Rural Sociology
Recent papers in Rural Sociology
Abstract This study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, race, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altruism, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs about... more
A BYU course paper where I examine how some more isolated areas of the would-be Confederacy fared better than the South as a whole during the economic plummet that devastated the region in the aftermath of the Civil War and years of... more
This book aims to analyze the local meaning and practices of food sovereignty in Egypt. The study based on fieldwork in two villages in Upper Egypt. Using agrarian political economy and sociological approaches, we analyze How do local... more
The purpose of this special issue is to advance heterodox reconstructions of agrarian Marxism on the occasion of Marx’s 200th birth anniversary. Scholarship on the origins of agrarian capitalism and the contrasts between agrarian and... more
What kind of elements constitute a remote residency and its poetics? Location, season, inner and outer community, staff, rituals, mission and visions, local intellectuals, heritage, connectedness to local, regional, global scenes. What... more
The book points out that rural regions need proper attention at the global level concerning solid waste management sector where bad practices and public health threats could be avoided through traditional and integrated waste management... more
Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim na przykładzie funkcji radnej gminy i sołtyski. Autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania o skalę tego zaangażowania, jego zmian w czasie oraz... more
Dans l'horreur que suscite, chez certains, la sociologie entre pour beaucoup le fait qu'elle interroge le premier (ou le dernier) venu au lieu de donner la parole seulement aux porteparole autorisés » Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction Le... more
This essay examines the governance of small towns in the United States. Small towns have received little attention in the public administration literature to date, yet 1 in 10 Americans still lives in one, representing roughly 75 percent... more
This article discusses gender relations and the sexual division of labor in the countryside, in dialogue with the social action "Marcha das Margaridas". Having as research subjects countryside women from the north of Minas Gerais State,... more
In this book, Elsa Guzman synthesis her studies on maize agriculture in Mexico, she has been passionate about this topic for years, as is reflected in her publications since 2005 with the following frame analysis. First, she focuses the... more
Artykuł ma na celu analizę koncepcji, kierunków i perspektyw badawczych, za pomocą których nauki o wsi opisują wiejskich mężczyzn. Analiza powstała na podstawie najważniejszych publikacji podejmujących temat relacji między płcią kulturową... more
A general criticism of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is that it is primarily the result of an urban political agenda, and it may hurt rather than help the rural poor. Under the new welfare system, the rural poor that are most likely to be... more
The time has come to change our thinking and to open our front gardens hidden behind high walls to the street. Together we can return to our typical rural village doorways which have almost disappeared over the time. Let's show our... more
... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more
Resumen. Desde la apertura comercial las importaciones de frijol en México se han incremen-tado y la producción disminuido. En este artículo se presenta el efecto de las políticas públicas de libre mercado, de precios y de extensionismo... more
O tema deste trabalho é o movimento de luta pela terra por pequenos lavradores do Sertão Carioca durante os anos de 1945 a 1964. Observaremos, entre outras coisas, como esses agentes fizeram com que suas reivindicações, denúncias e... more
Conventional wisdom says that social capital is more common among families in rural communities than urban communities. Using data from the 1988 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we compare the prevalence, type, and extent of... more
ABsrRAcr Alabama's forest products industry plays a dominant role in the state's rural economy. Examination of how access to employment opportunities is distributed provides insight into how the benefits of this industry are... more
Ho il piacere di invitare la Signoria Vostra alla presentazione del volume: che avrà luogo venerdì 18 luglio 2014 alle ore 21.00, presso la Corte municipale del Comune di Pavia di Udine, in Piazza Julia 1 a Lauzacco.
Farmers in Andean communities depend on complex farming systems that combine native and introduced crops, production for subsistence, and production for the market. Home to the well-known potato, the Andean region is also the native place... more
In this paper I seek to contribute to our understanding of Romanian immigration in the Czech Republic that has been neglected so far in the scholarly literature. This article presents evidence on a selected Romanian community in... more
The study aimed at assessing attitudes of female undergraduate students toward participating in farming activities and determining factors influencing participation using a descriptive-analytic research by a surveying approach. The... more
Presentation a l´Université d´automne de la Ligue des Droits de l´homme a Paris (30 Nov 2014).
Genealogy and historical demography? Theoretical and practical possibilities of research into the network of social relations, as exemplified by a village in South Bohemia The paper is divided into two parts. The first part summarises... more
Students living in rural areas of the United States exhibit lower levels of educational achievement and a higher likelihood of dropping out of high school than do their nonrural counterparts. In this paper we extend the literature by... more
La encuesta rural sobre género y nuevas tecnologías (Encuesta Rural-GyTIC) presenta información principalmente sobre el uso de esta tecnología por parte de las mujeres rurales en España, tratando otros aspectos como actitudes y la opinión... more
El interés en esta región de la Península de Yucatán remonta al año 2012 cuando, en el marco de la investigación para el Atlas de Turismo Alternativo (García de Fuentes et al., 2015), estuve a cargo de realizar las encuestas a empresas... more
Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka... more
as zonas rurales costarricenses y, en general, las latinoamericanas presentan grandes desafíos ligados a la supervivencia de las actividades productivas tradicionales y a la cultura de las mismas. Entre los principales retos que se pueden... more
Political-economic sociologists have long investigated the dynamics and consequences of international trade. With few exceptions, this area of inquiry ignores the possible connections between trade and environmental degradation. In... more
: Este artigo analisa algumas noções e teses do trabalho de José de Souza Martins, especialmente aqueles aspectos concernentes ao papel revolucionário dos camponeses brasileiros, durante o período de 1945-1964. Neste texto, as... more