Recent papers in Rubrics
Dans le cadre des activités de l’Association Nationale des Enseignants de Français du Liban (ANEFL), cette formation, donnée les 15 et 22 octobre 2022, visait à initier les participants à l’utilisation des grilles d’évaluation critériées... more
Starting with a limited sample of Bernardino da Feltre's sermons (62-66, as they appear in the Varischi edition and the manuscripts A17-A18), the essay aims to advance some linguistic considerations on their vernacular parts by examining... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı "ilkokul öğrencilerine yönelik problem çözme testi ve dereceli puanlama anahtarı" geliştirmek ve psikometrik özelliklerini belirlemektir. Araştırma nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama türünde tasarlanmıştır.... more
Si bien se han publicado numerosas experiencias sobre las posibilidades de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educación en general, no existen, hasta la fecha, publicaciones o revisiones específicas sobre su aplicación en una materia... more
El 2002 es va demanar a l'Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) el projecte "L'aprenentatge cooperatiu com a eina de millora de la qualitat docent" el qual perseguia, entre d'altres, tres objectius principals. El... more
The master thesis is usually conceived as a tutored individual work in which the student develops different competences to achieve a well defined goal. These competences are usually a subset of those defined in the master program and... more
Graus i màster grau d'Educació Social; grau de Pedagogia; grau de mestre d'Educació Primària i grau de mestre d'Educació Infantil 2-RESUM I DESCRIPTORS 2.1. Resum Durant el curs 2018-2019, professors i professores que imparteixen docència... more
The current study describes the process of development and validation of a rubric for assessing educational robotics skills among middle school students. A multiphase method has been followed, including a literature study, expert... more
Researchers in education often struggle with multi-group designs, especially when testing theory-driven hypotheses. This study introduces Planned Contrast Analysis (PCA) as a precise and underused statistical tool that surpasses ANOVA and... more
The study attemps to identify the sources of the Leitourgikon printed at Dealu Monastery (Wallachia) in 1646. Thus, this edition is here compared with some of the most important Ruthenian Sluzhebniki printed in the first half of the... more
In the current European context, and in the Spanish in particular, with the entire system in global crisis, where everything moves fast and few things remain unaltered, the university has the challenge of training people to be prepared to... more
Clearly states the purpose of the lab, objectives are welldefined and relevant. Provides a general overview of the lab, objectives are stated but may be unclear.
Presented at the NASPA International Assessment & Retention Conferenc
Algorithmic thinking is a key element for individuals to be aligned with the computer era. Its study is important not only in the context of computer science but also in mathematics education and all STEAM contexts. However, despite its... more
The goal of the present study was to design a program to support tutoring through the creation of learning strategies to impact students’ academic development, promote attitudes of self and peer evaluation, based on evaluation criteria... more
In order to systemically improve student achievement in elementary literacy, a large urban school district partnered with a local university to develop a model for high-quality professional development that hopefully would result in... more
La socioformación es un enfoque educativo que promueve el desarrollo integral de competencias a través del aprendizaje situado y colaborativo, orientado a la resolución de problemas reales. Este artículo presenta la planeación de un curso... more
With E. Joan Blum, editors. The Second Draft: Bulletin of the Legal Writing Institute 9-14 (1994-2000).
This study aims to introduce the information seeking anxiety construct as a phenomenon among postgraduate students. It also presents the Information Seeking Anxiety Scale (ISAS) as a valid and reliable instrument. Further, the current... more
This is the author's manuscript for a work that has been accepted for publication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as copyediting, final layout, and pagination, may not be reflected in this document. The publisher... more
Competencias de carácter instrumental Capacidad de análisis y síntesis Si Capacidad de organizar y planificar Si Conocimientos generales básicos Si Conocimientos básicos de la profesión Si Comunicación oral y escrita en la propia lengua... more
Background Even though several initiatives have been undertaken in different locations worldwide to collect clinical data in homeopathy, it is important to further investigate these aspects in the context of health care in India.... more
Background: Learning how to write a scientific paper is a mandatory part of medical education at many universities. The criteria for passing the exam are not always clear; the grading guidelines are often sparse and sometimes poorly... more
El objetivo de la investigación presentado en este artículo es el conocer cuáles son instrumentos de evaluación más empleados entre el profesorado de educación primaria en la provincia de Valencia. Este objetivo inicial pretende, en... more
Libro de Actas | 100 XVI Symposium Internacional sobre el Prácticum y las prácticas externas: "Prácticas externas virtuales versus presenciales: transformando los retos en oportunidades para la innovación." SYMPOSIUM AUTOORGANIZADO... more
In this paper, we consider the survivable network design problem for simultaneous unicast and anycast flow requests. We assume that the network is modeled by a connected and undirected graph. This problem aims at finding a set of... more
Panorama du développement de la recherche qualitative : Analyse critique des thèses produites en sciences humaines et sociales depuis dix ans (1996-2005), en langue française dans les universités francophones au Québec. Recherches... more
how this study operates within them from the researcher's perspective. Subsequent chapters provide the individual, detailed case studies of programs and institutions purposefully selected for examination. The final, summary chapter... more
The current study investigates the impact of rubrics on developing the writing performance of thirty-three Kurdish EFL university students (English Language Department -University of Halabja). In addition, it examines how... more
Esta comunicación presenta el estudio del ePortafolios de evidencias multimedias para la evaluación formativa de los aprendizajes en las prácticas externas, analizando la naturaleza de las evidencias presentadas como las anotaciones... more
Libro de Actas | 100 XVI Symposium Internacional sobre el Prácticum y las prácticas externas: "Prácticas externas virtuales versus presenciales: transformando los retos en oportunidades para la innovación." SYMPOSIUM AUTOORGANIZADO... more
Technology impact assessments in high-schools give different results depending on the context. However, there are coincidences as to the important role of teachers in successful experiences, especially when they carry out an analysis of... more
Rubrics have been developed to assess the proposal, interim report, final report and proposal as related to the engineering capstone project, to better assess the performance of the students and provide feedback to the students. The... more
Rubrics have been developed to assess the proposal,interim report, final report and proposal as related to theengineering capstone project, to better assess theperformance of the students and provide feedback to thestudents. The... more
This document has 3 different rubrics, each specializing in their own writing skill. Each rubric is sectioned into 6 different categories on a scale from 1 (very poor) -5 (excellent)
In this study, the classroom teachers of 4th and 5th grade in mathematics lessons using the teaching materials the specified conditions in the program have been investigated. The scope of this research is the classroom teachers who work... more
Engineering students are required to have, by the time of graduation, a set of professional skills related to teamwork, oral and written communications, impact of engineering solutions, life-long learning, and knowledge of contemporary... more
Rubrics are one of the most effective ways of assessing creative writing. However, narrative creative writing is often not properly assessed. The reason is that assessing creativity is difficult.The workshop model is usually the most... more
Comparing three article about research method in qualitative and quantitative to understanding the strengthens and weakness of the article
paper describes an approach that has been adopted at the American University in Bulgaria in order to assess the Computer Science degree program for accreditation purposes.
Self-assessment is a modern method of assessment that is being largely discussed with regards to its advantages and disadvantages when compared to other assessment methods. This article tries to clarify the picture and shed some light on... more
This study examines students’ views regarding two types of feedback: that obtained through rubrics and that given by the class tutor (rubrics and in-class feedback, respectively). We constructed an ad hoc questionnaire to assess students’... more