Sacred Music
Recent papers in Sacred Music
Using qualitative research methods and social movement theory, I explored the significance of gospel music to the Forward Together Moral Movement in North Carolina and the meanings the singers who perform the music apply to their roles... more
Public Lecture: 'Scary Monsters: The Hopeful Undecidability of David Bowie (1947-2016)' Keele University 15/3/17 The lecture will be about three things: Monsters, Hope and one of the most significant artists of the 20th century, David... more
I Motecta festorum totius anni cum communi sanctorum quaternis vocibus di Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, pubblicati durante gli anni del suo servizio come Maestro di Cappella presso la basilica romana di Santa Maria Maggiore, conobbero... more
The essay aims at reconstructing the cultural reception of the sacred vocal repertoire by J.S. Bach in Italy during the second half of the twentieth century. The investigation moves from a close exam of performances of Passions, Cantatas... more
An edition of the complete movement and fullest fragments of the York Masses, a collection of vocal polyphony probably copied for an institution in the city of York c.1500.
Ein reiches Programm mit Konzerten und Gottesdiensten, Referaten und Diskussionen prägte den 5. Internationalen Kirchenmusikkongress, der Ende Oktober 2015 in Bern stattfand. Dabei wurde das Verhältnis von Religion, Kirche und Liturgie... more
no nuestra, de nuestros gustos o de nuestras ideologías. Por esta razón, y conscientes de lo que significa la música litúrgica, podemos preguntarnos: «¿Cómo debe ser esta música?; y para ello tenemos que hablar del texto y de la música.... more
Festiwal Pieśni i Piosenki Religijnej Sacrosong (1969–1999) powstał w czasie, gdy stopniowo wchodziły w życie postanowienia Soboru Watykańskiego II, a wśród nich to dotyczące otwierania Kościoła katolickiego na nowe formy ewangelizacji.... more
The Pauline Chapel in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the most complex and significant ecclesiastical buildings in Counter-Reformation Rome. It was conceived as relic venue and built to underline and reassert Catholic... more
Background in ethnomusicology. The Mevlevi Order of Sufism, founded in Konya (Turkey) by the followers of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, cherishes music in their rituals as do many other Sufi Sects. Whirling Dervish Rituals may be described as... more
Since 2017, musician Ahsan Bari and artist/academic Erin Sledd have collaborated on a series of visual and acoustical installations and projects. This short presentation presents some of the highlights and the concepts behind their work.
Lisztian experimentation with cyclic form and techniques of thematic metamorphosis is generally associated with the masterpieces of the Weimar period (the B minor Sonata, the Grosses Konzertsolo, the final version of the two Concertos).... more
L’autografo della Fuga del Kyrie di Francesco Morlacchi - donato nel 1878 dal conte Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti al canonico Luigi Rotelli (Corciano 1833-Roma 1891) – è una breve composizione per quattro voci (SATB) e orchestra. Essa,... more
Il est admis généralement -en tout cas dans les ouvrages d'histoire de la musique -que la cantate « moderne », inventée officiellement par Erdmann Neumeister à Weißenfels en 1700, est fortement liée à la prédication, avec laquelle elle se... more
"DURING the latter half of the twentieth century Christians from denominations around the world have stated a desire to find their way back to the roots of Christianity and experience a more full expression of Christianity and the life of... more
Notas musicológicas para el CD Misa de Indios – Misa Criolla. Ensemble La Chimera, Coral de Cámara de Pamplona, Luis Rigou y Bárbara Kusa. Eduardo Egüez, director. La Música, LMU001, París, 2014, pp. 5-8 (francés)
for musicians and non-musicians - a basic guide to Messiaen's unique compositional techniques
The article outlines the role of the Psalter poetry in the Catholic hymnography, singles out the principal genres and forms, where the texts of the Psalms are used. Considered is the development of the Psalter song poetry in the... more
For Rudolf Otto, sacred or religious music serves and ought to function as a medium of connection to God, the wholly numinous Other. This article examines the qualities of the experience of God as the quintessential numinous "mysterium... more
The aim of this paper is to discuss the concept of the worksong with regards to sacred singing performed in gutting and ship-building yards among North-East Scottish workers in the fishing industry, particularly the herring industry, in... more
There are several reasons why China today is at the center of the world’s attention. The most apparent reason is because it is a new superpower due to its recent rapid economic development. It is also because of the exceptional situation... more
Kate Bowler and Wen Reagan. 2014. "Bigger, Better, Louder: The Prosperity Gospel’s Impact on Contemporary Christian Worship." Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 186-230. This article makes... more
Pier Costantino Remondini (Genova, 1829-1893), avvocato, musicologo ed erudito, fu un esponente di primo piano del cosiddetto ‘movimento ceciliano’, un movimento di opinione per la restaurazione della musica sacra che, nato in Germania... more
Gli studi musicologici spesso sottolineano che la musica delle origini in senso lato fu sempre sacra, composta ed eseguita per celebrare un evento e dunque funzionale e rituale in modalità similari tra culture diversissime, dal lontano... more
Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt was offered an opportunity that would make any performer swoon: a star role in the ground-breaking film The Jazz Singer (1927). Yet Rosenblatt refused this artistic opportunity of a lifetime. This paper... more
Breve guida all'ascolto in forma di lettera del capolavoro mozartiano.
Von einem nationalen Standpunkt betrachtet wurde die Kultur der Italoalbaner und Italogriechen als ,,linguistische Minderheit“ marginalisiert und aufgegeben – mit dem Ergebnis, dass ihre Sprachen nicht mehr an den Schulen unterrichtet... more
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma perspectiva histórica e considerações do processo de transcrição/edição do Te Deum CPM 92 de José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767-1830) desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa em Linguagem Musical autógrafas e... more
Cinquante ans après sa fondation, certaines pièces musicales du répertoire liturgique de l'Abbaye de Keur Moussa (Sénégal), peuvent encore arracher quelques exclamations, surprendre, interpeler, bousculer la sensibilité ou la curiosité... more
A Reforma Protestante modificou toda uma geração com consequências futuras inimagináveis até mesmo para os reformadores. O fato é que a Reforma invadiu toda a vida dentro e fora da igreja. Essa mudança radical, na verdade um retorno às... more
"During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, pioneering books on art theory— by Richardson, Piles, Lairesse, and many others—formulated benchmark criteria to assess the quality of paintings and shaped a canon of favorite... more
บทคัดย่อ การวิจัยครั้งน้ีเป็นการวิจัยทํานองเทศน์มหาชาติ กัณฑ์มัททีในประเพณีตั้งธัมม์หลวงของจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ โดยกระบวนการวิจัยครั้งนี้อาศัยหลักการทางมานุษยดนตรีวิทยา (Ethnomusicology) ซึ่งมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาสํานวนบทเทศน์ ข้อ... more
Libreto del CD-DVD: Música Catedralicia de Cuba. Repertorio litúrgico de Cayetano Pagueras (Barcelona-La Habana, siglo XVIII). Sellos discográficos Colibrí y La Ceiba, grabado en La Habana en 2013. Dirección general, investigación,... more
In un articolo del 2008 Arnaldo Morelli ha chiarito come il concetto di "scuola romana" vada in qualche misura sostituito dal più appropriato "stile di cappella". 2 Il primo riferimento all'espressione di scuola romana si trova già nel... more
ABSTRACT In the thirteenth century the mass cycle became established as a sacred musical form. By the end of the twentieth century the politicised concert mass had overshadowed it. Surprisingly, despite becoming a significant contributor... more