Rural Entrepreneurship
Recent papers in Rural Entrepreneurship
Amongst South Asian Countries, India is geographically covered by more than 70% of villages. But at the same time Indian Economy is depending on the Rural and semi-urban Rural village based economic activities like Agriculture, forestry,... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the underlying dimensions of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and to empirically test a framework identifying the relationships among GSCM practices, operational performance and... more
The present study attempts to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the four facets of entrepreneurial supports and rural entrepreneurs business performance. The entrepreneurial supports considered in the study are... more
is a full-time researcher, lecturer and project manager. Her research interests are in regional economics and policies for local and rural development, urban-rural linkages and transformations, as well as territorial and social... more
This study examines the impact of green supply chain management (GSCM) on consumers environmentally friendly purchase behavior. We surveyed 283 consumers and analyzed the data using SPSS 18.0, AMOS 18.0, and verified them with structural... more
Turkey has very important potential for rural tourism according to agricultural and geographical regions. Rural tourism also covers human and environmental resources, and therefore focuses on people and the environment and community... more
Absztrakt: Az élelmiszeripari hungarikumok történelmi múlttal rendelkező, hagyományos módon előállított, hozzáadott értéket képviselő termékek. Kedvező tulajdonságaik ellenére jelenlegi piaci helyzetük eltér a kívánatostól. A szegedi... more
This article discusses recent developments in the home-based lifestyle business featuring the example of two cases: Tammuri farm restaurant near Otepaa in South Estonia, and home restaurant MerMer in Kolga-Aabla in North Estonia. We study... more
ABSTRACT Promote inclusive development the government has to facilitate economic growth with and through structural transformation, increasing productive employment, providing social protection for all, providing basic services, promoting... more
This article explores what two regional film production companies in Norway do to survive and succeed with their goals. The production of feature films in Norway is largely an Oslo-based effort, but despite this reality, there are... more
The objective of the study was to capture the challenges that are faced by young informal traders in Bindura town, Zimbabwe. The study was motivated by the lack of attention to the challenges faced by young informal traders by the... more
The study assessed the entrepreneurial behaviour of smallholder cassava farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in the selection of 108 cassava farmers across the agricultural zones in Ebonyi state... more
Free trade world environment is rapidly exchanging technology between develop nations and developing nations. In India, besides its own increasing knowledge base, government and non-government research institution, universities and other... more
This article attempts to analyze the skill sets required by rural entrepreneurs for succeeding in their business. The present study is carried out in Central Districts of Tamilnadu comprising of Salem, Dharmapuri, Perambalur, Namakkal,... more
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) constitute an important source of livelihood for millions of people from forest fringe communities across the world. In India, NTFPs are associated with socioeconomic and cultural life of forest... more
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
In general, enterprises with an entrepreneurial orientation develop and grow through innovation and modernization of production. Nevertheless, this logic may not apply to rural small-scale enterprise particularly related to 'lifestyle' or... more
This study builds an aim to find the positive forces which inspires people in becoming entrepreneurs, implementing change management, technical know-how for leading and managing change in entrepreneurship, in microcosm the barriers... more
El presente trabajo, es un estudio sociocultural y económico realizado en la comuna de Manglaralto, Parroquia Manglaralto, situada en la Provincia de Santa Elena, en el cual se busca conocer la factibilidad de la creación de un Banco... more
This research examined the major barriers the small business growth in rural areas from the perspective of the business owners, with the use of Bangor Gwynedd in North Wales as a case study. It looks to determine if the factors hindering... more
To introduce e-commerce to rural entrepreneurs, we need to convey information according to their needs. This article explains the information needs for rural entrepreneurs in developing their marketing through e-commerce. The proceedings... more
This study examined the effect of entrepreneurial skills on SME’s productivity in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State Nigeria. Three research questions were raised in line with the objectives of the study. Also, three... more
Rural entrepreneurship has an imperative role to play in the development of Indian economy. Taking into account the fact that nearly 70 percent of the Indian population calls rural India it's home, adequate funding and support can provide... more
The economic development comes into existence through intellectual process of mobilization, combination and allocation of productive resources and the same task is meaningfully carried out by entrepreneurship which is given life force by... more
Although entrepreneurial orientation has been conceptualized and empirically proven as a determinant of small firms' performance in hyper-competitive environments, this relationship is not really direct because intangible resources alone... more
In the early 1990s, the spreading agenda on revitalizing countryside and rural communities in developed country particularly in Japan through OVOP agenda has caught the attention of top decision-makers, politicians and development... more
This paper aims at exploring the Dynamics of Youth Unemployment Outlook in South Sudan through a case study approach by assessing the nature and extent of youth unemployment problem, the major factors contributing to youth unemployment,... more
In order to uphold economic growth and employment in the districts and nationally, one is dependent on small and competitive firms and sole owner enterprises. These represent the majority of firms and are a vital source for new creativity... more
Villages are backbone of the country and majority of population lives in villages. Village or rural industries play an important role in the national economy, particularly in the rural development. Changing climatic conditions is the... more
Rural entrepreneurship is lauded for transforming and revitalizing the rural economy by stimulating the production of value, creating opportunities for jobs and fostering market links that play
This paper examined the role played by entrepreneurship in rural development in Cross River State, Nigeria. The paper was anchored on the Keynesian Classical Theory. Survey research design was employed for the study. The study employed... more
This feasibility study on palm oil distribution in Cross River State is my original research and it is based on the survey and thorough research made by Anaba, Sylvester Anani. The business will be a sole entrepreneurship business, wholly... more
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kegiatan KKN-PpMM di Desa Kalongsawah selama 32 hari. Ada 11 orang mahasiswa yang terlibat di kelompok ini, yang berasal dari 7 Fakultas yang berbeda. Kami namai kelompok ini dengan SECURAH, dengan nomor... more