Russian and Eastern European Jewish History

50 papers
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Russian and Eastern European Jewish History is the study of the cultural, social, political, and economic experiences of Jewish communities in Russia and Eastern Europe from the medieval period to the present, examining their interactions with surrounding societies, the impact of historical events, and the evolution of Jewish identity in these regions.
The article analyzes the monograph by A. B. Kovelman Those Who Entered Pardes, published in the Chase collection of the Knizhniki publishing house. The leitmotif of the experiment connects the beginning and the end of the study and... more
Abstract. The Purpose of the Research. The organization of an effective social protection of servicemen is an important component of the state policy in the military service formation sphere. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to... more
У статті аналізуються проблеми, пов’язані із перебуванням підрозділів Дієвої Армії УНР на території Волинської губернії в жовтні-листопаді 1921 р. Звернута увага на передумови й підготовку військового походу на територію УСРР, зокрема на... more
The main forms of widespread behavioural deviations of the population of Ukraine's rear provinces during the First World War are characterized in the article. Particular attention is paid to manifestations of anti-Semitism, Germanophobia... more
חלק שני של מאמר הסוקר את השמות והכינויים של ארגון "נתיב" (המוכר גם בשם "לשכת הקשר")
Публикуется документ из фондов Зимовниковского краеведческого музея – удостоверение личности, выполненное на фотографической карточке и выданное в апреле 1915 года в Москве Эстере Драбкиной.
“Moshko the Imperial” is a chapter from the book Lenin’s Jews (Yale University Press). The book discusses urban culture in the towns where Moshko Blank lived in the first half of the nineteenth century (ch. 1, “From Nowhere to Zhitomir”);... more
During the Russian Civil War (1918–20) Russian Jewry suffered a tragedy comparable to the period of Hetman Bohdan Khmel'nytskyi and surpassed only by the Holocaust. Historians differ in their estimates of the number of victims of... more
Contemporaries and historians of the Russian revolutions have often made a great deal of the Jewish role in the events of 1917. In late 1917, for instance, it was commonplace to assert that the Bolsheviks were simply part of a Jewish... more
The history of the modern Yiddish-language press in Poland is inextricably entwined with the careers of two Ukrainian Jews — Zwi Pryłucki, founder of Warsaw’s first Yiddish daily, Der Veg (1905-1907) and editor of Der Moment (1910-39),... more
Der Moment became one of the two largest circulation Yiddish dailies in Poland thanks to the comprehensiveness and diversity of its content, which included local and world news, literature and the arts, sports, popular medicine, and other... more
This article (in Yiddish) discusses debates about the standardization of Yiddish pronunciation in Jewish secular schools in the interwar period, especially in Poland and the USSR.
This is the introduction to a 2010 volume based on a conference of the same title held at held at York University in Toronto in 2008.
Although exceptional for the sheer diversity and longevity of his cultural and political activity, Noah Prylucki illustrates a broader phenomenon common among the secularized nationalist leadership of early twentieth century Eastern... more
A discussion of language-based nationalism and Jewish languages.
The attire of the Jews of central and eastern Europe was depicted in paintings, caricatures and photographs and was described in Jewish and non-Jewish texts in the course of several centuries. At the same time, the diversity of the... more
This digital lecture series takes the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Dubnow Institute as an opportunity to examine Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe between the 1960s and 1990s in order to highlight the... more
An essay, partly on YIVO's problematic past and present and partly reviewing the recent history of the Vilna Strashun Jewish Public Library and how it perished, lost only to be stolen.
THE VOLOZHIN YESHIVA: A TALE OF TWO NARRATIVES Essay Review: Shacter, Jacob J., Haskalah, Secular Studies and the Close of the Yeshiva in Volozhin in 1892, The Torah U-Madda Journal, Vol. 2 (1990), pp. 76-133, published by Rabbi Isaac... more
The German language holds a deeply controversial place in the modern history of European Jews, representing different—often conflicting—historical currents. It was the language of the German classics, of Jewish emancipation, and of the... more
Der Artikel beleuchtet die Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen der frühen jüdischen Abwehrarbeit und der parallel betriebenen Unterstützung für ost- und südosteuropäische jüdische EmigrantInnen. Der jüdische Transit durch das... more
A conference on the manifold heritage of Viacheslav Ivanov (1866 – 1949), one of the leading figures of European Modernist literature, art and thought and especially of the Russian Symbolist movement is to be held at the Hebrew University... more
- Conception: Jan C. Behrends, Potsdam; Juliane Fürst, Potsdam; Mischa Gabowitsch, Potsdam; Semion Goldin, Jerusalem - Participants: Samuel Barnai, Jerusalem; Stefano Bottoni, Budapest; Naida-Michal Brandl, Zagreb; Kateřina Čapková,... more
סיפורה של חסידות קרלין, אחת החסידויות הראשונות, הוא מן המרתקים בתולדות החסידות. חסידות זו שמה דגש על עבודת ה' ברגש ובגוף, על האמת, על הענווה ועל התנגדות ליומרנות אינטלקטואלית. היא הייתה הראשונה שהעמידה בראשה 'ינוקא', בן של צדיק בעודנו... more
Unquestionably one of Russian modernism’s best-known artists, El Lissitzky created artworks—in a staggering variety of media—that have entranced collectors and inspired other artists for decades. In this book Alexander Kantsedikas, one of... more
Обсуждаются различные подходы к возможному изданию текстов иудеославики как корпуса
Гебраизмы - фонетические, лексические и морфологические следы и приметы древнееврейского языка в памятниках церковнославянской и древнерусской письменности относятся к малоизученным сторонам истории русского языка. Статья посвящена их... more
Исследование источников, переводов, рукописной традиции, поэтики древнерусских повестей о царе Соломоне в контексте еврейско-славянских литературных связей средневековья
Alex Valdman, " Sha'ul Ginsburg and the Non-Radical Pattern in Jewish-Russian Historiography, " Zion LXXX, 4, 2015, pp. 521-549. This paper explores the social and ideological context of the Jewish-Russian historical almanac Perezhitoe,... more
The article is devoted to research of the new stage in development of synagogue decorations in the late 19th – early 20th cc. due to the influence of social and political movements among the Jews of Eastern Europe. Here we examine the... more
Michael Levi Rodkinson (1845–1904) was a journalist, author, and publisher whose literary projects spanned numerous countries and continents. Hero to some and scoundrel to others, Rodkinson was a polemical figure whose beliefs underwent... more
published without the knowledge of the author - . not proofread by the author. an updated and corrected version of the article will appear in my book - Wrestling with the Esoteric (2017) הדברים נדפסו שלא בידיעתי וללא הגהה מצידי. אין... more
The lecture will focus on the exception figure of Hillel Zeitlin (1871–1942), as part of the Renaissance of the Jewish Mysticism in Poland at the beginning of the twentieth Century. We will analyze the messianic visions of Zeitlin in the... more
The lecture will discuss portrayals of Eastern European Hasidism as "pure mysticism" in the writings of Martin Buber (especially his early stories about R. Nahman of Bratslav and the Baal Shem Tov), as well as the reception of such... more
דפים לדוגמא מתוך ספר אודות ד"ר משה שפיצר והוצאת ספרי תרשיש
Tarshish Book Exhibition and Catalogue, eds. Ada Vardi and Meron Eren, Jerusalem: Mineged, 2016
This anthology brings together a variety of thinkers who offered competing visions of peoplehood within the established and developing Jewish diaspora centers of Europe and America. Writing in Yiddish, Hebrew, French and English, these... more
Jewish Fragments of the Life of St Nikita of Novgorod Hypothesis of Jewish origins of one the first Russian national Orthodox saint and Nikita the Bishop of Novgorod and Recluse, of the Kiev Far Caves Гипотеза о еврейских источниках в... more
Jonatan Meir, "The Discovery and Publication of Joseph Perl’s Yiddish Writings" The attitude of Tarnopol satirist Joseph Perl (1773–1839) towards the Yiddish language has been discussed by a number of scholars. In particular,... more
The conference will mark 50 years to the passing of Martin Buber, and will focus on Hasidism, Neo-Hasidism and the concept of Nature in Contemporary Religion and Spirituality.
Jonatan Meir, “The Politics of Printing the Book Sefer Likutei Tefilot" This essay discusses one of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism – Likutei Tefilot, composed by R. Nathan Sternharz of Nemirov between 1822 and... more
The satirical writings of Lucian of Samosata had a tremendous influence on the literature of the Eastern European Haskalah, shaping its criticism of the burgeoning Hasidic movement in the nineteenth century as if there were no gap between... more