Rural Marketing
Recent papers in Rural Marketing
Bu kitapta; Dünyada ve Türkiye'de kırsal kalkınma yaklaşımları incelenmiş, kırsalda ulaşım, enerji, iletişim, eğitim ve sağlık sorunlarının çözülmesi, yaşam alanlarının (evlerin) iyileştirmesi, istihdamın çeşitlendirilmesi, turizmin... more
There remains little academic consensus on a definition of rural marketing, and as a concept, rural marketing has therefore struggled to establish its own vocabulary and ideas. Modi (2009) argues that rural marketing should be defined in... more
ÖZET Dünyada birçok ülke kırsal kalkınmanın bir aracı olarak yerel ve kültürel ürünlerin gelişmesine yardımcı olmayı hedefleyen programlar uygulamaktadır. Uzak doğu ülkelerinde Bir Köy Bir Ürün hareketi olarak ortaya çıkan bu programlar... more
In India ever since independence, marketing acquired a largely urban bias. Hence, there were very few attempts on the part of marketers to distribute products to satisfy rural needs. An apathetic attitude is also due to the assumption... more
The intensity of much publicised cola wars are often explicit mostly in the urban markets of developed countries and do not look into the rural areas where distribution is complex than cities. The objective of the paper is to analyse the... more
In the era of digitalization and globalization, E-entrepreneurship development in the rural areas is still a challenge. According to 2011 Census 68.84% people are living in rural areas of India. People in rural areas suffer with... more
Purpose The present world is crippled with the pandemic coronavirus (Covid-19). The pandemic that originated in Wuhan city of China has sent every country in the world in an unprecedented situation that has social and economic impacts.... more
Midas Touch International Journal of Commerce, Management and Technology is the monthly publication to disseminate knowledge and information in the area of trade, commerce, business, management, engineering and technology practices.
ABSTRACT: Definition and domain related issues of ‘rural marketing’ need further clarification and revision. Often times, rural marketing is equated with marketing by multinationals in rural India. The extant literature in rural... more
Indian rural market in today's time is the most accelerating market in the world due to unveiling of its hidden potential. Rural market needs an altogether a different marketing strategy to penetrate the market.
Everybody of us is a consumer. We need a variety of goods and services right from our birth to death. Because of marketing, we can have what we need. Marketing is a process through which both the buyer and seller give something (e.g.... more
Background: Rural marketing is a process of developing, pricing, promoting, assessing products and exchanging the products between rural and urban markets which satisfy consumers. As there is more competition in the urban market, the... more
Rural market is the most happening market for all the FMCG companies to penetrate and increase volume. As urban market is getting saturated and FMCG companies are seeing rural market as their potential market to sell products. But to tap... more
Advertising is one of the most important and basic ingredients in today's business environment. Without advertising, neither the industry nor the consumer can survive. Comparison and search for a better product is possible only through... more
Rural India is giving huge opportunity to the corporate world to explore new markets for their products. FMCG sector specially is completely banking upon the potential of rural India for their next big growth opportunities. FMCG companies... more
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kegiatan KKN-PpMM di Desa Kalongsawah selama 32 hari. Ada 11 orang mahasiswa yang terlibat di kelompok ini, yang berasal dari 7 Fakultas yang berbeda. Kami namai kelompok ini dengan SECURAH, dengan nomor... more
The above mentioned tracks are only indicative, and not exhaustive.
India lives in villages! Rural India is a significant market as 68-70% of India lives in villages. Starting from the Father of Nation to industrialists, it has been predicted and noticed that the future of India lies in its villages. Many... more
In the recent times, the rural market has grown in leaps and bounds in terms of size, demand, change in lifestyle of rural consumers, change in consumer preferences, and higher income. As the sales in the urban markets have reached a... more
Indian feed industry is about 50 years old and it primarily consists of cattle feed and poultry feed segments. Cattle feed industry in India is gradually evolving into an organized sector and the feed manufactures are increasingly using... more
Multinational Companies in a bid to increase their revenue and profit are now eyeing the emerging markets. Considering the saturation in the urban market they are now targeting the consumers in rural markets of emerging economies.... more
Indian retail is a mix, or organized as well as unorganized, in retail stores. Shopping experience plays an important determinant factor of consumer's loyalty, irrespective of type of retail store (organized or unorganized). Favorable... more
Fast pace of technology advanced every sphere of social, economic, political cultural life, produce, reduce costs, distribute, and expect higher profits. The focus is on tapping the rural markets. Urban markets have saturated lied to look... more
The Indian rural market has an untapped potential to contribute in the growth of national income. It has a huge labour, capital and demand-base. Around 65 percent of the population lives in rural areas, making it significant for corporate... more
In this research paper an attempt has been made to know the impact of promotional activities, after sales services and resale value of electronic product on the purchase decision of rural consumers. The data for the research has been... more
In recent years, rural markets have acquired significance, as the overall growth of the economy has resulted into substantial increase in the purchasing power of the rural communities. Rural Markets are defined as those segments of... more
Edited by: Pratik Modi, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) “These unhappy times call for the building of plans that rest upon the forgotten, the unorganized but the indispensable units of economic power...that build from the... more
According to the Webster's dictionary, culture is the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a given people in a given period. Astute managers have realized that any organization also has its own corporate culture. Organizational culture... more
The explosive growth in technology has made a significant impact on every aspect of the tourism industry. Sustainable Heritage tourism strategies have the potential to assist the conservation of local identities embedded in their... more
The Indian rural market has an untapped potential to contribute in the growth of national income. It has a huge labour, capital and demand-base. Around 65 percent of the population lives in rural areas, making it significant for corporate... more
Indian rural market in today's time is the most accelerating market in the world due to unveiling of its hidden potential. Rural market needs an altogether a different marketing strategy to penetrate the market.
Desde mediados del siglo XX, paulatinamente, se han ido introduciendo novedades en el proceso de valoración, reconocimiento y ampliación del concepto de patrimonio cultural. En este proceso han intervenido decisivamente las disposiciones... more
Livelihood generation is one of the major potentials of sericulture and silk industry. Sericulture with its high employment potentiality and more income generation in the households itself has been identified as one of the major sources... more
Everybody of us is a consumer. We need a variety of goods and services right from our birth to death. Because of marketing, we can have what we need. Marketing is a process through which both the buyer and seller give something (e.g.... more
The Rural Marketing refers to the activities undertaken by the marketers to encourage the people, living in rural areas to convert their purchasing power into an effective demand for the goods and services and making these available in... more
"According to Bartel’s (1968) proposition, absence of efficient markets may be due to one or more of the following market separations: Spatial separation or the physical distances between producers and consumers; Temporal separation or... more
This is a 2019-2024 strategic plan for a town with a population of 1,000 located near Wawa, Ontario, Canada, on . Challenges include quality of digital connections, retaining young people, attracting workers, and managing the potential... more
Around the world, four billion people live in poverty. And marketing firms are still struggling to turn them into customers. For the past decade, business visionaries have argued that these people, dubbed the " Base of the Pyramid " ,... more
Purpose The present world is crippled with the pandemic coronavirus (Covid-19). The pandemic that originated in Wuhan city of China has sent every country in the world in an unprecedented situation that has social and economic impacts.... more
Overview: This case showcase the efforts of micro entrepreneurs of Bagh village in western MP involved in production of very specialized handicraft art known as hand block print. It also showcases the marketing done by entrepreneurs... more
This paper attempts to study the immense potential of rural market in India
Comparative effect of rural road transportation on cassava production among rural farmers in Abia State was conducted in Abia State, Nigeria. A sample size of 144 respondents was realized, using multi-stage purposive and randomized... more