Rural Landscape
Recent papers in Rural Landscape
A MODEL PROPOSAL FOR CONSERVATION OF ABANDONED RURAL SETTLEMENTS IN TURKEY: CASE STUDY OF ODEMIS-LUBBEY VILLAGE Following the industrial revolution, abandonment and decrease of the population in rural areas are common problems that could... more
This article presents a review of the 28th session of the biannual conference of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape which was organized in cooperation with the COST action TU1401 “Renewable energy and... more
This paper assesses the potential of software developed by the research group of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in order to georeference and vectorise historical landscape photographs. The use of... more
Özet Kültürel peyzaj kaynakları, insanın doğal çevreyi sosyal ve kültürel birikimi sonucu şekillendirmesi sonucu oluşur. Böylece yöreye özgü gelenek ve görenekler, doğaya yansımakta ve bunun sonucunda çevre farklı karakterler... more
Greenery areas represent an organic component of the rural space. For urban needs we base on the survey of their condition. Within the revitalisation of public green spaces in central parts of these communities we work on their... more
Planners, architects, landscape designers, geographers and the like have assigned the term terrain vague to describe those muddled landscapes lying in between use, and between nature and civilization. In a much-cited essay on such spaces... more
in C. Molducci, A. Rossi (a cura di), Il ponte del tempo. Paesaggi culturali medievali, Pratovecchio Stia, Arti Grafiche Cianferoni, pp. 11-16.
The productive rural architectures combine cultural relevance and tradition, although at present they are considered minor architectures and they remain inactive or in ruins. This is the case of the hydraulic mills of the Parque Natural... more
Tóth, Attila, 2015. Green Infrastructure of the Rural Settlement and its Surrounding Landscape. PhD. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. 120 A3 p. /// Tóth, Attila. 2015. Zelená infraštruktúra vidieckeho sídla a priľahlej krajiny :... more
Monumental olive trees, with their longevity and their remarkable size, represent an important information source for the comprehension of the territory where they grow and the human societies that have kept them through time. Across the... more
Development of the countryside consisting of rural settlements and landscapes stands for an integrated transdisciplinary issue. To make rural development efficient, it is important to encourage and support sustainability concerning both,... more
Aydın Türk, Y., & Çifci, A. (2017). The Effects of Landscape Characters on Rural Settlement Patterns. In I. Koleva, Ü. Duman Yüksel, & L. Benaabidate (Eds.), Ecology, Planning and Design (pp.349-359). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski... more
New Approaches with the Concept of Historic Rural Landscape International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) devoted the theme of 18 April ICOMOS Day 2019 to “rural landscapes”. Rural landscapes have been inscribed on the World... more
Nell’ambito delle attività del Progetto FIRB ‘Archeologia dei paesaggi della Puglia adriatica in età romana: tecnologie innovative per una pianificazione sostenibile e una fruizione identitaria’, il gruppo di ricerca dell’Università degli... more
Una caracterización arqueológica precisa de las más antiguas formas del poblamiento rural altomedieval (siglos V-VIII d.C.) nos proporcionaría las herramientas analíticas con las que plantear un ensayo interpretativo 'refundado' (BARCELÓ... more
[ENG] This PhD thesis deals with the genealogy of the agrarian landscape in Galicia (northwest corner of Spain), its organization, social importance and changes through time until the present day. Archaeological and ethnographic... more
The rural landscape of Campo de Montiel (Ciudad Real): influence and cultural heritage of traditional livestock exploitations: The landscape of the plateau of Campo de Montiel (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) is conditioned by a set of natural... more
No Brasil, embora as taxas de desmatamento sejam maiores que as de recuperação da cobertura florestal, é possível que em certas regiões o aumento da cobertura supere o desmatamento, caracterizando uma transição florestal. A Teoria da... more
The following text forms part of a broader research titled 'Rural cultural landscapes: the interaction between rural communities and the natural environment" carried out in the framework of CULT RURAL project 'Promotion of a Cultural Area... more
Reintegrating abandoned buildings with historical and cultural values in social life through adaptive-reusing provides many benefits in cultural, social and environmental aspects. Especially, adaptive-reusing the culturally valuable... more
Rural development represents a very complex, wide-ranging and multidisciplinary sector. This contemporary issue stands for initiating and supporting development of rural settlements and landscapes. To make it efficient it's important to... more
My Master's thesis research stems from the need to integrate a multidisciplinary view to conservation issues. The integration of a historical approach to the study of environmental systems (historical ecology), in addition to... more
Le Cinque Terre, e Riomaggiore in particolare, sono state oggetto di numerose indagini, le quali hanno considerato soprattutto la produzione vinicola e gli aspetti paesaggistici dei terrazzamenti. È stata in gran parte trascurata la... more
ÖZ Rekreasyon planlamasının başarıya ulaşabilmesi için rekreasyonel alan kullanıcılarının görüşleri önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada,Bendimahi Havzası (Van) örneğinde yapılan anket ve harita üzerinde işaretlemeler ile kullanıcıların,... more
Al testo letterario è possibile rivolgersi con molteplici approcci, ispirati da altrettanti differenti campi disciplinari. Questo lavoro affronta da una prospettiva geografico-letteraria la produ-zione narrativa e documentaristica di... more
Esta aportación tiene como finalidad presentar una reflexión conceptual y metodológica sobre la caracterización del paisaje rural de la región de Madrid en época romana. Las numerosas excavaciones efectuadas en los últimos años permiten... more
Negli ultimi decenni i nostri territori hanno vissuto un’inevitabile trasformazione dovuta alla crisi del modello industriale. Tra i suoi più macroscopici e etti vi è la dismissione di vaste aree produttive tra cui si annoverano cave e... more
El ser humano ha modelado durante siglos de trabajo el medio físico donde se asienta, configurando un paisaje rural. En este sentido se reconocen los valores patrimoniales del paisaje y de los elementos que lo integran, entre los que se... more
Following the industrial revolution, abandonment and decrease of population in rural areas are common problems that can be faced all around the world, as a result of various factors. As a consequence of implemented policies and radical... more
Huertos de naranjos. La formación del vergel valenciano. Este libro aborda el paisaje del naranjal valenciano, que se desarrolla desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta la década de los años treinta del siglo XX sobre la llanura litoral... more
Öz Kültürel peyzaj terimi, insan ve doğal çevresi arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimlerin bir sonucu olarak bölgenin çevresinde zamanla oluşan çeşitliliği ve bu yöndeki çalışmaları kapsar. Bu doğrultuda 'Tarım', en önemli kültürel peyzaj... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Monumental olive trees, with their longevity and their remarkable size, represent an important information source for the comprehension of the territory where they grow and the human societies that have kept them through time. Across the... more
This chapter introduces some key academic debates about the ancient countryside, with particular emphasis on economy, demography and representation. It draws on textual and archaeological evidence to consider some of the most prominent... more
Autorka artykułu podejmuje problematykę społecznego, a następnie materialnego zaniku wsi w powiecie piskim. Na obszarze tym, w następstwie przemian społeczno-politycznych po zakończeniu II wojny światowej, doszło do całkowitej depopulacji... more
State Visions for the Future of Rural Architecture in Turkey Throughout the history of the Republic of Turkey, rural areas have always been important and different solutions have been sought for the problems of these areas. Nowadays a... more
In the context of Croatian national legislation the instrument of landscape plan does not have institutional foothold. The necessity of introducing landscape plans in the spatial planning system is emphasized by the European Landscape... more