Salafi-jihadist groups
Recent papers in Salafi-jihadist groups
The question of jihad is fundamental to Ibn Taymiyya since he is one of the theologians of the Mamluk period-and probably of the entire medieval period-who wrote the most on this subject. Jihad was an essential part of the life of the... more
Soğuk savaşın ürünü olarak ortaya çıkan internet, her şey hakkında bilgi sunan ve sayıları gün geçtikçe artan web sitelerine anında ulaşım sağlayan dünya çapındaki bilgisayar ağı olmakla beraber yirminci yüzyılın en önemli teknolojik... more
Başlangıçta Arabistan içerisinde yayılan hareketin daha sonraları dünyanın değişik bölgelerinde önemli ölçüde taraftarlarının oluştuğu dikkati çeker. 18. ve 19. yüzyılda Avrupa devletlerinin Afrika ve Hindistan Alt Kıtasına ilgi duymaları... more
Selefilik beşe ayrılır. Sahabiler, Tabin, tebeyi tabinle, Selefi Salihin ilk saf çeşidi idi. Hakiki Müslümanlardı. Bu dönemin Abdülkadir Geylani’nin tarikatları kurumsallaştırmasına kadar sürdüğü varsayılabilir. İslam’ın altın çağındaki... more
בשנתיים האחרונות הפך ארגון הטרור "המדינה האסלאמית" ("דאעש"9) לאחד הגורמים המסוכנים, אשר עצם קיומו, מהותו ופעילותו מקרינים על מדינות רבות בכל רחבי העולם, קל וחומר במזרח התיכון. ארגון טרור זה, המניף את "הדגל השחור" כדגלו הרשמי, מייצג זרם... more
This paper defines the al Qaeda network today and traces its evolution since the dual challenges of the Arab Spring and Osama bin Laden's death. It finds that al Qaeda has evolved after these setbacks to better achieve its own aims within... more
The book examines the emergence of the Islamic State within the context of past jihadist insurgencies. It argues that failed Islamist revolts against the apostate near enemy has led to more brutal jihadist tactics and doctrines that have... more
Postprint is available at;jsessionid=08F86A84AC03E8D10725306DE51D9E54 Although jihadi nasheeds play an important role in the Islamic State's propaganda, there is scant literature on the... more
an analysis of the interactions between two major current global millennial movements, Global Progressive Leftists and Global Caliphaters.
Abstrak Tindak Pidana Terorisme merupakan sebuah perjalanan panjang dari sebuah perang yang pada akhirnya akan berkepanjangan. Adanya konsep fundamentalis islam dan Insurgensi serta kesalahan pemikiran dalam pendefinisian lone wolf... more
There is always the temptation for writers, analysts and political leaders, all with an eye on future historical narrative, to ascribe a symbolic significance to contemporary events which suggest a break with an old order and the birth of... more
A continuación se va a desarrollar el trabajo de la asignatura "Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales en el Mundo Contemporáneo", sobre Al Qaeda del Magreb Islámico, una organización terrorista yihadista neosalafista surgida en el... more
This article traces the rise and decline of the Somali jihadi-insurgent group al-Shabab from 2006 to 2014. Particular attention is paid to the group’s implementation of a philistine and coercive interpretation of Shariah in areas under... more
Por temas prácticos en esta revisión, se detallarán solo aquellos antiretrovirales que se encuentran vigentes, excluyendo aquellos que han sido discontinuados del mercado farmacéutico. Se analizarán las principales características... more
In this modern era, the representation of Islam and terrorism in Western media has been a contentious topic of multiple implications. This project entails a comprehensive analysis of the impact that the news media has had on the portrayal... more
""Abstract: Inherited from 19th century Orientalism and enhanced by the advent of Wahhabism and Salafism,Ibn Taymiyya’s anti-sufi reputation has continued to obscure the mystical aspect of his work. The Hanbali scholar, described as... more
Au moment où l’actualité met les projecteurs sur le terrorisme islamiste, cet article apporte un éclairage sur les concepts de radicalisme, extrémisme et terrorisme qui sert à introduire un modèle intégré explicatif de l’engagement... more
Extremist Jihadi movements aim to seize territory in order to govern it; however, each movement has a different perspective on the type of governance, level of institutionalization, and mechanisms necessary to fulfill its vision for... more
In October 2017 the Jihadist movement in Cabo Delgado, which calls itself Al Sabha, committed its first terrorist action. Initially its resources and capacity were limited, but in recent times it has become more sophisticated in its... more
Статья посвящена теме зарождения и развития идеологии русскоязычного джихадизма, предшествовавшей той стадии джихадистского движения, которая связана с ближневосточными событиями последних нескольких лет. В статье развивается идея, что... more
In this chapter we analyze the shift from a politicized identity to a radicalized identity of (members of) the Hofstad network. Our findings are based on an analysis of texts written by the Hofstad network by Meijer who acted as an expert... more
On 22 May 2013, the terror dyad of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale killed Lee Rigby in Woolwich. This paper aims to explain both men’s radicalisation, looking at their biographies through the prism of Social Movement Theory. It is... more
Bu kitapta, Daeş’e giden yolun teolojik ve tarihî arkaplanından Türkiye’deki Daeş yargılamalarına, terörle mücadele hukukundan emsal yargı kararlarına, gerçek hikâyelerden cihatçılarla röportajlara kadar oldukça spesifik ve sansasyonel... more
Obszar Bliskiego Wschodu jest jednym z najbardziej złożonych i niestabilnych regionów współczesnego świata, o najbardziej dynamicznej strukturze konfliktów oraz sporów. Z tego względu jest on niezwykle istotny z punktu widzenia... more
Jabhat al-Nusra has long been one of the most militarily effective armed actors against the Syrian Baathist regime and it continues to play a central role in the country's civil war. With a leadership that mixes the transnational jihadi... more
Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
With this work, Justyna Nedza presents the rst comprehensive analysis of the theologically charged legal practice of "declaring someone an unbeliever" (tak r) in militant Sala st thought. Her investigation zooms in on the role of tak r in... more
Abu Mohammad al-Maqdisi is one of the most important spiritual fathers of the ideology and movement that has come to be known as Salafi-jihadism. Based on primary source materials produced by al-Maqdisi and other important relevant actors... more
This report highlights core contours of jihadist recruitment in Turkey and unpacks key push-pull factors that motivate individuals to fight with jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria. It concludes by offering insight into how Turkey’s... more
The paper is a comparative analysis of the Islamic State and its Sudanese Mahdiyyah predecessor. It looks at these two millenarian movements comparing their position with the Sunni apocalyptic tradition, their respective world views and... more
Das letzte Kapitel des Sammelbandes "Der Konflikt in Mali seit 2012" bietet eine Zusammenfassung der Hintergründe, Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Konflikts.
La présente étude se propose de mettre en lumière le mode de constitution d’un courant djihadiste apparu dans le quartier populaire de Douar Hicher, à la périphérie ouest de Tunis. Elle entend en examiner les caractéristiques... more
We were one strong Ummah, believing in Tawheed, then differed, thus weaknesses. Division and differences in Islam are something inevitable, to which history bears witness. A sect is a subgroup of a religious, political, or philosophical... more
Prezentul studiu adresează problema spinoasă a rolului religiei în dezvoltarea radicalismului cu care se confruntă lumea de azi. Înmulțirea actelor terorise în ultima vreme a dat naștere unor întrebări precum: este religia sursa... more