBaruch SpinozaGoethe
The infinite judgement has long been forgotten and yet, as I am about to demonstrate, it may be urgent to revive it for its critical and productive potential. An infinite judgement is neither analytic nor synthetic; it does not produce... more
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      KantKant-studiesGerman IdealismContemporary French Philosophy
Articles Kant’s Philosophy Krouglov, A. N. Kant and the Crusians in the Debate on Optimism............ 7 Kant: pro et contra Smirnov, M. A. Kantian Philosophy and ‘Linguistic Kantianism’................ 32 Neo-Kantianism Vorobiev, M.... more
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophySalomon MaimonImmanuel KantKant's Political Philosophy
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      Gilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzscheTranscendental PhilosophySalomon Maimon
Inicialmente, a hipótese que seguimos é a de que o problema da gênese precede e condiciona o olhar de Deleuze sobre Kant ao longo de sua obra, expressamente o formulado por Maïmon. Defendemos, então, que a aliança entre os dois se... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeTranscendental PhilosophySalomon MaimonImmanuel Kant
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous remercie de siéger parmi les membres du jury pour la soutenance de ma thèse de doctorat en philosophie. Je vais tenter d'exposer mes quatre années de recherche sur la figure littéraire du diable, en une... more
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      Salomon MaimonEmmanuel KantErnst CassirerHans Blumenberg
Das ursprüngliche Projekt der kantischen Philosophie besteht nach der Monadologia Physica von 1756 darin, eine metaphysica cum geometria iuncta zu etablieren, um die Erkenntnis der Natur zu begründen. Später, in seiner Kritik der reinen... more
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      Kant-studiesSalomon MaimonImmanuel KantBaruch Spinoza
This article represents an analysis of the Jewish philosophy of the Modern and Contemporary as the holistic phenomenon. In contrast to antiquity and the Middle Ages, when philosophy was a rather marginal part of Jewish thought, in Modern... more
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      PhilosophyJewish StudiesÉmmanuel LévinasMartin Buber
Apart from his critique of Kant, Maimon’s significance for the history of philosophy lies in his crucial role in the rediscovery of Spinoza by the German Idealists. Specifically, Maimon initiated a change from the common... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophyMetaphysics
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      German IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Gottlieb FichteSalomon Maimon
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      MetaphilosophyGerman IdealismSalomon MaimonScientific Models
Salomon Maimon develops a new theory of reason (ground) and cause in the principle of determinability. Fichte uses Maimon’s concept in his Wissenschaftslehre and influences the philosophy of German idealism. Johann Baptist Schad, an... more
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      PhilosophyIdealismContinental PhilosophyHistory of Logic
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      Gilles DeleuzeSalomon MaimonGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizDavid Hume
Bergson’s critique of intensive magnitude in Time and Free Will mainly targets Kant’s “Anticipations of Perception”, in which the Kantian distinction between matter and form is lowered. Bergson praises precisely this distinction for... more
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      Henri BergsonSalomon MaimonImmanuel KantIntensive Magnitudes
Le Cercle de recherche en idéalisme et le Laboratoire de philosophie continentale vous invitent à la journée d'étude Actualité(s) de l'idéalisme. Cette journée sera l'occasion de faire connaître les recherches et intérêts des étudiant(e)s... more
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      German IdealismHegelMartin HeideggerJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Resumo: Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos uma discussão sobre a relação entre ceticismo e filosofia no idealismo alemão, notadamente em Hegel. Em particular, no interessa o papel que essa relação desempenha no problema da autodeterminação... more
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      German IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb FichteSalomon Maimon
Introduction to the forthcoming volume, Kant and his German Contemporaries (Cambridge UP, 2017)
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologySalomon MaimonImmanuel Kant
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      KantPlatoAristotleNatural philosophy
In this paper, I will outline a rather bold claim: that Salomon Maimon is the only modern Jewish philosopher worth of the title. Unlike many others, I do not take a Jewish philosopher to be someone who is (a) Jewish and (b) a philosopher,... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesSalomon MaimonJewish Philosophy
This book argues that Fichte’s philosophy is an investigation of the concept of philosophy leading to the replacement of the name φιλοσοφία by the name Wissenschaftslehre. Such a replacement is the result of his reception of Kant's... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
The great Kant was confronted with the amazing theory of Newton, which imposed time as the supreme ruler of the world. To save ethics from this mechanical weltanschauung (world view), Kant divided our knowledge of the world in two... more
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      Transcendental PhilosophySalomon MaimonImmanuel Kant