Rural Credit & Microfinance

256 papers
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Rural Credit and Microfinance refers to financial services aimed at providing small loans and credit facilities to individuals and businesses in rural areas, facilitating access to capital for economic development, poverty alleviation, and entrepreneurship, particularly for underserved populations lacking traditional banking services.
ZASTOSOWANIE SCORINGU KREDYTOWEGO W BANKOWOŚCI Wstęp Większość banków w Polsce, oceniając wiarygodność kredytową swoich klientów, stosuje modele scoringowe. Sukces metod scoringowych na rynku amerykańskim przyczynił się do szybkiego ich... more
nsoHkwfe&ohjHkwfe fgekpy çns'k esa çkÑfrd lkSUn;Z] lkaLÑfrd psruk vkSj ,sfrgkfld oSHko dh lfn;ksa ls ,d fnO; çokfgr gksrh jgh gSA ;gka lfn;ksa ls fuokl djus okys tutkrh; leqnk;ksa dh lkaLÑfrd fojklr us fgekpy çns'k dh igpku... more
Efficiency in production requires utilization of improved technologies. Smallholder farmers in Ethiopia cannot adopt improved agricultural technologies using their savings. Therefore, the dependence of the subsistent farmers on financial... more
Finansal hizmetlere erişim, bir toplumun gelişimi için oldukça önemlidir. Ülkelerin teknolojik, sosyolojik ve ekonomik gelişimleri; bu ülkelerde yaşayanların finansal kaynaklara erişiminin uygunluğu ile de bağlantılıdır. Finansal... more
This chapter explores the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing climate modelling, forecasting, and risk assessment, with a particular focus on applications in India. Accurate climate modelling and... more
This paper proposes an integrated ecological, economic and social model to assist sustainable rural development in villages in Bangladesh. In the model, renewable energy technologies (RETs) create income-generating activities for male... more
. masalah tingkat pengembalian pembiayaan. (m. wahyuni, Pewawancara) brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
Pembiayaan mikro dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan solusi berbasis pasar untuk sektor UMKM yang mempunyai kendala dalam permodalan, namun pembiayaan mikro tidak mempunyai jaminan aset yang besar, sehingga kemungkinan risiko pembiayaan dinilai... more
This study examines the sociological impact of mass media on rural development in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, focusing on its role in disseminating development information, enhancing agricultural practices, and raising health awareness. The... more
Bankacılık ve ticaret sistemi işletme ve kâr maksimizasyonunu sağlamak üzerine kuruludur. Dolayısıyla bankalar müşteri sayısını artırabildiği ve müşterilerinin finansal birikimlerini yönetebildikleri oranda kendi işletme kapasitelerini... more
This article analyzes the challenges facing microfinance institutions in their operations and financial regulations in about microfinance institutions in Ghana. The regulators, policymakers, and managers of the institutions were... more
This research study explores the impact of leveraging quality management and partnership programs on the performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the context of technopreneurship. The objective of this study is to... more
Purpose-This study aims to examine the extent to which halal branding and digital media utilisation affect consumer behaviour. It also intends to provide an overview of the sociopreneurship model-a model that targets both financial and... more
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are crucial for economic development, especially in emerging economies like Malawi, where they offer significant opportunities for poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship, and community-driven... more
Financial inclusion of the Government through banking institutions particularly to empower rural/tribal women in India is endowed to focus upon such households which are left out in terms of employment avenues. However, rural/tribal... more
As a comprehensive socio-economic protection package, DBT will certainly fulfill the living expectation of the government and people specially the deprived and hapless through ‘Aap Ka Paisa Aap Ke Haath’. We hope more schemes shall be... more
An attempt has been made to quantify the targeting of the microfinance and its economic impact on the borrowers. The study has employed the Difference of the Difference Approach to find the net effect of microfinance by employing data... more
Gegen die in der Literatur zu Blockchainanwendungen verbreitete These, diese erforderten kein nutzerseitiges Vertrauen oder generierten ein neuartiges „vertrauenloses Vertrauen“, wird in diesem Beitrag zunächst gezeigt, dass auch in der... more
The growth of microfinance sector in India has been remarkable over last two decades. In new micro financial management self-help groups found an important place. The self-help group model has given attention in as possible way of... more
For the past few decades, microfinance has played a significant role in banking the unbanked, but its impact on poverty has been disputed. Gradually, the attention of policymakers shifted to financial inclusion, hoping that financial... more
Soybean is promoted as one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein, good for health. One variant of soybean is edamame. In Indonesia, edamame is often mentioned as Japanese soybeans and is synonymous with Jember Regency. Indeed,... more
L'incapacité de produire des informations comptables fiables, l'absence des garanties suffisantes, l'inexistence d'un système d'information et de management optimal susceptible de
This article focuses on the consequences of the Indian lockdown in terms of debt. It is based on an ongoing study in a rural area of Tamil Nadu, South India. It draws on a long-term knowledge of this region, longitudinal quantitative... more
The global fight on poverty has been consistently defeated at the sub-Sahara African front, as this social menace strengths its grips in the region. In Nigeria, the issue of poverty is widely discussed and new policy strands articulated... more
This article explores the intricate relationship between land reforms, caste, and gender in India, particularly in Tamil Nadu against the backdrop of broader socio-economic development goals. Land reform policies in India initiated... more
Ckkxokuh iQlyks a dh ubZ mUur fdLeks a dk fodklµv'kks d fla g
The high rate of default among Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCAs) in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State necessitates studies to understand the underlying cause. To this end, this study assessed the effect of... more
The increased focus of central banks on financial inclusion has prompted banks to explore innovative means of reaching out the financially excluded section. In that process, various banks propose to adopt several models to reach the... more
The significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has increased in the global corporate landscape, as organizations increasingly acknowledge the importance of making positive contributions to society and the environment. Islamic... more
Islamic microfinance programs have been used, for some time in Bangladesh, as an instrument to empower women and fight poverty. Women are specifically targeted by Islamic microfinance under the rural development scheme of Islami Bank... more
Kitabu hiki ni mwongozo wa kusajili vikundi vya kijamii vya huduma ndogo za fedha ikiwemo VICOBA, VSLA, SILC, COCOBA, CCMGs, IR VICOBA, Benki Imani na aina nyingine ambavyo vinatakiwa kutimiza matakwa ya sheria ya fedha ya mwaka 2018
The taste of the pudding is in eating, so is the case of any policy prerogative that is initiated in the name of well being of millions of tillers, who leave no stone unturned to produce the produce-food grains, of land, which only... more
BRAC provides microcredit to the landless and marginal borrowers to accelerate agribusiness activities in the rural areas. The prime objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of microcredit program on household income of the... more
Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) play an important role in making services available to the financially excluded masses, especially the needy and the informal sector. MFIs do not only have a considerable influence in reducing poverty but... more
The inherent features of microfinance institution afford these institutions the potential to absorb unskilled and semiskilled labour to nurture as well as promote small scale enterprises. However, in the Ghanaian economy, these benefits... more
Due to the recent financial crisis, micro finance institutions cannot afford to be indifferent to fraud risk management practices in the battle for survival, financial sustainability and self-sufficiency. Microfinance institutions serve... more
This article investigates the economic impact of continuing borrowers’ participation in the microcredit programme on poverty eradication in Bangladesh. A panel data set was collected through a field survey for the years 2013–2016 to... more
The current emphasis in the microfinance industry is a shift from donor-funded to commercially sustainable operations. This article evaluates the impact of access to microloans from the Khushhali Bank-Pakistan"s first and largest... more
A lack of resources to improve inputs and tools is the fundamental cause of the lack of food security, according to families and organizations interviewed in marginalized and isolated communities (MICs) in Latin America. Families living... more
The risk of indebtedness across region level is higher among the households having less human and physical assets and human resources. However, because of their better borrowing capacities, the extent of indebtedness among them is... more
यस खण्डमा, मैले कानूनको एक व्यापक सिद्धान्त विकास गर्ने प्रयास गरेको छु। मैले सामाजिक सैद्धान्तिक प्रारम्भिक बिन्दुहरूलाई मुख्यतया निकोलस लुहमानको सिद्धान्तमा आधारित गरेको छु र तदनुसार समाजलाई व्यापक वास्तविकताको अवधारणात्मक-प्रणालीगत... more
Micro- enterprises creates rapid employment opportunities with relatively low capital investment, builds up more equitable circulation of national income, makes effective mobilization of untapped capital and human skills. The present... more