Sales Promotion
Recent papers in Sales Promotion
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Promotion mix (Personal Selling, Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relation) on Intensity of purchase of motor yamaha R15 at PT. Suracojaya Abadimotor central Yamaha Pettarani... more
Advertising Guide: British Advertising guidelines for Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing. Interesting rules and regulations in contrast to FCC rules and regulations.
This particular research has been undertaken to analyze the impact of the promotion ban on products/ services on the mind-set of consumers. By considering UK organizations and companies from the global market, such analysis has been done... more
In today's competitive business world customers are considered to be kings. Customers have several choices to make among alternative products, and they exercise a high level of influence in the market with respect to product size,... more
This study is aimed at exploring the impact of gender, age, and household income on consumers' purchasing responsiveness to free-product samples that are given to them at retail grocery stores in Riyadh. The findings demonstrated that... more
Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών & Πωλήσεις
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) adalah sistem yang dapat membantu seseorang dalam mengambil keputusan yang akurat dan tepat sasaran. Banyak permasalahan yang dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan SPK, salah satunya adalah penentuan calon... more
this paper gives a brief review of the dissertation aspects and the given results.
Designing and implementing a Key Account Management (KAM) programme represents a key task for suppliers that are looking to expand the scope of their relationships with their key customers. Though research has explored the issues of Key... more
People in Manado always pay attention of their style in fashion especially women. Shoes is one of the important things that woman want. A good quality product, an affordable price and what people think about the product are some factors... more
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide an historical analysis of an important early contribution to the history of marketing thought literature – the six-book series titled The Knack of Selling – which was published in 1913 and... more
Μεσογειακό Κολέγιο: 2ο Διεπιστημονικό Φοιτητικό Συνέδριο 2014 Η παρουσίαση αυτή στοχεύει στην παροχή μιας στρατηγικής ανάλυσης της διαχείρισης της Alfa Pastry SA, ένας από τους πιο σημαντικούς παράγοντες, που δραστηριοποιούνται στην... more
An Advertising Agency Promotion Proposal to create DeKuyper® and Jim Beam® Liquor Ice Cream for the purpose of BRAND PROMOTION; to attract Female Consumers and Millennials to DeKuyper and Jim Beam Liquor Brands using the very favorable... more
Promotion is one of the four major elements of the marketing mix. Therefore, an integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy consisting of a combination of promotional tools could be an essential element of the businesses’ overall... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of sales promotion on buying behavior among university students. Specifically, University Putra Malaysia (UPM) was chosen as study location. A total of 150 respondents were recruited... more
Marketing in the 21st century involves the need for clear strategies to reach and engage target markets in an ever-evolving landscape. In this paper, personalized marketing, technological shifts, new consumer trends, globalization, and... more
The report is about personal selling and sales promotion based on two cases. One is HP and another one is P&G
Today in the global information village, accounting is considered as information systems. Now, the role of accounting is not to provide financial statements only, its main function is to generate and provide users’ demand driven... more
The research aims to study the effect of sales promotion on the purchase quantity and recommend sales promotional means and methods that could improve sales for retail sector in Malaysia. The impact of coupons, bonus packages, premiums,... more
The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction. “Selling with EASE Will Help You Close More Deals, Advance Your Career and Build Your Income.” JEB BLOUNT - Bestselling Author of Fanatical Prospecting and People... more
In today's competitive business world customers are considered to be kings. Customers have several choices to make among alternative products, and they exercise a high level of influence in the market with respect to product size, quality... more
Organizations trying to build sustainable brands invest heavily on promotion among other things. Promotions are the blood of any organization; its activities cannot be underestimated for company who wishes to remain in a global... more
Due to liberalization, internet connectivity has spread throughout the country as well as mobile phone use across different network since inception in 1999. Market liberalization and globalization of the telecommunication industry in the... more
This research study is unique in measuring the comparative effectiveness of IMC tools used by Coca Cola. To achieve this purpose, a set of hypotheses were focused on comparison between IMC tools. To answer the hypotheses, a review of... more
The communication with the clients is of crucial importance for the success of the business and the marketing. The experience proves that even the best products can’t sell themselves on their own. The benefits, the solutions, the... more
Indian meals are unimaginable without a liberal to moderate usage of Edible Oil (Cooking oil)which contributes to a sizeable share of Indian household's wallet. Being the largest democracy in the world with multiple religions, the people... more
rencana penjualan
Objective - The aim of this paper is to examine the role of sales promotional activities as a market driven strategy carried out by cellular service providers and its impact on their corresponding sales. This is achieved by focusing on... more
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