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      Baroque art and architectureGianlorenzo BerniniCaravaggioSkull
,,Dann war der heilige Franz von Assisi gekommen und hatte eine Liebe zur Armut gepredigt, die den Vorschriften der Kirche nicht widersprach [... ]. So hätte nun eine Zeit des Friedens und der Heiligkeit anbrechen können, doch im gleichen... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
Overlooking Lago di Orta in the foothills of the Northern Italian Alps, the Renaissance-era Sacro Monte di Orta (a UNESCO World Heritage site) is spectacle and hagiography, theme park and treatise. Sacro Monte di Orta is a sacred mountain... more
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      Art HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageRenaissance Art
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      Art HistoryFranciscan StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art
Essay comparing the two painting of Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata accredited to Jan van Eyck. Based on my research, and the research of experts in the field, I believe that the painting placed in the Johnson Gallery is... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtJan Van EyckStigmata
Il lavoro ripercorre in modo non sistematico, bensì occasionale, procedendo per exempla che generalizzino la problematica, esaurendola, il tema della diatriba tra vita attiva e contemplativa, dimostrando come la storia abbia insegnato che... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureMedieval History
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      Ancient HistoryMedieval HistoryFilm StudiesMedieval Studies
This chapter from Sacred Views of Saint Francis: the Sacro Monte di Orta contains short essays describing each chapel and providing the raison d’ tre for each. There are twenty chapels in the park-like setting of the Sacro Monte di Orta.... more
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      Art HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageRenaissance Art
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      Medieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureEarly modern SpainEarly Netherlandish PaintingJan Van Eyck
No âmbito do seminário de História do Cristianismo Antigo e Medieval foi oportuno propor-se a realização de uma leitura sobre a espiritualidade de Francisco de Assis. Em 11 páginas realizou-se uma leitura crítica dos capítulos da obra de... more
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      SpiritualityChristian MysticismSaint Francis of Assisi
editor) website: (educational activity) library: (catalog) Cum Permissu Superiorum Finito di stampare nel maggio 2019 da Corpo 16 srl -Modugno (Ba)
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      CrusadesAyyubid historyFranciscan StudiesSufism
2015, La Famiglia Feconda di Francesco d'Assisi nel "De Conformitate Vitæ" di Bartolomeo da Pisa. Liber I, Fructus VIII Bartolomeo da Pisa nacque a Rinonico, presso Pisa, verso il 1335 ed entrò nell'Ordine dei frati Minori a Pisa nel... more
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      History of the Franciscan OrderMedieval FranciscansSaint Francis of Assisi
My dissertation, “Jordan of Giano’s Evangelical Vision: The Battle over the Franciscan Order in the Thirteenth Century,” explores the relationship between memory and narrative as found in Jordan of Giano’s (c. 1185–c. 1262) Chronica... more
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      MultilingualismHistory and MemoryOral historyMartyrdom
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySan FranciscoHistory of the Franciscan Order
Humiliation and self-ridicule worked as surprisingly important tools of evangelical outreach in the first decades of the Franciscan Order (c.1210–50). According to early Franciscan texts such as the Assisi Compilation (c.1240s) and Jordan... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHumorLaughter
The work traces the story of Francesco using two opposing interpretations: illusion and disappointment. The four stages of the Saint's history are thus retraced, highlighting the existential movement that marks the development of his... more
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      History of the Franciscan OrderSaint Francis of Assisi
The year 2014 saw the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the pilgrimage of Saint Francis of Assisi to Santiago de Compostela in many parishes, shrines, brotherhoods and associations related to the cult of Saint James the Greater and... more
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      PilgrimageSantiago de CompostelaWay of St. JamesCamino de Santiago
This thesis analyses images of male saints defending their chastity against transgressive women. The studied images were produced in post-Tridentine Italy – a period when Catholic dogma, through Church reform, emphasised the superiority... more
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      IconographyHistory of SexualityCult of SaintsItalian Baroque art
O presente artigo estabelece um paralelo entre a vida de Cristo e a vida de São Francisco de Assis, no contexto da imitatio Christi, ou seja, na mútua conformidade entre eles, sob o prisma da interpretação espiritual e alegórica das... more
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      Franciscan StudiesSpiritual TheologyAllegoryFrancis of Assisi
Analyse des Onze fioretti de François d'Assise de Rossellini
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      GiottoRoberto RosselliniSaint Francis of Assisi
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      Torah/PentateuchBook of NumbersPriestly BlessingSaint Francis of Assisi
Analysis of Raphael's Madonna di Foligno (1511-1512) shows that surprising esoteric knowledge is embedded in this masterpiece. For instance, the painting refers to two different Jesus children, and also to the solar eclipse during which... more
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      AnthroposophyJohn the BaptistArchitecture- art- history- exhibitions- design- anthroposophyRaphael
In 1932, Luigi Pompilj published his translation and analysis of Jordan of Giano's "Chronica." Of all of the translations and analyses of Jordan's work, Pompilj's study was the most difficult to locate, since very few copies of his book... more
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      Medieval GermanyMissionsFrancesco d'AssisiSt. Francis of Assisi
Two understandings of leprosy prevailed at the turn of the thirteenth century. The dominant perception of leprosy since pre-Christian times was as a disease of the vile and sinful. The view that lepers were in fact the blessed of God... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of LeprosyFrancis of Assisi
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      Emblem studiesGabriele D'AnnunzioMario PrazEmblematic studies
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualityGreccioSaint Francis of Assisi
The Catholic Church celebrated two important centennials in 2016: on the one hand the 800th recurrence of the papal approbation of the Dominican Order, and on the other hand the remembrance of the 700th anniversary of the death of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesHagiographyRamon LlullHistory of Missions
Seconda edizione uguale alla prima edizione del 1999, ristampata nel 2006, eccetto che per l'aggiunta della pagina "Nota dell'Autore" .
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual FranciscansEarly Church Fathers
i diversi metodi di ricerca e di interpretazione le Comunicazioni sono state presentate in Panels e compaiono nel libro organizzate in sezioni tematiche che attraverso parole-chiave indicano i diversi ambiti di approfondimento.
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      Gabriele D'AnnunzioUmbriaAssisiFrancis of Assisi
Le parole scritte (Verba scripta) da e di Francesco costituiscono una preziosa e unica eredità che il Santo ha lasciato ai suoi frati e sono giunte fino a noi. Il sottotitolo del volume esprime bene l’intenzione generale dell’approccio... more
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    • Saint Francis of Assisi
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      Virginia WoolfHappinessSaint Francis of AssisiThe Years
Alberto Savinio avrebbe voluto dare alla sua esperienza nel primo conflitto mondiale la forma di un romanzo, che tuttavia resterà incompiuto. Nella sua produzione, i riferimenti al tema della guerra si presentano secondo le modalità del... more
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      Literature and cinemaFascismFirst World WarWorld War II
Francis of Assisi is well known for his devotion to all God’s “creatures,” from worms and fish to moon and stars. Francis’s devotion also has some little known dimensions that are unprecedented in his own time but that anticipate central... more
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      Medieval StudiesPosthumanismAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
This article revisits the legends about Friar Anselm Turmeda / ʿAbdullāh al-Tarjumān ( 1427), drawing upon the historical method and the argument of John Tolan’s Saint Francis and the Sultan. First, the essay recalls Tolan’s work,... more
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval Islam
La devozione di san Francesco nei confronti dell’Eucaristia e dei sacerdoti è manifestata in una delle sue Lettere più belle. In quel testo – qui riproposto e commentato – il Santo di Assisi fa emergere tutto il suo amore per il Corpo e... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyFranciscan Studies
On the grounds of crucial theoretical frameworks (provided by Christian Enzensberger, Francesco Orlando, Sigmund Freud, Mary Douglas and others) and by referring to a wide range of literary and artistic examples (Saint Francis, Dario Fo,... more
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      Anthropology of the BodyPhenomenology of the bodyPowerFrancesco Orlando
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      ReligionChristianityHistory of ChristianityMissiology and Mission Theology
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      Art HistoryPaintingHistory of ArtChristian Iconography
Resumen: A través de este artículo, se pretende presentar los conventos masculinos franciscanos que han existido en Vizcaya. Para ello, en primer lugar se trata el nacimiento de los cinco conventos que se dio durante la Edad Media. A... more
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      ReligionBasque StudiesMonastic StudiesFranciscan Studies
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicinePaleopathologyChurch History
Maranesi, docente di teologia dogmatica e francescana presso le facoltà di Assisi e Roma, affronta col suo testo Caro Leone ti scrivo. Gli autografi di Francesco: memoria di una grande amicizia (Prefazione di A. Bartoli Langeli, Edizioni... more
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      FranciscanismFrancescanesimoSaint Francis of Assisi
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      IconographyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript Studies
The is an edited version of what would later be published as the introduction to Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World came about through WordsFranciscans and Preaching, ed. Timothy J. Johnson, Brill" 2013, 1-12.
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      Medieval TheologyMedieval theology (Medieval Studies)Franciscan StudiesBonaventure
The survey, by using the methods of historical research, focuses on the transformation of mountains, which, from terrifying and uninhabited environments, gradually became among the most significant places of the soul and religious spaces.... more
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      ReligionMountainsCamaldoleseSaint Francis of Assisi
Uomini e donne che furono “voce dello Spirito”, pur nella diversità di tradizione religiosa o fede, di epoca o stato di vita. “Mistici” li definiamo, ma nella consapevolezza che lo sono non nella loro stravaganza e irraggiungibilità. Ma... more
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      Isaac of NinevehCarmelite SpiritualitySaint Francis of AssisiRabia al-Adawiyya
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      Medieval HistoryAnnales schoolNouvelle HistoireMiddle Ages
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      MusicologyLiturgyReligion and PoliticsCult of Saints
Overlooking Lago di Orta in the foothills of the Northern Italian Alps, the Renaissance-era Sacro Monte di Orta (a UNESCO World Heritage site) is spectacle and hagiography, theme park and treatise. Sacro Monte di Orta is a sacred mountain... more
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      ArtAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageRenaissance Art