Recent papers in SPSS
Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je napomôcť začínajúcim výskumníkom v oblasti sociálneho výskumu zvládnuť náročný proces kvantitatívneho výskumu za použitia vlastného dotazníka. Má ambíciu stať sa akýmsi sprievodcom všetkými krokmi od... more
پىر نجف بهرام ـ 1 ا خد نام ب ح با م ث وژیه ور پ ف ج ن م ا ر به مدرس: افسار نرم آمىزشی جسوه spss پىر نجف بهرام ـ 2 افسار نرم آمىزشی جسوه spss پىر نجف بهرام ـ 3... more
This paper is a part of a marketing research report on the Macquarie University Car Parking System.
Rapid social, economic, technological changes in the country leave their mark on each member of the society; alter their tastes, expectations, and needs. The visitors of the Yerevan American Corner are not an exception. Thus, a necessity... more
This article determines the level of satisfaction among the USM bus transit system. The study is based on a survey carried out from the questionnaire that is administered involving 400 students. All data are analyzed by SPSS software.... more
Los seres humanos, desde sus comienzos con el descubrimiento del fuego, siempre han sido seres curiosos, seres que han querido saber más, seres que cuestionaban, seres que se preguntaban. Tal vez, esta curiosidad por querer saber más... more
Практическо учебно ръководство за студенти по медицина и медицински специалисти, разработено специално за курса по биостатистика на студенти по медицина и други медицински специалности. Може да бъде използвано като подходяща добавка и в... more
About Book: This book is designed to serve as a text book for management students who want to learn research in Indian context. The book not only deals extensively with theories and text on Research Methodology but also with many case... more
The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the importance of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, widely known as SPSS in the field of social sciences as an effective tool for quantitative data analysis. This paper includes... more
El análisis clúster es una técnica multivariante cuya idea básica es clasificar objetos formando grupos/conglomerados (clúster) que sean lo más homogéneos posible dentro de sí mismos y heterogéneos entre sí. Surge ante la necesidad de... more
This article determines the level of satisfaction among the USM bus transit system. The study is based on a survey carried out from the questionnaire that is administered involving 400 students. All data are analyzed by SPSS software.
About Book: This book introduces SPSS 17.0 software to help Researchers/Students/Teachers/Live Projects Managers related with education institutions or corporate world with detailed flow of procedures for many research techniques with... more
1. GIỚI THIỆU Trong 10 năm trở lại đây, theo xu hướng giáo dục đại học của thế giới, giáo dục đại học Việt Nam đang từng bước chuyển hóa từ một nền giáo dục đại học cho thiểu số tinh hoa sang một nền giáo dục đại học đại chúng. Điều này... more
It is an undisputable fact that the world is changing at a very fast pace. It therefore requires a change if every organization and institution are to respond to these changes. It is for these reasons that organizations need to initiate... more
The role of tourism industry on economic growth is examined in this paper for our sample countries for period of 2004:1-2013:2. The tourism-led growth hypothesis is not confirmed completely. The impact of tourism industry on economic... more
In this paper, validity and reliability studies of the scale that aims to measure the social network use, the purpose of social networks use and the preferences of the university students between social life and social networks with the... more
SPSS est un logiciel bien adapté pour l’analyse des questionnaires. A l’inverse de l’Excel, SPSS être capable de réduire considérablement le temps de la saisie des données .
This study sought to find how significant mega sporting events to a country are beneficial insofar as infrastructural development is concerned. The study used the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar as the case study in reference. Various... more
Click the URL to download Before we conduct the actual statistical tests, we need to screen our data for any irregularity. Usually, we check for: (a) if data have been entered correctly, such as out-of-range values. It may be caused by... more
Statistik dalam Jasa Olah Data SPSS ini dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, deskriptif dan inferensial. Statistik Deskriptif adalah statistik yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan data atau menganalisis suatu hasil penelitian tetapi tidak digunakan... more
Tất cả các tổ chức đều hoạt động trong một môi trường nhất định. Có nghĩa là các tổ chức đều bị bao bọc bởi và phải đối đầu với những lực lượng bên ngoài. Nhà quản lý không thể điều chỉnh sự tồn tại khách quan của những lực lượng môi... more
Bu çalışmada, turizm sektörünün önemli bir dinamiği olan kongre turizmi ile kongre katılımcılarının beklentilerinin belirlenmesi ve Türkiye’nin bu faaliyet alanındaki mevcut durumu incelenmiştir. Bu incelemede verilerin... more
i I dedicate this work to my parents, Joe and Stavroula Akinyode and sister, Sophia Osawe-Akinyode who contributed immensely to my pursuit of a Masters degree. I would have not been able to reach this far without the support of Maria... more
This preliminary quantitative study uses surveying and analysis via SPSS to determine the efficacy and need of in-depth research on possible conflicts international students face conflict both academically and socially. This research... more
The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the importance of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, widely known as SPSS in the field of social sciences as an effective tool for quantitative data analysis. This paper includes... more
This note demonstrates the use of Multiple Responses Analysis in analyzing multiple responses data using SPSS software. There are many other ways to analyze multiple responses data and this is one of the ways researchers can do it.
İlk tutum ölçme tekniğidir. 1925 yılında insanların, diğer ırklar,dinler ve sınıflardan olan kişilere ilişkilerinin kabul veya ret derecelerinin kıyaslanması amacıyla geliştirilmiştir. Ölçeğin temel mantığına göre, “eğer sizinle ayni... more
an introduction to IBM Spss modeler
Statistik parametrik merupakan uji beda bila datanya berskala interval atau rasio dan memenuhi persyaratan analisanya, yaitu datanya berdistribusi normal dan variasi datanya homogen. Artikel ini menyajikan bagaimana menggunakan Sofwere... more
This is my teaching slides for undergraduate SPSS class on Pearson & Spearman correlation. Although I made the slides, the content is still copyrighted to the rightful owner(s).
Foreign Direct Investment is generally considered a vital source of economic growth for Afghanistan, bringing in employment opportunities, capital investment, and business knowledge needed for economic growth. This research paper... more