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The purpose of this training-of-trainers (ToT) manual on comprehensive SRHR of most-at-risk adolescents and young people is to enable trainers to build the professional skills of their national counterparts to provide quality services to... more
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Diese Studie ist die erste Zusammenstellung von bundesweiten Beispielen direkter, institutioneller und struktureller Diskriminierung und Stigmatisierung von Bulgar_innen und Rumän_innen mit zugeschriebenem oder tatsächlichen... more
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      DiscriminationStigmatisationSRH HIV/AIDS
The World Bank Assisted HIV/AIDS Programme Development Project (HPDP) II has been providing support to civil society organizations (CSOs), LACAs and Line Ministries in Ekiti State under the supervision of the Ekiti State AIDS Control... more
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      HIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyHIV / AIDS treatment
Background: Female Sex Workers (FSWs) are main drivers of the HIV epidemic in Nepal. The work environment of sex work in Nepal is differentiated into establishment based (e.g. massage parlors, dance restaurants, hotels and lodges) and... more
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Introduction: this article reflects on data that emanated from a programme evaluation and focuses on a concept we label ‘distributed-efficacy’. We argue that the process of developing and sustaining ‘distributed-efficacy’ is complex and... more
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      HIV medicineHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSHealth and HIV/AIDS Communication in Journalism