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This article discusses the realm of finfluencers in the field of spreading financial awareness and financial education as well as using their vast fan following for dissemination of misleading financial information to make unlawful gains.... more
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Electric vehicles (EVs) hold immense significance in India due to their potential to address several pressing issues related to the country's transportation sector. India is one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels, which contributes... more
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    • Rural Marketing
Inthis present study, the emphasis is on the type of ownership and how itaffects corporate governance and performance of the corporate.In this scenario, how the controller would bring the independent governance policy in their decision... more
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      EngineeringAccountingCorporate GovernanceAgriculture
Marketing in agrestic areas of India has various problems in service distribution mechanism. The low population density as well as unattainability of servicing villages make it strenuous for individual residents which often suits... more
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      Rural MarketingDistribution ChannelsFMCG market in India
Rural women are pioneers of rural development. They play a guiding role in the way of achieving transformational economic, environmental & social changes required for sustainable rural development. We can achieve an overall optimum... more
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    • Rural Development
This study explored the ethnic quest for self-governance and their management under Ethiopian federal system by focusing on experience from the Southern Regional State. The FDRE constitution has created a positive interrelationship... more
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      Corporate GovernancePolitical ScienceAccommodationSelf Governance
Understanding consumer behaviour is fundamental to modern marketing, making it essential for effective marketing management. While consumers may articulate their needs and desires, their actual behaviour often diverges, reflecting deeper... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer GoodsBehavioural Economics
S OF PAPERS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION two methods of image extension so that image size may be preserved under various image processing operations, An algorithm is provided for each method and the results obtained are compared in terms of... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRural MarketingGeneralization
The role of women in rural marketing is increasingly recognized as vital for fostering economic development and social empowerment in rural communities. This study investigates the empowerment pathways, economic contributions, challenges,... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingRural Development
Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat Desa Bumirejo, Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam mengolah sampah menjadi komoditas yang memiliki nilai... more
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This study aims to analyze social media trends and digital marketing insights among university students, focusing on their perception regarding digital media communication and the factors influencing decisionmaking in academics. A... more
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The current study seeks to evaluate the impact and future contributions of women entrepreneurs in the rural areas, focusing on their involvement in agriculture, rural marketing, microfinance, and Self Help Groups (SHGs). Women's... more
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      Rural DevelopmentRural MarketingSustainable Rural Development
The Indian consumers are noted for the high degree of value orientation. Such orientation to value has labeled Indians as one of the most discerning consumers in the world. Even, luxury brands have to design a unique pricing strategy in... more
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    • Marketing Management
This paper tried to explore the current conditions of the physical infrastructure, including water, sanitation, waste management, drainage systems, environmental conditions, etc., of the Katihar bazaar. The study used a mixed-methods... more
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      Rural MarketingInfrastructural Development
While dealing with change, most organizations rely on change management philosophies as well as change management models. To initiate a change, organizations make assumptions, trust their beliefs, and implement various theoretical... more
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      Tourism MarketingRural MarketingMarketing Management
Kegiatan bakti sosial merupakan perwujudan dari kepedulian terhadap sesama manusia. Banyak cara yang dilakukan dalam membantu sesama baik secara pribadi maupun organisasi. Partisipasi aktif dalam membantu sesama melalui proses bakti... more
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    • Metodología y Teoría de la Investigación Social
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      BusinessTalent managementTalent identificationInnovation diffusion
Service failures seem to be inevitable given the heterogeneous nature of services. In many cases, it is the service recovery efforts performed by service providers after a service failure that affect customer satisfaction. A model is... more
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      BusinessMarketingCustomer SatisfactionService recovery
The role of women in rural marketing is increasingly recognized as vital for fostering economic development and social empowerment in rural communities. This study investigates the empowerment pathways, economic contributions, challenges,... more
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      ManagementRural DevelopmentRural MarketingSelf Help Groups
Where the concepts of free markets and capitalism have been lauded to bring freedom and choice, they have been held responsible for bringing much worldwide social and economic disparity. Critics have blamed them for widespread crime,... more
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      BusinessPovertyCapitalismRural Marketing
The Excellent performance in infrastructure development, education and health care, public distribution of foods and commodities, and exports over the recent past in India has drawn the global attraction. The changing economic scenario of... more
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      Rural MarketingBranding and Rural MarketingRural MarketsRural Market
The main purpose of this paper is to address the impact of social media on the performance of businesses, specifically on businesses in Kosovo. While technology is advancing more and more, social media has become routine for every... more
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      MarketingSocial MediaMarketing ResearchStrategy (Business)
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In today's digital era, social media platforms have profoundly impacted consumer behaviour, revolutionizing how individuals discover, evaluate, and purchase products and services. This paper delves into the intricate relationship between... more
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      ManagementManagement StudiesSocial Media Marketing and Consumer Behavior
After the covid 19 pandemic they were a tremendous growth in digital Banking and online Banking system around the world .study was made to build awareness and trust among the digital Banking system in these regions with the consumer... more
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After the covid 19 pandemic they were a tremendous growth in digital Banking and online Banking system around the world .study was made to build awareness and trust among the digital Banking system in these regions with the consumer... more
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      Digital Banking ProductsCashless Transactions Consumer Perception Digital Payment Wallets
Emotional branding is the process of creating an association between a consumer and a product or brand by stimulating their emotions. Marketers achieve this by creating content that appeals to the consumer’s emotional state, ego, needs,... more
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      MarketingBrandingEMOTIONAL BRANDING
Buku Laporan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa Kelompok KKN 032 di Desa
Leuweungkolot yang berjudul "Metamorfosa di Hutan Tua
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ABSTRAK Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik Terintegrasi merupakan orientasi program terfokus pada bidang tertentu sesuai dengan permasalahan kemasyarakatan dan arah kebijakan pembangunan yang diselenggarakan pemerintah pada wilayah tertentu... more
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    • Humanities
Retail sector expanding with fastest rate in India. Total retail sector is growing at a much faster rate of 45-50% per annum. From which, organized retail reported 16% for the year 2011-12. At the same time traditional retail formats have... more
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      Organized RetailingCustomer PrefrenceRetail Formats
Customer satisfaction is widely recognized as a key pressure in the formation of consumers' future purchase intentions. Satisfied customers are also likely to tell others of their favorable experiences and thus engage in positive word of... more
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      BusinessMarketingCustomer Satisfaction
The study "FMCG in Rural Market: An ExploratoryStudy in Odisha" was conducted in Odisha with a sample size of 275 rural consumers aiming to find demographic character of rural consumer, their preference for different brands of FMCG... more
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      MarketingSatisfactionRural MarketingConsumer research in rural area
The Excellent performance in infrastructure development, education and health care, public distribution of foods and commodities, and exports over the recent past in India has drawn the global attraction. The changing economic scenario of... more
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      Rural MarketingBranding and Rural MarketingRural MarketsRural Market
The aim of this research is to study the current scenario of Rural Marketing in India, the sustainable and innovative rural marketing strategies with its various opportunities and challenges, with reference to the state of Manipur. The... more
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      GovernmentRural DevelopmentManagement of InnovationRural Marketing
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      Community DevelopmentPolitical ScienceEnvironmental PlanningImpact Assessment
Differences in socio-economic conditions, demographics, and infrastructural variances in the rural markets create substantial variances in the consumption patterns compared with the urban markets. As per a report of the World Bank, about... more
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      BusinessMarketingPackagingRural Marketing
S OF PAPERS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION two methods of image extension so that image size may be preserved under various image processing operations, An algorithm is provided for each method and the results obtained are compared in terms of... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceRural MarketingGeneralization
O trânsito de animais em feiras públicas torna-se de grande importância na disseminação de patógenos, portanto, o conhecimento das redes de fluxo de animais pode proporcionar um direcionamento nas ações de prevenção e controle de um... more
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Reaching out to business customers requires a much different approach than reaching out to the average consumer; the sales cycle is much longer and more involved.The challenges that B2B business owners face are very different from the... more
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      Rural MarketingMarketing ManagementSocial Media Marketing
Blockchain is a digital, decentralized technology which has a huge contribution in taking digital marketing to a greater height, keeping a record of all transaction taking place in peer-to-peer networks. It can be compared to a shared... more
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      Rural MarketingMarketing ManagementSocial Media Marketing
Sustainable development is a move that takes into consideration environmental impacts along with economic development. The objective of developing sustainably is to improve the lives of humankind and to extenuate the harmful effects of... more
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      Rural MarketingMarketing ManagementSocial Media Marketing
The Metaverse is characterized as an immersive World Wide Web environment, where users gain the ability to access augmented and virtual reality and seamlessly interact across various environments through persistent avatars and innovative... more
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      Rural MarketingMarketing ManagementSocial Media Marketing
Customer satisfaction is widely recognized as a key pressure in the formation of consumers' future purchase intentions. Satisfied customers are also likely to tell others of their favorable experiences and thus engage in positive word of... more
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      BusinessMarketingCustomer Satisfaction
must be informative and explain the background, aims, methods, results & conclusion in a single para. Abbreviations must be mentioned in full.
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    • Geography
This paper examines the effect of the poor road transportation network on crop production in one of the rural agrarian local government of Kwara State, Nigeria. A well-structured interview schedule was conducted to elicit information from... more
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      BusinessAgricultureLivelihoodProduction economics
Chest Journal, which began to be scanned in the Web of Science in 1980, is one of the leading journals in the field of Critical Care Medicine and Respiratory System (quartile 1). In this study, the research trends of the publications in... more
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    • Medicine
This article focuses on the experience of HERi Madagascar, a social enterprise that develops energy access solutions for the most vulnerable rural populations, through the implementation of a network of solar energy kiosks throughout the... more
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      BusinessRural MarketingFemale entrepreneurshipInteractive Kiosk
This study uses regression analysis to determine the effect of demographic characteristics on information search behaviour of FMCG consumers so as to extract the most influential demographic element influencing the information search... more
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Digital Branding in educational institutions is very crucial to do because it will improve reputation and form an institutional brand image. Regarding the use of digital technology in the Al-Muin Islamic Boarding School environment,... more
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Researchers have analyzed the variations in rural marketing concepts and offered definitions relating to these varying concepts. However, there seems to be a general disagreement regarding the aspects which should be included in rural... more
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    • Economics