Los ecosistemas acuáticos salinos son especialmente habituales en las regiones de clima árido y semiárido del planeta. Así, en España, se concentran muchos de los ambientes salinos europeos. La salinidad supone un factor limitante, por... more
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To what extent are environmental factors the main determinants of species abundance in Mediterranean coastal marshlands?
Anthropology of salt: holistic view, saturated model (Romania). Alexianu, Marius-Tiberiu 4. Representations of salt in historical cartography-heritage and environmental strategies-The Portuguese cadastre since 18 th century (Portugal).... more
Anthropology of salt: holistic view, saturated model (Romania). Alexianu, Marius-Tiberiu 4. Representations of salt in historical cartography-heritage and environmental strategies-The Portuguese cadastre since 18 th century (Portugal).... more
Methane hydrate formation studies in saline environment show that activated carbons are excellent host structures able to promote the water-to-hydrate conversion. Under confinement conditions, methane hydrate formation takes place at mild... more
The calculation of evaporation (Ev) is a fundamental process on the planning of investment for nonmetallic mining in salt flats. Dispose to reliable estimates of evaporation allows to reduce one of the main uncertainties of the flow... more
In this study we aimed to analyse the structure and diversity of overall bacterial community and its resistance determinants from nickel-contaminated soil in Slovakia by both, cultivation-dependent and independent approaches. The... more
The calculation of evaporation (Ev) is a fundamental process on the planning of investment for nonmetallic mining in salt flats. Dispose to reliable estimates of evaporation allows to reduce one of the main uncertainties of the flow... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Anthropology of salt: holistic view, saturated model (Romania). Alexianu, Marius-Tiberiu 4. Representations of salt in historical cartography-heritage and environmental strategies-The Portuguese cadastre since 18 th century (Portugal).... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Background Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
Anthropology of salt: holistic view, saturated model (Romania). Alexianu, Marius-Tiberiu 4. Representations of salt in historical cartography-heritage and environmental strategies-The Portuguese cadastre since 18 th century (Portugal).... more
Background Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
Background Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
El cálculo de la evaporación (Ev) es un proceso fundamental en la planificación de inversión en minería no metálica en salares. Disponer de estimaciones confiables de la evaporación permite disminuir una de las principales incertidumbres... more
RESUMEN Las actividades asociadas a la agricultura intensiva, y principalmente el uso de agroquimicos, son la causa principal de alteracion y perdida de biodiversidad en los humedales. Los protozoos , por sus requerimientos y sensibilidad... more
During the Middle Ages, there was a flourishing salt industry at Villafáfila. In this paper, it is claimed that the origin of salt exploitation at the region starts back to about 2500 BC, during the Copper Age.
Salinas, or Mediterranean coastal salt marshes, are priceless ecological wetlands, resilient spaces along the coast that have survived over time and hold incalculable cultural, historical, and ethnographic values associated with them.... more
The present work characterizes at different levels a number of bacterial strains isolated from porewaters sampled in the vicinity of two French uranium tailing repositories. The 16S rRNA gene from 33 bacterial isolates, corresponding to... more
RESUMEN Las actividades asociadas a la agricultura intensiva, y principalmente el uso de agroquimicos, son la causa principal de alteracion y perdida de biodiversidad en los humedales. Los protozoos , por sus requerimientos y sensibilidad... more
This study investigated how 0.33% medium carbon steel is affected by induced stress in a saline environment. Three geometries namely U-bend, C-ring and I-shape samples were formed representing varying degrees of stress level induced on... more
Itinerarios didacticos por tres humedales protegidos de la Region de Murcia: Reserva Natural de Sotos y Bosques de Ribera de Canaverosa; Paisaje Protegido del Humedal de Ajauque y Rambla Salada y Parque Regional de Salinas y Arenales de... more
The eastern Arabian Sea has a unique and permanent oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) that extends along the western continental margin of India. The sedi-ment below this region is rich in organic matter. This study describes the bacterial... more
The chemical properties, ecotoxicity, and microbiome of leachates from phytomanaged Cu-contaminated soils were analyzed. The phytomanagement was carried out using Cu-tolerant poplar Populus trichocarpa × deltoides cv. Beaupré and black... more
BACKGROUND: Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
BACKGROUND: Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
BACKGROUND: Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
Resumen: Se pretende conocer el estado de amenaza actual de Ochthebius montesi, un coleóptero acuático endémico del Sur de la península Ibérica. Para ello, durante el verano de 2003 se visitaron todas las localidades de las que se tenía... more
Resumen: Se pretende conocer el estado de amenaza actual de Ochthebius montesi, un coleóptero acuático endémico del Sur de la península Ibérica. Para ello, durante el verano de 2003 se visitaron todas las localidades de las que se tenía... more
BACKGROUND: Sundarban is the world's largest coastal sediment comprising of mangrove forest which covers about one million hectares in the south-eastern parts of India and southern parts of Bangladesh. The microbial diversity in this... more
Salinas, or Mediterranean coastal salt marshes, are priceless ecological wetlands, resilient spaces along the coast that have survived over time and hold incalculable cultural, historical, and ethnographic values associated with them.... more
Salt in Talmud—Salt, much more than an edible stone—¿Se pueden salvar las salinas con visitas guiadas?
Salt production, salt trade and salt politics in Scandinavia…. (2nd part) – Brine concentration by means of blackthorn graduation – Report on the 3rd International Seminar on Portuguese Salt The salt landscape - tradition and... more
What the future of the Aral Sea can be like-Salinas litorales: patrimonio natural, cultural y economía azul ¿al borde de la extinción?-Conversación con… Renato Neves, consultor y experto en salinas
The dam of life or dam lifelong. The Aral Sea and the construction of the dam in Berg Strait. Part I (1988-1992) - Acciones de mejora del hábitat y recuperación en salinas del entorno del Mar Menor,—How universal is the protection of salt... more
Explotaciones de sal de época prehistórica en las Lagunas de Villafáfila (Zamora) – Los ríos salinos mediterráneos. Ecosistemas olvidados – Culture(s) and the Old Salt Lake (California)
La economía de la sal – Salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar, un lugar privilegiado dónde tierra y mar se unen – Progress on the restoration of the Lion Salt Works, Cheshire, England and other research – Riqueza específica de protozoos... more
Question: To what extent are environmental factors the main determinants of species abundance in Mediterranean coastal marshlands? Location: The Llobregat delta, Barcelona, Spain.
The present study aimed at identifying the soil bacterial communities in the Madhupur Sal and the Sunderban mangrove forests, the two important forests of Bangladesh. Soil bacteria were identified through sequencing of PCR-amplified... more
Uranium (U)-tolerant aerobic chemo-heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from the sub-surface soils of U-rich deposits in Domiasiat, North East India. The bacterial community explored at molecular level by amplified ribosomal DNA... more
Halophiles, the most predominant organisms found in the mangrove forest, include varied genera of halophilic bacteria in different environment such as salt lakes, saline soils and salted food. The majority of halophilic microorganisms... more
El carácter erosivo de las lluvias torrenciales que caracterizan a las zonas áridas y semiáridas del sureste ibérico (precipitaciones inferiores a los 250 mm) determina la formación de redes de drenaje altamente jerarquizadas donde los... more
Las salmueras de la laguna La Playa (Zaragoza), de tipo Na-Cl y pH neutro, alcanzan elevadas concentraciones durante su ciclo evaporativo (con valores de fuerza iónica superiores a 10 molal). En este trabajo se estudia la evolución... more
The bacterial diversity of chronically oil polluted retention basin sediment located in 27 the Berre lagoon (Etang-de-Berre, France) was investigated. This study combines chemical 28 and molecular approaches in order to define how in situ... more