Rural Finance
Recent papers in Rural Finance
India falls under low income class according to World Bank. It is secondPopulated country in the world and around 70 % of its population lives in rural Area. 60% of people depend on agriculture, as a result there is chronicUnderemployment... more
This working paper deepens the analysis on inclusive finance and rural youth through cutting-age research and new insights and approaches that have emerged over the years in the field. The overall narrative clear ly documents the ways in... more
Is an international book of Cooperatives and Microfinance with contributors from different countries.
The objective of this paper is to study the prospects and challenges of technological innovations of banks like ATMS, credits cards, debit cards, internet banking, mobile-banking, ECS, RTGS and Mobile Wallet in North East India. The... more
This article expounds and assesses the fundamental role of regional economic integration within Africa in promoting global free trade. Certainly, the common consensus on the role played by regional economic integration is yet to be met,... more
Digital India projects are empowering all sectors of the economy like manufacturing sector, service sector and even small industries, medium enterprises, big business units. It has beenobserved that Agro-Business also gets benefits of... more
In this paper we examined how participation in savings groups like the Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) influence women's agency in rural Ghana, i.e. their ability to freely participate in group activities and act on other... more
Through the decades’ Armenian agriculture doesn’t have sufficient growth. Technologies and methodology used by farmers are not sufficient for modern production creation. Financing system of rural areas are less effective as lack of stable... more
This paper examines the extent to which savings products offered by cooperative societies in some parts of Nigeria meet the financial needs of the rural dwellers. The study used the data from interviews and focus group discussions from... more
Evidence suggests that smallholders are fast becoming one of the largest micro-credit recipient groups in Bangladesh. However, the literature on the effects of micro-credit use among smallholders is surprisingly deficient. This article... more
Agriculture remains the foundation of economic growth for any economy irrespective of their level of development. Being aware of the imperative role of finance in the endogenous growth model, it is admitted that access and usage of... more
Educating and training of small-scale entrepreneurs has been identified as key determinants in the establishment, growth, and survival of businesses which ultimately reduce poverty levels. In spite of the relationship that exists between... more
This articule uses the combination of five theories of poverty: individual deficiency, cultural belief, socioeconomic , geographical disparity and developmental to explore rural finance in order to expand the frontiers of discourse on... more
MSMEs are particularly important for emerging countries. This is primarily because of MSME's potential in job creation. Yet, lack of access to finance is a major obstacle to their growth. The average (i.e., mean) time taken to set up a... more
The inability of farmers households and enterprises to access capital on competitive terms to undertake profitable investments, or take advantage of market opportunities, means that incomes and growth are lower than they need be. Without... more
El presente documento contiene los principales hallazgos de un mapeo rápido realizado con los gremios cooperativos de los rubros de café y cacao. El objetivo del mapeo es el de identificar tres dimensiones de la estructura organizativa –... more
The inability of farmers households and enterprises to access capital on competitive terms to undertake profitable investments, or take advantage of market opportunities, means that incomes and growth are lower than they need be. Without... more
Governments’ focus has been recently mainly on access to credit while rural households value also appropriate deposit services. Savings importance with respect to rural economic and social development has long been recognized. Savings are... more
This study examines the factors that influence farmers' access to formal banking credit in the rural areas of Nigeria. The data used was collected from rural areas of Katsina State. The study used probit modelling approach to analyse the... more
India falls under low income class according to World Bank. It is secondPopulated country in the world and around 70 % of its population lives in rural Area. 60% of people depend on agriculture, as a result there is chronicUnderemployment... more
The book describes the possibilities for financing agricultural loans. It explains the impact of using various funding sources on financial institutions. The most relevant aspects examined in the study are the following: • What is the... more
Adoption of certified and improved high-yielding crop varieties is important avenue for increasing agricultural productivity and improving the living standard of the farmers in developing countries. The main objective of the current study... more
This paper is an analysis and study of role of banking sector and loan schemes between China and Pakistan. As “banks are the financial intermediary and money creator that creates the money and lending money from borrowers." In other words... more
The financial inclusion of women micro entrepreneurs is both important and necessary for the holistic socio-economic development of a nation. This paper aims to address the gap in the study of the processes of financial inclusion by women... more
Esta publicación describe las posibilidades que existen para financiar préstamos agrícolas y explica los efectos que tienen las distintas fuentes de recursos financieros sobre las instituciones de crédito agrícola. A continuación se... more
The meager presence of formal financial intermediaries in rural Mexican towns encourages people to rely on ROSCAs, moneylenders and borrowing from relatives/friends. Savings banks, based on community’s social capital, turned out to be a... more
A growing body of evidence shows that agriculture is no more sufficient to ensure sustainable rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) therefore rural livelihoods diversification is crucial. Farm activity diversification issue... more
Educating and training of small-scale entrepreneurs has been identified as key determinants in the establishment, growth, and survival of businesses which ultimately reduce poverty levels. In spite of the relationship that exists between... more
Page 1. Microcredit and Women's Empowerment A case study of Bangladesh Aminul Faraizi, Taskinur Rahman and Jim McAllister Routledge Taylor & Francis Croup LONDON AND NEW YORK Page 2. Contents List of illustrations ix Preface xi... more
This study examines the factors that influence farmers access to formal banking credit in the rural areas of Nigeria. The data used was collected from rural areas of Katsina State. This study used probit modelling approach to analyse the... more
This mixed method paper is a survey of the socioeconomic and business dimensions of Microfinance Institutions before the Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak in 2013. A descriptive statistical analysis is used to describe the results obtained from... more
This Powerpoint presentation summarizes institutional challenges and recommendation for a select number of issues and sectors that the World Bank is engaged in, as follows: agribusiness, crops/soil, fisheries, forestry, livestock,... more
In this paper we examined how participation in savings groups like the Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) influence women’s agency in rural Ghana, i.e. their ability to freely participate in group activities and act on other... more
This mixed method paper is a survey of the socioeconomic and business dimensions of Microfinance Institutions before the Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak in 2013. A descriptive statistical analysis is used to describe the results obtained from... more